IRC log of #cubox of Wed 09 Jul 2014. All times are in CEST < Back to index

17:45 kaipee hey all
17:45 kaipee so which OS image is the new website talking about when it states full HD + 3D support?
17:49 Catwich kaipee: I suppose it just refers to the general hardware features
17:50 kaipee Catwich so it's just advertising the potential and not that it's currently capable?
17:50 Catwich thats wrong
17:50 Catwich it is currently capable of what is beeing stated
17:51 Catwich I have seen both OpenGL-ES amd FullHD video playback work on my cubox-iu
17:52 Catwich but I cant say which distro does all outofthebox currently
17:52 Catwich maybe someone else can
17:52 Catwich android may be a candidate here
17:56 kaipee so hardware video acceleration is now working fine with the correct modules?
17:58 Catwich I can only speak for 3.0.35 kernel and h.264
17:58 Catwich it worked fine
18:00 rabeeh kaipee: HummingBoard uses the same MicroSOM as in CuBox-i
18:01 rabeeh since CuBox-i already supported in xbmc with accelerated video then HB supports it
18:01 rabeeh personally i'v tried the HB-i1 and works
18:01 rabeeh HB-i2ex support is being added in means of kernel dts and dtb support
18:02 kaipee thanks rabeeh, though I'm talking about the CuBox-i
18:03 rabeeh so video acceleration in xbmc has been around for few months
18:03 kaipee I was just wondering about the current state of things with the cuBox-i and if full hardware acceleration is working yet - as it wasn't last time I tried it, and the new website is advertising full HD + 3D support
18:04 rabeeh are you specifically looking for desktop like accelerated? or xbmc?
18:04 rabeeh they differ in their nature
18:07 kaipee ideally I'd like a Linux desktop with the ability to launch XBMC fullscreen
18:07 kaipee both hardware accelerated
18:07 kaipee that's what I'm holding out for
18:08 kaipee though I guess Android may do as it will allow XBMC app and a web browser.....though not ideal
18:08 jnettlet kaipee, it is doable, but I would have to revive/update my Xorg port for XBMC
18:08 jnettlet I had it working on an older XBMC release
18:18 pahartik jnettlet: Did anything happen with Linux 3.10 kernel?
18:48 jnettlet pahartik, announcement will be very very soon
18:51 malte ohla
19:02 pahartik jnettlet: Acknowledged