IRC log of #cubox of Mon 14 Jul 2014. All times are in CEST < Back to index

12:43 quitte what is the non-placed square bga on the usom?
12:50 quitte hmm. it seems to be to accomodate for the bcm4329/bcm4330
13:00 jnettlet quitte, one is for the bcm4329, the other for the bcm4330
13:01 jnettlet if you have the bga's positioned at the top then the left is for 4329, and the right is for 4330
13:29 rabeeh the pictures are old; we need to renew them
13:29 rabeeh black bga is bcm4330; silver is bcm4329
16:33 Fortuona good day everyone
16:33 Fortuona I have been writing a wiki page for opensuse:
16:34 Fortuona and I'd like to set i2eX to incompatibke too for now, but dont know how
16:34 Fortuona and, is it possible to use a different color from red? something like "untested"
16:35 Fortuona maybe yellow?
21:22 rabeeh Fortuona: great !
21:24 mhoney is there a different channel for the hummingboard?
21:24 rabeeh mhoney: same channel
21:24 mhoney k thx
21:25 rabeeh there were thoughts to change it to #solidrun
21:26 mhoney good idea
22:02 Artox [21:23] Fortuona: great !
22:02 Artox indeed
22:20 richardjortega hello
22:24 richardjortega hello
22:26 richardjortega is it best to keep Ubuntu (I believe 11.10) image that is on the CuBox website, or upgrade it to 12.04/12.10? Also has anyone got wifi to work?
22:32 mhoney I use the jessie image which works well with the wifi
22:34 Artox richardjortega: I'd suggest not to update the ubuntu image, at least for me that didnt give me any additional features, and broke accelerated graphics
22:34 Artox and mhoney is right, the jessie image is not bad
22:34 richardjortega ok cool
22:35 richardjortega i'm standing up rails on it for testing
22:35 richardjortega jessie image is arch?
22:35 Artox its debian
22:36 richardjortega oh cool, then I should be able to get Rails package in there
22:36 richardjortega sorry for the all questions, forums and wiki are all over the place (With old references, some dead links and such)
22:37 richardjortega do USB wifi modules work?
22:42 Artox maybe
22:42 Artox maybe not
22:43 richardjortega i bought a Freescale iMX6 dev board cause I liked the specs, then when I saw CuBox, I'm like someone already put together in a small form factor with the iMX6 platform
22:43 richardjortega I was able to get Ubuntu running on that, but it still was older version and there was no wifi module on the dev board from Freescale
22:43 richardjortega appreciate the help @Artox and @mhoney
22:47 Artox you know, you can always compile your own kernel and add the modules you need
22:48 richardjortega That is likely a path I'll have to take, I'm not super familiar with any of that, but it seems like it'd be fun to learn
22:48 richardjortega I will definitely look into that, I'm way better at making apps than working with Linux lol
22:49 Artox I see
22:51 Artox looks like you'll have to get used to it anyway
22:52 richardjortega yeah, this is a work project and my embedded knowledge is very limited
22:52 richardjortega that's why CuBox was entertaining to us... Drop a Linux distro (similar to RPi with more cores and RAM), then we have a small server we can stand up
22:53 Artox ah
22:53 Artox so you dont actually need any fancy gpu work done?
22:54 richardjortega nope, not really, it's a nice feature in case we add some other hw feature that may utilize it
22:54 richardjortega actually this could be all command line/headless, just need wifi
22:54 richardjortega just DLed the debian jessie distro and will flash it now
22:55 Artox in the near future it should be fine to use simply the mainline kernel
22:55 Artox it jsut wont have gpu stuff
23:12 richardjortega last question... how are people using GParted to expand their partitions? I'm familiar with GParted and how to do the process, but I can't seem to get CuBox to boot from USB from GParted Live USB (using 'usbboot' in U-Boot prompt)
23:16 Artox well
23:16 Artox you wont
23:17 Artox 1) gparted live is not for arm
23:17 Artox 2) I am not aware of a standard for how to boot external drives on arm
23:17 Artox we jsut stick the sdcard into our PC
23:17 Artox usually