IRC log of #cubox of Tue 15 Jul 2014. All times are in CEST < Back to index

00:19 jmontleon richardjortega, probably using a card reader in their desktop and using gparted there
00:22 richardjortega how do you load up GParted in windows to use that card reader? I even installed GParted in a VMWare instance but couldn't get VMWare to had over via the Card Reader
00:24 deniska it's much easier if you just run linux
00:24 deniska but you may use any live cd around
00:27 richardjortega @deniska do you mean to load up linux on another computer, run GParted app there? I have difficulty loading via my computer's card reader.. maybe I should buy a USB card reader?
00:28 deniska richardjortega: yes, you don't have to boot from a card reader
00:28 deniska just boot from usb flash drive
01:30 bartoli Hey guys, I'm trying to get my remote working with my cubox-i4, archlinux and xbmc
01:30 bartoli I'm not using lirc
01:31 bartoli My remote is a old tv remote using NEC
01:32 bartoli Using my own research, I made a keymap and loading it up with ir-keytable
01:33 bartoli When testing 'ir-keytable -t'
01:33 bartoli I can see the cubox picking up de signals and using the correct 'key' in the map
01:34 bartoli In xbmc hower I don't get any response
01:34 bartoli In xbmc however I don't get any response
01:35 bartoli It doesn't get any signals from the remot
01:35 bartoli The attached keyboard and mouse are working fine
01:37 bartoli I know it is not a specific cubox problem
01:38 bartoli But perhaps somebody hear tried something simular
01:38 bartoli But perhaps somebody here tried something simular
18:34 Bartoli I'm trying to get a ir remote to work with my cubox-i4, using archlinux
18:34 Bartoli The problem is that xbmc doesn't seem to get the remote output
18:35 Bartoli ir-keytable -t shows the signals and the mapped keys correctly
18:35 Bartoli But in xbmc the remote has no effect
18:36 Bartoli I tried to work without the lirc and using the inbuilt kernel drivers
18:37 Bartoli Still can't find a statisfactory solution from google...