IRC log of #cubox of Wed 16 Jul 2014. All times are in CEST < Back to index

02:29 richardjortega has anyone got wifi working? i'm just trying to list the hardware in the Debian Wheezy from Gunnar Wolf? I can't even find a way to list hardware
02:48 mhoney i have it working
02:48 mhoney just edit your interfaces file and add wlan0
04:16 _dab_ rabeeh: how did you go with my switch?
13:53 purch where are original cubox forums?
13:54 lubiana purch:
13:54 purch thx
13:54 lubiana np
13:56 purch have to upgrade it to ubuntu 14.04, easier to maintain servers with same package versions etc.
14:19 lubiana that is why i use debian for servers :)
14:21 purch does ubuntu LTS and debian version differ much?
14:24 lubiana dunno.
14:25 lubiana but yeah, ubuntu 14.04 is lts
14:25 lubiana forgot that
19:05 q4tester hello
19:11 mhoney hello
19:16 rabeeh q4tester: hi
19:16 rabeeh mhoney: hi
19:32 mhoney hi rabeeh
19:35 malte hi
19:41 rabeeh hey malte
19:41 malte hey rabeeh
19:43 q4tester trying to interface the wandboard OV5640 camera from econsystems to the cubox-i quad
19:44 q4tester anyone ever hooked up a camera to the microsom in the channel ?
19:44 rabeeh which one is that?
19:44 rabeeh the one that hooks directly to their SOM?
19:45 q4tester
19:46 q4tester from the wandboard schematic it looks like it's just the csi clk, four data lanes and rnext
19:46 q4tester
19:47 q4tester trying to figure out how I can have sdcard daughter board and still access the csi
19:47 rabeeh q4tester: i suggest for you to look at HummingBoard; there is a 15pin header that you can map as-is
19:48 rabeeh two mipi csi lanes; i2c and on/off
19:48 q4tester okay
19:48 rabeeh what i mean is hack a flex cable that trimms the 30pin to 15pin
19:49 rabeeh
19:49 rabeeh that's HummingBoard schematics
19:51 q4tester thanks
19:51 q4tester should give me a clue
19:52 q4tester a daughter board that provides gigabit ethernet and camera interface would be so amazing for this SOM
19:53 q4tester POE too
19:54 rabeeh yeah; POE has been requested for both CuBox-i and HummingBoard for a long time.
20:06 q4tester just bought a hummingbird, so I can try it out
20:06 q4tester been working with imx6 vpu for quite some time, it is a beast I love it
20:07 q4tester so there's no difference between the micro som that comes with the humming bird vs. buying the microsom and then adding a carrier ?
20:07 q4tester hope not
20:08 jnettlet q4tester, nope
20:16 jmontleon rabeeh, from your post on the forums, sounds like if you use a dual or quad on the hummingboard it should probably be ok without heat sink as long as your not taxing the graphics?
20:19 rabeeh q4tester: jnettlet, rmk and lots others have been swapping their MicroSOMs on HummingBoards rev 2.0, and now rev 3.0 with CuBox-i without worries :)
20:20 rabeeh jmontleon: highly depends on how you use it
20:20 rabeeh i'v found that the quad core maxes at ~900mA from the 5V on HummingBoard when not using the GPU
20:20 rabeeh in my case it's good enough not to reach the 90c where it starts slowing things down
20:21 rabeeh just to make things clear; even if you run it with the gpu, vpu, quad and put it in an oven; no damage will happen since it will start slowing itself at 90c to lower frequencies
20:21 rabeeh in my case; the oven is set to 45c :)
20:21 rabeeh not a baking oven :)
20:21 q4tester lol
20:22 rabeeh the gc2k sucks lots of power
20:23 rabeeh because of the quad shader it has and the memory I/O it generates on the DDR interface
20:23 rabeeh oh; and here is a photo of the heatsink -
20:23 rabeeh
20:24 rabeeh anyone guess that it's going to be a RED heatsink? :)
20:24 jmontleon lol, understood rabeeh
20:24 jmontleon I have a microfan/heatsink coming that I plan to attach, but good to know it won't bake itself regardless :)
20:26 jmontleon rabeeh, looks nice :)
20:26 malte nice:)
20:27 rabeeh it's also pretty good in getting the heat out
20:27 jmontleon are you guys going to sell those heat sinks or is it something off the shelf from somewhere already?
20:27 rabeeh today the screws are up; next rev it will be screws down going all the way through HB
20:27 rabeeh they will be provided for free on each HB
20:27 rabeeh sorry; HB-i2ex
20:27 rabeeh HB-i2 will be a simple self adhesive heatsink
20:28 rabeeh HB-i1 doesn't request heatsink
20:28 jmontleon what if you buy the quad microsom with HB?
20:28 rabeeh two RED heatsinks then :)
20:29 rabeeh one RED heatsink
20:29 rabeeh actually the differences are not so huge; it's typically extra 150-200mA per processor
20:30 rabeeh ok; time to go home
20:31 rabeeh i'm taking few days off; will be back Tuesday.
20:31 rabeeh ttyl all
20:31 jmontleon enjoy rabeeh !
20:31 rabeeh thanks jmontleon
20:33 rabeeh i wonder what i should be taking to the vacation
20:33 rabeeh Hummingboard or CuBox-i
20:33 rabeeh HummingBoard this time.
20:54 q4tester any buildroot config for cubox-i ?