IRC log of #cubox of Sat 19 Jul 2014. All times are in CEST < Back to index

12:08 noobtube hello world
12:08 noobtube Anyone in here?
12:13 noobtube hello
12:13 _dv_ noobtube: barely
12:14 dv_ noobtube: just state your questions and wait for answer.
12:16 noobtube Is there a solution in the works for the limited color space for older tvs that can't handle the full colorspace the cubox-i is outputting? I have read every thread in the forums and no solution has been found as of yet.
13:03 sam_nazarko thanks satellit
13:04 dv_ noobtube: sounds like something more generic, doesnt it?
13:04 dv_ like, HDMI <-> older TV
13:04 dv_ so perhaps there are modules for that
13:05 dv_ I suspect other devices with hdmi output will have similar problems with older TVs
13:16 noobtube Its because the cubox-i outputs using the "computer " full range 0-255. The tv expects via HDMI to be 'tv' color space. i.e. 16-235. the result is the blacks are crushed
13:17 noobtube all tv boxes i have owned in the past (g-box midnight, atv2) do not have this problem as it outputs in 16-235 color space.
13:20 noobtube I am just wondering if any devs are looking into it in the near future or it is a minor problem that does not have priority at the moment. (since this can be compensated with newer TVs)