IRC log of #cubox of Mon 21 Jul 2014. All times are in CEST < Back to index

00:00 heap okay
00:40 bart_voyager how is the media support on the hummingboard/cubox? Does it play 1080p content? On any player (mplayer/vlc) or a specific player (XBMC only) is needed?
01:21 cbxbiker61 1080p is good with xbmc
01:23 bart_voyager cbxbiker61: my goal is to avoid xbmc, currently I use a RPi with a custom web interface which calls omxplayer
01:24 bart_voyager is there a cmd tool to play video-accelerated media on the system?
01:24 cbxbiker61 if i'm not mistaken, you could probably use gstreamer
01:27 bart_voyager cbxbiker61: cool, thx!
20:25 jenkins101 Hi!
20:25 Artox Hullo
20:25 jenkins101 any news on HD audio for cuboxi?
20:25 Artox no clue
20:26 jenkins101 rabeeh: ?
20:33 richardjortega anyone get wifi working on Debian Wheezy yet?
20:33 malte_ i installed xbian and disabled xbmc
20:33 malte_ works fine
20:35 richardjortega interesting
20:35 richardjortega i wonder why it works on that, but not on the Debian Wheezy that Gunnar Wolf released?
20:35 richardjortega I may download that and see what's included that I can't find inside of my current distro
21:00 kgp_ @malte: Good idea.
21:03 malte_ its just a workaround
21:03 malte_ not a real solution
21:03 malte_ :)
23:31 jenkins101 anyone good at gpio ir and dts