IRC log of #cubox of Tue 22 Jul 2014. All times are in CEST < Back to index

00:27 deniska Anyone experienced wifi problems with 3.10.30 kernel (in arch linux arm)?
00:30 deniska It stops working after a while until I reboot device
15:04 tekk hey guys
15:05 tekk i've installed debian-jessi via the solid-run image on my cubox i4pro
15:05 tekk however, the kernel doesn't include the tun module and i can't seem to find kernel sources to build it either... can anyone help with either a precompiled version or a link to the kernel sources (as iptables seem missing too)
15:16 tekk i've found
15:16 tekk i think i'm gonna follow steps but just compile in tun/iptables and replace my kernel
15:16 tekk it should work i guess
17:26 rabeeh looks like freenode is messy today; lots of netsplits
18:46 tekk anyone?
18:55 rabeeh tekk: here
18:55 tekk do you know much about kernel's on the cubox?
18:55 rabeeh cubox? or cubox-i?
18:55 tekk cubox-i sorry
18:55 rabeeh go ahead
18:55 rabeeh maybe i can help you
18:56 tekk i'm using an i4-pro with the debian jessi image from solidrun
18:56 tekk it comes with a kernel that has no tun or iptables
18:56 rabeeh ah ok
18:56 rabeeh i'm seeing your messages on the log
18:56 tekk i have experience with kernels on conventional systems... i was about to recompile the kernel (of course researching how to do that for a cubox first)
18:56 tekk then came across this:
18:56 tekk i think that guy may have included tun (as he included iptables).
18:57 tekk i just wondered if that was the right thing for me ?
18:57 tekk i don't use any biult in flash etc... i just flashed a micro-sd and put it in my cubox
18:57 tekk (i've had my cubox for about 2 months but only powered it on about 1 day ago for the first time :))
18:59 rabeeh so you need iptables?
18:59 rabeeh or tun?
18:59 rabeeh i'm uploading right now a Debian jessi image that has CONFIG_TUN enabled
18:59 rabeeh but not CONFIG_NETFILTER
19:00 rabeeh based on kernel 3.0.35
19:03 tekk i need both really
19:03 tekk CONFIG_TUN for VPN
19:04 tekk and CONFIG_NETFILTER to allow the VPN to route traffic
19:04 tekk i'm not sure if the files in are for a cubox or cubox-u
19:04 tekk cubox-i*
19:04 tekk the last step was create a link from /boot/cubox-3.6.11-uImage to /boot/uImage lol
19:04 tekk fingers crossed
19:05 deniska 3.10.30 from arch linux arm has those things enabled >_>
19:07 tekk :o
19:07 tekk i should try that i supose
19:07 Artox tekk: judging by the kernel version 3.6.11 the were not for cubox-i
19:07 tekk is tehre any kernel guide for cubox?
19:07 tekk documentation?
19:08 Artox ofcourse
19:08 cbxbiker61 yes, my kernel has tun module
19:08 Artox
19:08 Artox the instructions are pretty nice I'd say
19:09 Artox yiou know, I keep wondering why poeple always suggest to unpack compressed binaries ....
19:13 tekk cheers
19:13 tekk cbxbiker61, hi i wrote back
19:13 tekk i think i've used the wrong script of yours
19:13 tekk as the one you posted had a broken link
19:13 tekk my cubox has now gone offline :S
19:14 tekk i have an i4-pro and just want to install a kernel with tun/iptables really :D
19:15 tekk oo its come back to life
19:15 tekk 3.0.35-g0f2006c-dirty
19:15 tekk but with the old kernel seemingly
19:16 tekk i'm assuming is for the cubox i? (i.e. my i4pro
19:16 Artox yes
19:17 tekk "Assuming we're on a dove-cubox"
19:18 tekk so without going poking around, just following cbxbiker61 's post... it seems the files are not on his server any longer
19:19 cbxbiker61 3.10.49
19:19 tekk 3.11.9 works, should i use that or 3.10.49 ?
19:19 tekk ah sorry i tried 3.10.49 its missing
19:19 tekk (see hte pasting)
19:19 tekk 3.11.9 seems to have the files there though?
19:19 cbxbiker61 is this a cubox-i ?
19:20 tekk cubox i4-pro
19:20 tekk i have no idea what a dove-cubox is
19:20 cbxbiker61 does it say imx-imx when runs?
19:20 deniska probably previous cubox, without -i
19:21 tekk no
19:21 tekk here is my /proc/cpuinfo
19:21 cbxbiker61 which kernel was stock on your distro, 3.0.x? if so that wouldn't use a SPL u-boot, which would be a problem...
19:22 cbxbiker61 since my 3.10.x stuff expects to run on a SPL u-boot
19:22 tekk 3.0.35-g0f2006c-dirty
19:22 tekk i'm running the jessi image from solid run just flashed to micro-sd
19:23 cbxbiker61 yeah, i'd say you better off running a distro that has already mitgrated to the SPL u-boot way of doing things, that's were all of the actuion will be in the future
19:24 tekk hmm
19:24 tekk i got my image from here
19:25 tekk i tried ubuntu first, but it was a terrible image, now i'm on debian jessi
19:25 tekk what's your recommended way of getting a debian variant that supports SPL u-boot on the i4-pro?
19:25 cbxbiker61 i thought they had two images...
19:26 tekk not that i can see? i'd rather just flash an image if possible, otherwise i'll have to follow this
19:28 cbxbiker61 it's possible to tack the dts on the tail of the zImage for older versions, i just don't have time to do that now, and am not in the position to test it either
19:29 tekk i'd rather go with your suggestion and move to a SPL u-boot supporting image
19:29 tekk is a sensible approach?
19:31 cbxbiker61 it should work
19:31 tekk ok i'll give that a go, then run your script again after
19:31 tekk thanks for your help
20:35 rabee 20:35 * rabeeh bans *!*
20:35 rabeeh first ban on #cubox; i have no idea who those are but they have been joining and leaving #cubox for the last few days
20:39 malte_ :)
21:11 richardjortega has anyone got wifi working on debian wheezy?
21:12 richardjortega i even bought Panda Wireless and Edimax USB wifi adpaters (That work well I hear on Raspbian), but no luck on Gannar Wolf's Debian Wheezy distro for cubox
21:21 richardjortega also for debian is there a place I can install linux-headers from? I saw ArchLinux had decent support in this regard
21:22 kgp_ yes
21:22 kgp_ you have a post about it.
21:22 kgp_ let's me check
21:22 richardjortega for Debian? I looked around like crazy
21:22 richardjortega trying my damnest to get wifi working in Debian and then will post a guide to this madness
21:23 kgp_ do you have this file?
21:23 kgp_ /etc/network/interfaces
21:24 richardjortega yes
21:24 richardjortega what do you have when you type "lsmod"?
21:24 bencoh on cubox-i ?
21:24 richardjortega yeah
21:24 richardjortega right now i'm using the Gunnar Wolf Debian Wheezy distro
21:24 bencoh dunno specifically about debian but it shouldnt change anything
21:24 richardjortega it's serial only, no desktop or anything
21:25 bencoh recent kernel from rabeeh's fsl tree works
21:25 richardjortega and that has the wifi kernel module already compiled inside of it?
21:25 bencoh or even fsl tree itself, I dont remember
21:26 kgp_ for archlinux
21:26 kgp_
21:26 bencoh richardjortega: hmm I build my own kernel, so ...
21:27 richardjortega yeah, i'm not familiar with that process. i'm like one day away from just doing that
21:27 richardjortega i'm having difficulty just finding a solid distro (Specifically Debian, its a work requirement)
21:28 richardjortega i'm still trying to get my head around this level of linux, i'm more of an app dev
21:28 kgp_ I *think* for debian it was easier.
21:28 kgp_ my /etc/network/interfaces
21:30 richardjortega i don't show wlan0 anywhere under `ip link show`, `ifconfig`, etc
21:30 richardjortega whether it's the onboard Broadcom chipset, or two other wireless USB devices I've purchased that heard work well on RPi (Panda and Edimax)
21:30 kgp_
21:30 kgp_ Can you try that?
21:31 kgp_ just after allow-hotplug wlan0
21:31 kgp_ including allow-hotplug wlan0
21:33 richardjortega let me check my file
21:33 richardjortega i'll make a quick gist, thank you guys for help/insight in this
21:40 kgp_ It's working?
21:51 rabeeh richardjortega: can you try this image?
21:51 rabeeh
21:51 rabeeh just uploaded to the download website; still based on LK 3.0.35 but has wifi working (both bcm4329 / bcm4330) and ethernet working from boot
21:52 rabeeh accelerated X
21:52 rabeeh to get wifi working easiest is 'sudo apt-get install wicd'
21:52 rabeeh please give it a try
21:52 malte_ :)
21:52 rabeeh i'v added tons of modules to it
21:52 kgp_ ohhhh :)
21:53 kgp_ I missed this image
21:53 kgp_ thank you !
21:53 rabeeh it's new
21:53 rabeeh i was hoping we can get LK 3.10.x with it; but not yet
21:55 richardjortega rabeeh: just finished downloading it, will flash it now
21:55 rabeeh ok
21:55 rabeeh you will need to manually resize the second partition
21:56 kgp_ gparted is cool for that ;)
21:56 rabeeh yup
21:56 rabeeh the image works on HummingBoard and CuBox-i (all of their versions)
21:57 kgp_ I like that ;) before you were having a different image right?
21:57 rabeeh yup
21:58 rabeeh basically it's all up to u-boot; with it's SPL support different MicroSOM configs are detected
21:58 sam_nazarko That's great, is the U-Boot upstream or we must build a specific SolidRun one?
21:58 rabeeh with some pull up and pull downs either HummingBoard and CuBox-i carriers is detected
21:58 rabeeh SolidRun one; just recently u-boot added SPL to it's i.mx6 support so we can now upstream that support (but we are not there yet)
21:59 rabeeh i must say that the differences are not so big; it's only 2-3 files total
21:59 sam_nazarko I will take upstream and apply a diff then
22:00 bencoh rabeeh: what's 3.10.x status btw ?
22:00 bencoh (and why linaro ?)
22:01 richardjortega does the Broadcom hardware in the CuBoxi4Pro have AP/infrastructure mode ability?
22:01 rabeeh bencoh: LK 3.10.x had issues with memory leaks when using multiple cameras in the vpu side; also memory leaks when it comes to GPU using CMA allocations
22:02 rabeeh jnettlet has found tons of issues and will be releasing a new kernel..... soon.... with a slight surprise
22:02 bencoh hmm other that this it works well ?
22:02 sam_nazarko is that slight surprise upstream support with DT?
22:02 rabeeh he has been digging things out even found a serious kernel bug in the vmalloc area
22:02 bencoh ouch
22:02 richardjortega rabeeh: ip link show now shows the wlan0, setting up /etc/network/interfaces now
22:04 kgp_ restoring disk image... Ubuntu is not fun... everything is graphical now :) I was not even forced to find how xz works...
22:05 rabeeh bencoh: jnettlet should be announced chief archaeologist from now on; he has been digging all sort of things from the kernel that probably no one has reached :)
22:05 bencoh haha
22:06 bencoh has he been on a trip to qumran recently or something ? ;p
22:09 rabeeh haha
22:13 rabeeh richardjortega: the broadcom hardware supports AP mode; but we have never touched that
22:13 bencoh adhoc mode works for sure (tested)
22:15 deniska I used cubox-i4 as an AP
22:16 kgp_ Did you tried the openwrt version? Is it interesting ?
22:16 kgp_ copied on my sdcard :) I'll soon know if I love you rabeeh
22:17 malte_ u will
22:17 malte_ :)
22:19 KodiakF What's the fastest / best working 32GB microSD card for the cubox these days?
22:20 rabee 22:20 * rabeeh hides
22:20 KodiakF I'm looking at the Samsung 32GB Pro SHDC
22:21 rabeeh KodiakF: i use SanDisk Extreme Plus on lots of my higher end experiments
22:21 kgp_ user / password?
22:21 rabeeh on HummingBoard (since it has UHS-1 support) it is recognized with SDR104 speeds
22:21 malte_ root cubox-i
22:21 rabeeh hmm....
22:21 rabeeh no
22:21 malte_ debian cubox-i ?
22:21 rabeeh debian/debian
22:21 malte_ :)
22:21 rabeeh and then sudo whatever you want
22:22 kgp_ rabeeh / thepasswordyouuseeverywhere ? :)
22:22 KodiakF rabeeh: Thanks - looks comparable in spec to the Samsung
22:22 rabeeh kgp_: oh; my mistake - it should be evoli/heebar
22:22 rabeeh :)
22:23 malte_ debian debain also works on you account ;)
22:23 kgp_ of where does this 50 mio $us come from?...
22:24 kgp_ can I apt-get update your image?
22:24 rabee 22:24 * rabeeh flees with the money
22:24 rabeeh kgp_: jas-hacks reported that it breaks mesa when updated
22:24 kgp_ ok :(
22:24 rabeeh it's basically his image; repackaged with kernel 3.0.35 and lots of modules and u-boot SPL
22:25 rabeeh kgp_: i know; that's what i was waiting for all the time
22:25 rabeeh getting the whole thing in debian packages that can recognize conflicts and pin problematic packages like mesa
22:26 rabeeh i bet you can do that right now (i don't know how exactly); but pin the mesa packages
22:26 rabeeh and then try apt-get update
22:26 rabeeh which reminds me to reply to mk01; he offered debian packages and a debian repo for CBi that we can simply debootstrap from it
22:28 jas-hacks rabeeh: you should test my 3.10.17 version my Jessi
22:30 rabeeh jas-hacks: what's the difference? besides the kernel?
22:30 rabeeh with more recent 'apt-get update'?
22:30 kgp_ why do you have no wlan0 in /etc/network/interfaces.d?
22:31 rabeeh kgp_: to connect to where?
22:31 jas-hacks rabeeh: yes later 'apt-get' + dv_ gstreamer 1.0 plugins
22:32 rabeeh
22:32 rabeeh or you have a more recent one?
22:33 jas-hacks yes, that's the one
22:33 rabeeh do you recall which gpu driver version it required?
22:33 rabeeh 4.6.9?
22:34 kgp_ What is working in your version? apt-get update? wireless? graphical accel ?
22:34 kgp_ jas <-
22:34 bencoh apt-get is not a real issue once its documented anyway :)
22:35 kgp_ source? :)
22:35 rabeeh bencoh: are you sure? :)
22:35 bencoh pining is not that difficult ;)
22:38 rabeeh richardjortega: what's up? working/not working? happy/unhappy?
22:40 kgp_ May I suggest that you create a file in /etc/network/interface.d/wlan0 with the following lines?
22:40 kgp_ auto wlan0
22:40 kgp_ iface wlan0 inet static
22:40 kgp_ address
22:40 kgp_ netmask
22:40 kgp_ huim sorry
22:40 rabeeh ?
22:41 kgp_ May I suggest to create this "wlan0" file (if it's a reference version)
22:41 kgp_ #auto wlan0
22:42 kgp_ #iface wlan0 inet dhcp
22:42 kgp_ #wpa-ssid "xxxxxxxxx*
22:42 kgp_ #wpa-psk "xxx*
22:42 kgp_ So it's easier to configure access to the network :)
22:45 rabeeh if jas-hacks is nice enough; he would add wicd next time :)
22:46 rabeeh that way you can run wicd gui/cli or whatever and get wifi configured really easy
22:46 kgp_ yes :)
22:47 kgp_ It's boring to install it when you don't have a wire around...
22:47 kgp_ an ethernet wire
22:54 tekk hey guys
22:54 tekk once i follow this guide (about to do it)
22:54 tekk what should i expect from the root filesystem? what user / pass should it be
22:54 kgp_ :( some recommendation to avoid flying to Isreal...
22:55 kgp_ To EU flight companies. It means problems to deliever from Israel to many countries.
22:58 bencoh bleh
22:59 rabeeh kgp_: don't come here if you were planning :)
22:59 rabeeh it's a bit messy around here
23:00 rabeeh luckily our office is in the north side
23:00 bencoh well, not that much in jer
23:00 kgp_ :( time to move to Switzerland... :)
23:02 tekk rabeeh, you part of cubox?
23:02 tekk what timezone is .IL in?
23:05 kgp_ @tekk: rabeeh is the CTO.. the man that made it possible.
23:05 tekk ah, nice
23:05 tekk i received my cubox i4-pro back in April
23:05 tekk after a recommendation from a guy who bought a cubox a long time ago
23:06 tekk finally have goten around to setting it all up... currently building a debian image :)
23:06 tekk fingers crossed!
23:06 tekk if the image comes out nicely, i'll blog on how to make your own and host this one, as one thing i notice as a beginner with a cubox-i... there isn't a lot of info out there
23:07 bencoh there is, but it's a bit scattered :)
23:07 kgp_ Good support on the irc chat... and you have to use google :)
23:07 kgp_ Why not using an existing image?
23:09 tekk the existing images i tried didn't have iptables or tun and didn't use SPL u-boot
23:09 tekk i tried the debian and ubuntu ones from solid-run
23:09 tekk i was advised in here to build my own basically
23:09 kgp_ [22:32]
23:09 kgp_ may interest you ?
23:09 tekk whaaat
23:09 tekk i didn't see that
23:10 tekk i must have been afk
23:10 tekk whats the info on that image/
23:10 rabeeh sorry; back
23:10 kgp_ It seams to work a bit better than previous images ...
23:10 kgp_ Still checking
23:10 tekk does it have tun/iptables kernel modules?
23:11 deniska
23:11 rabeeh just tried jessie-3.10.17_ga; X doesn't come alive
23:12 tekk niice
23:12 tekk :D
23:12 deniska (arch linux...)
23:12 kgp_ sorry wrong link
23:12 rabeeh deniska: Arch X is not accelerated
23:12 tekk deniska, that on the image rabeeh posted and is saying doesn't come alive?
23:12 kgp_ [21:51]
23:12 deniska How do you tell if a guy runs arch linux? He'll tell you =)
23:12 tekk i should try
23:12 deniska rabeeh: Yeah, that's a drawback
23:12 tekk i downloaded a jessi image from there a few days ago, is this one new?
23:13 rabeeh tekk: nop; a new one
23:13 tekk ah nice
23:13 deniska I managed to get EXA driver running though
23:13 deniska But still, chromium is slow
23:13 tekk rabeeh, also has iptables/tun ?
23:13 rabeeh tun yes
23:13 deniska Though recent chromium uses opengl so it may be slow no matter what
23:13 rabeeh iptables nop
23:14 tekk i still have to compile kernel then :S
23:14 tekk does it use SPL u-boot now though? as last image didn't iirc
23:14 rabeeh tekk: yes
23:14 rabeeh sorry for that
23:14 tekk great :)
23:14 tekk that'll make it easier, i can use one of cbxbiker61 images
23:14 rabeeh the main issue that if you enable CONFIG_NETFILTER then even if you don't use iptables it will always hit the performance
23:15 bencoh how much ?
23:15 bencoh (you can still disable conntrack if that's what bothers you)
23:15 rabeeh hmmm.... had that long time ago
23:16 tekk i only need iptables for masquerading on openvpn
23:16 rabeeh bencoh: regardless; the fact that CONFIG_NETFILTER is built with the kernel then lots of 'if/then/else' goes into the C code itself; that makes tcp/ip performance lower
23:16 tekk maybe you know an alternative way?
23:16 bencoh we cant have more 600~700mbps on imx anyway
23:16 bencoh than*
23:17 rabeeh tekk: i can give you instructions how to build your own kernel
23:17 tekk that'd be good, i have some vague instructions i found on solid-run, but i wasn't confident from them
23:17 tekk thanks
23:17 rabeeh tekk: that should be reall simple
23:17 rabeeh hold on
23:18 tekk once i have the compiled kernel... i was unclear what to do with it (i'm used to grub/lilo on traditional systems).... do i literally symlink it into /boot ?
23:18 rabeeh
23:18 rabeeh tekk: build LK 3.0.35
23:18 rabeeh instead of 'make imx6_cubox-i_hummingboard_defconfig'; use the following defconfig -
23:19 tekk ok thanks
23:19 rabeeh
23:19 rabeeh i.e. copy to your /.config
23:19 rabeeh and then make -j8
23:20 rabeeh once you get arch/arm/boot/uImage; then that's the kernel that you want to use - place it on first partition on the micro SD card (by replacing the uImage that you already have)
23:24 tekk thanks, i'm gonna give it a try *gulps*
23:24 tekk flashing your latest jessi image now btw
23:26 rabeeh tekk: i suggest you start with the image as-is
23:26 rabeeh then try to get a modified kernel installed
23:27 tekk yeah, im day #2 with a cubox.
23:27 tekk i am an engineer / linux enthusiast however, so not a complete begineer i hope :)
23:28 rabeeh kgp_: maybe a slight fix; 'apt-get update' works without issues
23:28 rabeeh apt-get upgrade is what breaks mesa
23:30 kgp_ Trying to install gnome...
23:39 rabeeh jas-hack: dv_'s gst-1.0 on the newer build works though
23:39 rabeeh from the framebuffer
23:39 rabeeh oh - jas-hacks left
23:52 richardjortega got disconnected... grr..
23:52 richardjortega rabeeh: been workign on cubox platform all last week and all this week for a work project
23:53 richardjortega will let you know everything that works/doesn't work on latest debian release
23:53 richardjortega i'm also finishing up some tutorials that'll help other people get up and running quickly without searching forums/rpi posts/wiki entries etc regarding setting up Ruby/Rails
23:57 tekk mine has rails running on it
23:57 tekk i used my own blog post to set it up and the instructions still work :)
23:58 tekk even though its for ubuntu it works for debian too