IRC log of #cubox of Fri 25 Jul 2014. All times are in CEST < Back to index

09:19 kgp rabeeh: I still have "bloking" issues with your android. Every ~10 seconds, the screen freeze with my app. I don't have any problems with other phones/tablets
09:19 kgp any idea "why"?
09:21 kgp Might be related to USB.
09:22 jnettlet kgp, anything interesting show up with logcat when the screen freezes?
10:03 kgp Doing that...
10:06 kgp Note: The captcha when you create an account on really sucks.
10:18 kgp I have many warning like
10:18 kgp E/WifiHW ( 2553): EDWARD:is_primary_interface: line=129 ifname: wlan0 , primary_iface:wlan0
10:18 kgp E/WifiHW ( 2553): Rabeeh - entering wifi_send_command - command is SIGNAL_POLL
10:18 kgp E/WifiHW ( 2553): Rabeeh - entering wifi_command
10:18 kgp E/WifiHW ( 2553): Rabeeh - entering is_primary_interface
10:24 kgp OpenGL is a bit slow too... I just have 3 simple models.
10:25 kgp It's like 3 frames/sec
10:25 kgp sorry
10:25 kgp 10 frames/sec
10:26 kgp OpenGL ES 2.0
10:31 kgp Ok I think I understand my issue. I'm writing on the SD-card (the official one - with the logo of solidwork ;)). So sometime the SD-Card is not fast enough, it needs to clean-up the
10:31 kgp cache.
13:55 schribl The internal wifi antenna seems pretty bad. Some way to increase range/bandwidth?
15:12 michiwend rabeeh: i tryed as you suggested yesterday bit experienced the same problems
15:14 michiwend Frame drops ~every 10 secs
15:15 michiwend That makes me really sad... Can't use my cubox-i to watch movies as I planned to do
16:32 deniska
16:32 deniska I found a purpose for my cubox =)
16:33 deniska Backup server/just-in-case desktop