IRC log of #cubox of Sun 27 Jul 2014. All times are in CEST < Back to index

19:18 tekk anyone got a nice i4-pro image that uses SPL uBoot etc?
19:18 tekk all the ones i keep finding don't
19:18 tekk including official ones
20:52 cbxbiker61 tekk, you can replace your existing u-boot with a SPL one...that's probably the thing to do
20:53 tekk i'm not sure how to do that unfortunately :(
20:53 tekk any pointers?
20:53 tekk its a bit annoying how useless i feel with cubox-i heh
20:54 cbxbiker61 i've been using the one that comes in the geexbox latest tar
20:54 cbxbiker61 there is a script that you will find with that that has the couple of commands you need to run to put the SPL/u-boot on the SD card
20:55 cbxbiker61 that would be geexbox-devel-... and make-sdcard
20:55 tekk ok great, i'll try that
20:55 tekk then i'd be able to use your new kernels i guess
20:56 cbxbiker61 yep
20:57 cbxbiker61 you want to run the two dd commands from the script that write the SPL/u-boot to SD
20:58 tekk why is this kind of stuff not documented anywhere obvious?
20:59 cbxbiker61 i don't know...probably lack of time on the part of people that could do it
21:00 cbxbiker61 (if i get time) i will build a SPL/u-boot and make a script that can switch it over
21:09 tekk where did you find htose scripts inside geexbox ?
21:09 tek 21:09 * tekk runs find . -name make-sdcard
21:10 tekk hmm
21:10 tekk can't find it
21:10 cbxbiker61 no, the make-sdcard is in the same dir as the tar
21:11 cbxbiker61 you want the tar and make-sdcard from the geexbox cubox-i latest
21:11 cbxbiker61 give me a couple of hours and i'll whip up a script, i'm in the middle of something
22:06 cbxbiker61 tekk,
22:07 cbxbiker61 download that to /boot and run it with sudo
22:32 tekk cbxbiker61, thanks for taking the time to do that for me
22:32 tekk didn't expect :D
22:32 tekk ok thats run
22:33 tekk i can just reboot now and it'll auto pick up u-boot ? or do i ahve to remove the other stuff first
22:35 cbxbiker61 i'm not sure, i really haven't done a swap-over, theoretically it should boot the old kernel, at which time you can upgrade to the new kernel
22:35 cbxbiker61 yes about u-boot...
22:36 cbxbiker61 the new u-boot will run
22:38 tekk so i'll reboot now and hopefully it'll be u-boot...
22:38 tekk 1 sec
23:00 tekk ah i just noticed the dd at the end of the script :D
23:00 tekk its rebooting
23:02 tekk ok its back :D
23:02 tekk maybe i imagined it... but it seemed to boot A LOT faster
23:02 tekk now updating kernel using your other script :D 3.10.49
23:03 tekk rebooting again
23:04 tekk hmm.. it came back but kernel is still old one
23:05 cbxbiker61 if you've already run, then i would think you need to move uImage out of the way
23:05 cbxbiker61 the dtb stuff uses zImage
23:06 tekk i think my /boot needs a cleanup
23:08 cbxbiker61 run mount for me
23:08 tekk
23:09 tekk (i'm running ubuntu 14.04 with an ARCH kernel)
23:09 cbxbiker61 yeah, looks to me as if you need to mount /dev/mmcblk0p1 at /boot before you run the kernel stuff
23:10 cbxbiker61 i don't know what these people are not putting an automount for /boot
23:10 tekk yeah df -h doesn't show that mount
23:10 tekk where the fuck is /boot coming from now then :S
23:10 tekk its faked on p2 ?
23:10 cbxbiker61 it's on root
23:11 tekk should i re-run the u-boot script too?
23:11 cbxbiker61 mv /boot /boot-prev; mkdir /boot; mount /dev/mmcblk0p1 /boot; cp -a /boot-prev/* /boot; then rerun the SET-IMX...
23:12 tekk ok
23:12 tekk i forgot to backup /boot to boot-prev =) willi unmount and do the above
23:13 cbxbiker61 when you're done put an entry for /boot in your fstab...or do it the systemd way
23:15 tekk will /dev/mmcblk0p1 /boot vfat do?
23:15 tekk (is it still vfat or just fat on modern linux)
23:15 tekk (fstab reports p2 as fat
23:15 tekk fdisk i mean
23:16 tekk /dev/mmcblk0p1 /boot vfat auto,nouser,exec,rw,async,atime 0 0
23:16 tekk better
23:16 tekk noatime
23:17 tekk rebooting
23:18 tekk well... this is a new one.
23:18 tekk it rebooted
23:18 tekk responds to ping, cannot ssh in.
23:19 tekk time to plug into a screen again i think
23:19 cbxbiker61 hehe, this is the third time this has happened...and i still can't remember what it was....damn, i'm getting old
23:20 cbxbiker61 something simple though
23:21 tekk on traditional x86 grub machines... usually this could hapen when grub is waiting for a user to hit enter when a new kernel isinstalled for the first time
23:21 tekk but that would not apply here
23:21 tekk maybe something similar though
23:21 tekk will plug into a screen shortly and check :)
23:27 tekk any ideas before i do?
23:31 cbxbiker61 seems to me the issue shows itself in the system log
23:33 tekk its plugged in now
23:34 tekk so its hanging on * Stopping Mount network filesystems
23:35 tekk i hit Ctrl+C a few times... seems to cycle back to this line
23:53 tekk still stuck :(
23:56 cbxbiker61 tekk, go back through the chat logs over the last month or two searching for ssh, i know a couple of people have hit this
23:56 tekk patsing
23:56 tekk oops
23:56 tekk ah
23:57 tekk thing is... its hanging on boot
23:57 tekk is there a way to boot into single user mode or equivelant
23:57 cbxbiker61 systemd?