IRC log of #cubox of Mon 28 Jul 2014. All times are in CEST < Back to index

23:59 cbxbiker61 i'm converting an amd e-350 system over to an amd 5350, running phoronix benchmarks on the e-350 prior to the swap so i can do a head-to-head
00:00 cbxbiker61 what i've read so far indicates it doubles performance at pretty much the same wattage
00:00 tekk i've got an e-350 APU system
00:00 tekk a zotac
00:00 tekk don't really use it anymore
00:00 tekk switched to the Gigabyte Brix with a Core i3 ULV
00:01 cbxbiker61 i have a zotac with the chipset that came out just after the e-450, it does everything that xbmc can do, pretty much perfectly
00:02 cbxbiker61 the 5350 system is just for my dad running popcap games and web-browsing/email
00:03 tekk the only limitation i found with my e-350 apu was it had a RAM limitation of 4GB
00:03 cbxbiker61 yeah, i think the 5350 can handle 32G, even though 4G is fine for my dad
00:04 tekk its a shame i got so far on the cubox but fell at the last hurdle :( its literally hanging on that boot line... gonna have to take a better look tomorrow
19:14 richardjortega hello
19:15 richardjortega anyone use the Freescale iMX6 SABRE boards/platforms?
19:17 rabeeh richardjortega: i did
19:17 richardjortega sweet, i'm using it now to do benchmark testing of cubox against it
19:49 raz0r hey all can some one help me please iv had a cubox pro for a few days now and cant sort the resolution i have a full HD TV its LG 42ln575v-ze
19:49 raz0r i cant quite see the menu for debain jessie
19:50 raz0r can anyone here help me out as its driving me nutz
19:51 rabeeh cubox pro?
19:53 raz0r yes
19:55 raz0r cubox-i4pro
19:55 raz0r cubox-i4pro
19:56 raz0r just cant see the menu proplery in the top right hand corner rabeeh
19:57 raz0r any idears ???
19:57 rabeeh overscan?
19:57 raz0r what u mean fella
19:59 rabeeh could it be that the TV is clipping the 4 corners of your image?
20:00 raz0r quite possibly
20:00 raz0r how would i sort that
20:00 raz0r i was reading about that text file i need to edit
20:00 rabeeh typically in your TV menu you should tell it that this is a computer hdmi out and not from a set-top-box
20:01 raz0r uEnv.txt
20:01 rabeeh nop
20:01 rabeeh that won't be helpful
20:02 raz0r so your saying its something to do with my TV correct ??
20:02 rabeeh yes
20:02 raz0r hmmmm
20:02 rabeeh TVs typically do something called overscan
20:02 raz0r oh right ok im gonna have a look now ill get back to you
20:03 rabeeh just hit the TV menu and start searching
20:03 rabeeh if you were using Android then i'm adding right now the overscan counter meausure in CuBox-i
20:04 rabeeh i'm adding this support to Android right now; so potentially you can zoom in the picture and even if the TV overscans you can still see the whole picture.
20:04 raz0r yea i tried that on my 19 inch samsung and that worked fine
20:05 raz0r just wanted Debian as im used to Kali lin ux
20:05 raz0r linux *
20:06 raz0r how hard would it be to make the distro kali for the cubox-i4pro i see its for the cubox and thought to my self sod it ill get the best one but have ended up shooting my self in the foot !!
20:06 rabee 20:06 * rabeeh looks at kali
20:06 rabeeh i don't see that it supports ARM at all
20:06 raz0r what i intended to do was download debain and just install the tools
20:07 rabeeh oh; there is a port
20:07 raz0r yea hang on
20:07 raz0r yea :)
20:08 raz0r
20:08 rabeeh if you are familiar with the devs at kali then we would be more than happy to send them hardware !
20:08 rabeeh that's the older CuBox
20:08 rabeeh not CuBox-i
20:09 raz0r yea i didnt notice untill i ordered the better one
20:09 raz0r just didnt know if anyone ported it
20:09 raz0r but i couldnt find anything
20:14 raz0r you a bloody star
20:14 raz0r rabeeh
20:14 raz0r thank you very much for your help
20:14 raz0r :)
20:14 raz0r sorted
20:14 raz0r another quick question
20:14 rabeeh great
20:15 raz0r i have a alfa card AWUS036H
20:15 raz0r can i just install the drivers
20:15 raz0r ??
20:15 raz0r i need to get wifi on there now
20:16 raz0r i see that wpa_supplicant is installed
20:17 raz0r but i want something like wifi manager on there but i have no access to a router at the moment
20:18 rabeeh that one is much more difficualt to setup
20:18 rabeeh which distro are you using? (i.e. where did you download it)?
20:18 raz0r
20:18 raz0r i got it from there
20:19 raz0r i know there is all sorts of dependice issues
20:21 raz0r is there any guide for it i could follow
20:25 raz0r would something like this help
20:25 raz0r
20:28 rabeeh
20:28 rabeeh that one has the wifi drivers sorted out !
20:28 rabeeh let me know how it goes with that Antenna
20:28 rabeeh looks really interested :)
20:28 rabeeh oh; and please post pictures
20:29 rabeeh notice that the debian jessi image above needs some tweaks on the keyboard
20:29 rabeeh it's default is UK
20:29 rabeeh it's default is UK layout
20:29 raz0r thats fine im from the UK ;)
20:30 raz0r right ill try this RIGHT NOW :)
20:32 raz0r another quick question
20:33 raz0r if i was to get the kali up and running whoch i think it wont be a problem can you tell me how i can put that into a .img file because then ill post it for the others
20:45 tekk anyone here have chat history search?
20:45 tekk cbxbiker61 made me a script... but i can't search far enough "up" to find it :)
20:46 raz0r have a look here fella
20:46 raz0r
20:46 tekk :o thanks
20:46 tekk i found what i was looking for i think
20:47 tekk
20:47 tekk :)
20:53 raz0r rabeeh found my answer all i need to do is use imgburn SORTED :) once i get Kali on there ill post it :)
20:54 raz0r thanks so much for your help :)
21:01 rabeeh sure; enjoy your CuBox-i
21:48 kgp_ When will you update the Rabeeh :) ? It starts to be good...
21:50 dab_ rabeeh: rabeeh?
22:05 tekk :D kgp_ i have teh same question
22:05 kgp_ :)
22:19 raz0r @ kgp_ im getting fsck erros and its saying read-only on the file system sure ill be able to sort it though
22:19 kgp_ hum
22:19 kgp_ you should try to dd it again.
22:19 raz0r mount -o remount,rw /dev/sdb1 should sort it ;)
22:20 raz0r havent tried it as i have now left my office
22:21 raz0r @ kgp_ why did u want it updated ?? is the kernal outdated or something >>>>
22:22 kgp_ Because I cannot install Gnome easily ;)
22:22 kgp_ I want to replace my Mac Mini... ;)
22:24 tekk with a Cubox?
22:24 tekk tbh.. i'd say they serve different purposes :)
22:25 raz0r is this any help
22:25 raz0r
22:41 kgp_ Some issues with Mesa ;) but not time to fix them.