IRC log of #cubox of Tue 29 Jul 2014. All times are in CEST < Back to index

10:53 raz0r h i can someone please help me with the new debian jessi image i cant get wifi to work and there is no wifi manager
11:01 raz0r is anyone here ??
11:37 kgp_ yes
11:38 kgp_ You have to configure /etc/network/interfaces
11:38 kgp_ (It's what I do)
11:38 raz0r right i got wlan0 working
11:38 raz0r how do i connect to a network
11:38 raz0r im using debian jessi
11:39 kgp_ the version of 4th of July?
11:39 raz0r yes
11:39 raz0r then i can just install wpa manager and then ill be all sorted :)
11:40 kgp_ do you have internet access (wireD)
11:40 kgp_ ok
11:40 raz0r no
11:40 raz0r i have a router and thats wortking
11:40 kgp_ It's working or not?
11:40 raz0r but i cant use eth0
11:40 raz0r whats the command so i can connect to my router
11:41 kgp_ You're german? French?
11:42 kgp_ -
11:42 kgp_ You can install wicd
11:42 kgp_ but to do that you need... internet accces ;)
11:43 kgp_
11:43 kgp_ I know it's for raspberry ;) but works perfectly on the cubox-i
11:43 kgp_ that's the "hardcore" way of doing it.
11:57 raz0r im english m8
11:58 raz0r ill give this a try now thanks
12:09 raz0r your a star all up and running :)
12:55 MarcusVinter hey
12:56 MarcusVinter Trying to use xrandr to add a new display resolution, got "Failed to get size of gamma for output default". Apparently its a display driver problem. Any ideas?
12:59 MarcusVinter Model: I2U-300-D OS: Linaro 11.10 codename oneiric Kernel: 3.0.35 dirty
14:04 MarcusVinter c'mon throw me a bone.
14:05 MarcusVinter I just want to change the resolution lol.
15:33 MarcusVinter with oneiric I changed the sources.list to old-releases. from ports. and I'm getting the majority of it working but isnt working. Obviously its been removed/moved. Anyone got any information?
16:54 _505 @MarcusVinter: have you tried editing uEnv.txt to change the resolution?
17:24 MarcusVinter No, I assumed it would ingnore it when the Os fully boots.
17:24 MarcusVinter I could try that...
18:48 heap_ hi, can anybody take a look what those errors in dmesg logs are from?
18:48 heap_ after few days while cubox is running some apps get crashed like in the log and then whole cubox die.
18:49 heap_ is there any connection with ram/swap? i have swap dissabled.
19:17 rabeeh heap_: looks like out of memory
19:27 MarcusVinter Hows business rabeeh? Hope everything is well.
19:32 heap_ rabeeh: might swap help? Or if kernel kill process device crashes? probably on kernel panic
20:06 rabeeh MarcusVinter: hey
20:07 rabeeh everything good
20:07 rabeeh heap_: what was the box doing?
20:24 heap_ rabeeh: stop to respond, sshd connection was terminated and ping stop to reply
20:24 heap_ rabeeh: so i bet kernel panic or something like that. some crash
20:25 rabeeh so swap won't help since it wasn't consuming any data
20:26 heap_ so i have no idea why its getting out of mem
21:55 tekk so what are people using their cubox's for
21:55 tekk i'm curious :)
21:55 tekk
21:55 tekk got mine setup how i like it now... currently using as a rails/node dev server
21:57 malte media center:)
21:57 deniska I just rsync on it my every 2-3 days
21:57 deniska my stuff*
21:57 deniska graphics acceleration doesn't work because arch with too new Xorg
21:58 deniska (though xbmc works fine)
22:24 tekk :D
22:24 tekk is performance of xbmc good on the cubox?
22:24 tekk i use plex personally... and i don't think there is an armv7l build
22:25 cbxbiker61 xbmc is good on cubox-i
22:27 cbxbiker61 doesn't plex advertise over u-pnp? probably no need for plex arm client
22:56 tekk i'm on about a plex arm server :D
22:56 tekk which there is... but its armv6
22:56 tekk and those instruction sets are very different
22:56 tekk how different is armv7l from armv7? is it a superset?
23:15 tekk does anyone know if hte e-sata port on a cubox supports port multiplier?
23:16 tekk rabeeh said : "Just to make it clear, we never tested port multiplier on CuBox so we don't know if it will work or not."
23:16 cbxbiker61 i've tested it, it worked fine for me
23:17 tekk well this just got interesting :)
23:17 cbxbiker61 i've run some armv6 optimized code on armv7, so you may be able to run on armv7
23:18 tekk armv6 and 7 are not compatible
23:18 tekk so i dunno how you did that :S
23:18 cbxbiker61 i.e. sun jdk8 is armv6 and runs on armv7
23:18 tekk it comes as a binary?
23:18 cbxbiker61 yep
23:18 tekk hmm
23:19 tekk afaik armv7 is not a superset of armv6
23:19 tekk maybe i missed something
23:20 cbxbiker61 i don't know that for sure, but if you use a subset of armv6 it would be armv7 compat
23:24 tekk what do you get if you lipo -info the java armv6 bin?
23:41 cbxbiker61 lipo isn't valid here