IRC log of #cubox of Sun 24 Aug 2014. All times are in CEST < Back to index

23:59 cbxbiker61 i think mono would compile if you were using a soft float distro, but i don't think anyone is interested in those on armv7 anymore
00:00 christianw_ nah I'm swapping over to intel nuc at some point to get away from arm
00:00 christianw_ I'll try and compile now
10:13 R0nd hi, any advice on how to get bluetooth working on debian/i2ex? I tried using brcm_patchram_plus, but with no success
11:00 R0nd also what's up with lirc? irrecord either throws "something went wrong" or picks up signals when I'm not pressing buttons
11:00 R0nd does the IR receiver pick up ghost signals from daylight or something like that?
12:20 R0nd you folks don't really talk much, do ya? :P
12:22 Artox we are all very productive workers :)
12:23 Artox like, I am watching a chrome build right now
12:25 R0nd Artox: what's your cubox distro?
12:25 Artox opensuse
12:25 Artox and I jsut got memory exhausted :|
12:26 Artox 32bit address space is real serious
12:26 Artox somewhere at 2,2GB seems to be the process limit
12:29 R0nd I wonder, does bluetooth work in your setup?
12:30 Artox I have no idea
12:31 Artox well, I dont think it does
12:31 Artox hcitool just complains no device
12:31 R0nd same here, rfkill can see a bluetooth device, but hcitool can't
12:32 Artox rfkill can for you?
12:32 Artox hmmmmm
12:32 Artox not for me
12:33 Artox maybe 3.14 broke it, idk
12:44 R0nd have you tried using lirc? doesn't work too well for me
12:45 Artox not at all
12:45 Artox I am not the wireless type, not even using wifi
12:46 R0nd oh
12:46 R0nd surprisingly wifi worked without any hiccups
15:43 R0nd weird, IR receiver keeps picking up pulses even when I cover it up physically
15:49 R0nd I guess the red LED throws it off
15:50 cbxbiker61 lircd.conf -> /usr/share/lirc/remotes/mceusb/lircd.conf.mceusb
15:50 rabeeh R0nd: IR searches for puleses in the 38khz freq
15:51 cbxbiker61 /usr/sbin/lircd -n -d /dev/lirc0
15:51 cbxbiker61 that's the stuff that works for me
15:51 rabeeh i'm about to send a patch for LK 3.14 to change the key default mapping to rc6
15:57 R0nd cbxbiker61: it messes with irrecord even before I start lircd :(
15:59 R0nd rabeeh: I bet you can give me an advice on bluetooth! what are the steps to enable it on debian?
15:59 rabeeh R0nd: i haven't touched that for ages on debian
15:59 rabeeh but someone wispered to me that there is an option to have the patchram stuff in the kernel
16:00 R0nd I tried to run brcm_patchram_plus manually, but it throws a "can't set hci protocol" error
16:00 rabeeh what is the command line?
16:01 R0nd brcm_patchram_plus --patchram /lib/firmware/brcm/bcm4330.hcd --no2bytes --scopcm=0,2,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 --baudrate 3000000 --use_baudrate_for_download --tosleep=50000 /dev/ttymxc3 -d
16:01 rabeeh brcm_patchram_plus -d --patchram /tmp/bcm4330.hcd --baudrate 3000000 --enable_hci --use_baudrate_for_download /dev/ttymxc3 --no2bytes --enable_lpm --tosleep=50000
16:01 R0nd also I've tried it with --enable_lpm --enable_hco
16:01 rabeeh ^^^ that worked for me on buildroot ages ago
16:02 jnettlet R0nd, which kernel? That works under 3.14.14 on my iMX6Q
16:02 R0nd jnettlet: I think it's 3.05, rebooting at the moment
16:03 jnettlet R0nd, oh can't help you there. sorry
16:05 R0nd 3.0.35 to be precise
16:07 R0nd rabeeh: same thing, "can't set hci protocol"
16:07 R0nd thanks for the help everybody, gotta go right now
23:13 ce3c hi, I have been trying out the latest build of Xbian (but also the stable ones)
23:13 ce3c basically I have some dependency problems
23:14 ce3c currently I'm trying out the 20140820 build
23:14 ce3c when trying to install libegl1-mesa (and related), it will want to remove firmware-imx, xbian-package-xbmc-6q, etc
23:15 ce3c and I have no idea how to avoid that from happening
23:15 ce3c besides compiling from source
23:16 ce3c mk01: I believe this is your image? first of all, many thanks for providing it :)
23:29 ce3c I don't understand. firmware-imx provides libegl1-mesa and is installed. why would apt recognize it as unmet dependency