IRC log of #cubox of Mon 25 Aug 2014. All times are in CEST < Back to index

00:08 ce3c eh, I fiddled with /var/lib/dpkg/status to remove the dependency and am now able to install everything. I wonder how long that's gonna take before it bites me in the ass :P
12:06 quitte Hi. I was expecting to get a tracking number, since the FAQ says that ECO post was fully trackable. Do I have to ask for one?
14:19 bencoh hmm ... anyone booting cubox-i with an initrd here ?
14:20 bencoh is it supposed to work (I've found nothing on the wiki), and if it is ... where (in memory) should I load it ?
14:21 jnettlet bencoh, using the latest u-boot it does work. you just need to tell it the name of your initramfs image
14:21 bencoh hmm, how so ?
14:22 bencoh (no fatload+bootm secundary param ?)
14:22 bencoh -u+o
14:25 Devrr my boot.scr when loading an initrd loads in this order:
14:25 Devrr load mmc 0:1 ${loadaddr} zImage
14:25 Devrr load mmc 0:1 ${fdt_addr} imx6q-cubox-i.dtb
14:25 Devrr load mmc 0:1 0x14700000 linux-btrfs.img.uboot
14:25 Devrr bootz ${loadaddr} 0x14700000 ${fdt_addr}
14:26 bencoh is dtb mandatory ?
14:27 bencoh (dtb/fdt)
14:27 Devrr I believe so, but the specifis of it are above my knowledge
14:28 bencoh thx :)
14:28 Devrr And FYI, the info I gave is from an ArchLinux build. Not sure if things are different in other distros
15:58 bencoh Devrr: do you have any specific kernel params ?
15:59 Devrr bencoh, nothing that I believe to be initrd specific. Mostly eSATA & btrfs related
16:02 bencoh hmm okay, thx
16:02 Artox [14:19] hmm ... anyone booting cubox-i with an initrd here ?
16:02 Artox I am using initrds too
16:02 Artox and did nothing special for it
16:02 bencoh either the u-boot I'm using has no complete support for it, or I'm missing something :)
16:02 Artox are you mkimaging your initrd?
16:02 bencoh I am, u-boot loads it
16:03 bencoh but it looks like linux ignores it (or doesnt hear about it)
16:03 Artox
16:04 Artox this is ny boot.script
16:04 bencoh thx
16:04 Artox mind the magic numbers :)
16:04 Artox though they dont really matter
16:05 Artox and, this assumes a device.tree kernel
16:05 Artox aka 3.10 or 3.14
16:09 bencoh which I dont have
16:10 Artox well then
16:10 Artox slight modification, and it'll be non-dt
16:10 bencoh yeah, that's what I tend to think
16:10 bencoh so ... I guess I'm missing an up-to-date uboot ... maybe
16:10 Artox
16:10 Artox there, non-dt
16:11 bencoh wait a min
16:11 bencoh root=/dev/mmcblk0p1
16:11 bencoh this doesnt use initramfs as a first root, does it ?
16:12 bencoh hm, nevermind that
16:12 Artox I think initrds make themselves root autoamtically
16:12 Artox but I cant be sure there
16:13 Artox I dont know anything about initrds except how to laod them in uboot :)
16:13 bencoh :-)
17:49 iCEBrkr 16hrs later. ChromeOS compiled.. But I can't seem to figure out how to get it's uboot to work on this cubox. I assume it's going to be a bit complicated.
18:01 jnettlet iCEBrkr, you need to use our u-boot and kernel.
18:05 iCEBrkr If I get some time tonight maybe I'll revisit this.
18:05 iCEBrkr I was hacking on this awhile ago and don't exactly remember where I left it.
18:05 iCEBrkr But that's a nice 'good to know', thanks
18:06 jnettlet iCEBrkr, well don't know how far you are but you should grab dv_'s chromium repo for your chromiumos build. It has webGL enabled and html5 video playback is done with the VPU
18:06 jnettlet basically it will give you an "optimized" desktop
18:09 iCEBrkr Ahh ok. I couldn't find anyone elses work. All I found was the prototype videos of, forget who did it for CES or whatever expo
18:09 dv_ note that I never tested them with chromium OS
18:09 jnettlet that stuff is nothing. The work dv_ has done is excellent
18:09 dv_ here you go:
18:10 jnettlet dv_, chromium OS is just gentoo with chromium :-)
18:10 dv_ welll.... there are a lot of #ifdefs regarding chromium OS in the chromium codebase
18:11 jnettlet fair enough. but I have never seen anything outrageous with a chromium os build.
18:11 dv_ I do assume we are talking about that?
18:11 dv_ yeah
18:12 jnettlet I think building for Ubuntu may be more challenging :-)
18:12 dv_ oh my
18:13 iCEBrkr If I didn't have a 2yr old on my hands all day. I really want to build a 'Command Central' type system on this little guy.
18:13 dv_ looking at the code again, I see that the chromiumos build normally picks DXVA accel in windows,
18:13 dv_ and openmax in linux
18:13 iCEBrkr I live in FL. So weather maps/notifications are important and loook cool too. :)
18:13 dv_ but, I put my imx #ifdef before the chromeos one, so it should use the VPU patches even then
18:14 jnettlet brilliant
18:14 iCEBrkr Right now I have one of your later Android builds running with a couple of widgets.
18:14 jnettle 18:14 * jnettlet actually hopes to start doing weekly chromiumos builds now that dv_'s repo is out
18:14 dv_ something that always bothered me - but this affects all hw accelerated decoding, not just VPU based - is that web designers tend to play fast and loose with video elements
18:15 dv_ create one, ditch it, create another one
18:15 iCEBrkr Welcome to open source .
18:15 dv_ if these arent deallocated quickly enough by chromium, they might accumulate, and who knows what happens then. but thats a general problem.
18:15 jnettlet I blame that on flash. Everyone wanted to use video for ads and this is where we are.
18:16 dv_ I suppose those who develop mobile versions of web pages do understand that. i hope it at least :)
18:16 iCEBrkr jnettlet: I'd like to try Chromium on this thing. Then I could just build a webpage for all the infor I want to pack on the screen :)
18:16 iCEBrkr jnettlet: hate that crap
18:16 dv_ jnettlet: and, it is very tempting to use these resources on the PC, because everything is fast and easy there
18:17 jnettlet I actually was doing some metric calculations and trying to figure out how much bandwidth and cpu it would take to pre-render pages and when you went to click a link it would warn you based on the content
18:17 iCEBrkr dv_: I hate sites that don't take smaller/lesser machines into consideration along with lack of bandwidth.
18:17 dv_ iCEBrkr: agreed
18:17 jnettlet I was going to call it pre-meditate
18:17 iCEBrkr nice
18:17 dv_ iCEBrkr: several sites which use parallax backgrounds are like that
18:17 dv_ animated parallax background, even
18:18 iCEBrkr It's like "Um, hello, I'm on a mobile device. I'm lucky to have a connection and you want to throw pop-ups, ads and whatever else at me?!!?"
18:18 iCEBrkr Get that from new readers that require you to be redirected to the source.
18:19 dv_ jnettlet: what would also really help is to try out chromium/chromiumos in wayland
18:19 dv_ actually ... hste__ , you were talking about that build machine
18:20 hste__ dv_: yes its up now if u want to build
18:20 jnettlet dv_, That is on my todo for the V5 drivers. I will see how far Vivante has brought their Wayland support and then gauge if it is worth more of my time
18:21 dv_ hste__: chromium builds are demanding
18:21 dv_ hste__: sounds like a case for your box
18:21 dv_ one x11 build and one wayland build
18:22 iCEBrkr dv_: demanding? That's putting it lightly.
18:22 iCEBrkr I really thought it'd take 8-9 hours..
18:22 iCEBrkr x2 that
18:22 dv_ it takes me about 1-2 hours
18:22 dv_ one important trick is to enable component build
18:23 dv_ oh, and to have at least 16 GB RAM
18:23 iCEBrkr Yeah well, I only had a Core-Duo available.
18:23 dv_ oooh boy
18:23 iCEBrkr lol
18:23 dv_ quadcore is an absolute minimum
18:23 iCEBrkr It's my fileserver. It's really not meant for that stuff
18:23 dv_ well it could be more extreme
18:23 iCEBrkr Fileserver/Plex Media
18:24 dv_ I learned that archlinuxarm devs build on target. yes, they build chromium on the embedded devices.
18:24 dv_ takes them a day or so
18:25 iCEBrkr ahh yes, Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Duo CPU E6750 @ 2.66GHz with 8G Ram. :(
18:25 iCEBrkr RAM
18:25 iCEBrkr But whatever..
18:25 deniska Crosscompilation makes your keyboard hairy
18:26 dv_ cross compilation is one the few cases where the CPU really makes a difference
18:26 dv_ in most other situations, you are more than well off with an i5 or some quadcore athlon for instance
18:27 iCEBrkr I'm just a web guy. This low level stuff... You'd think building the OS for something that doesn't have much horsepower wouldn't take much to do.. lol
18:27 dv_ ha, the age old misconception
18:28 iCEBrkr Sort of discovered this when I first build Android. I'm like. uh. All this to fit a 300meg image on my phone??
18:28 dv_ tbh, the complexity of c++ is largely responsible for chromium's demands
18:28 dv_ during the majority of the build it actually doesnt need that much ram
18:29 dv_ but then it starts with the webkit/blink stuff that uses template metaprogramming. thats when it gets really wild
18:33 jnettlet yeah linking in C++ is retarded
18:33 deniska <...> C++ is retarded
18:33 dv_ nah, I kinda like C++11
18:33 dv_ but parts of it are just plain stupid
18:34 dv_ for instance, I understand why C still uses #include , but not C++. also, its syntax is ugly at times, particularly when doing metaprogramming
18:34 jnettlet and all the boilerplate
18:34 jnettlet blech
18:35 jnettlet I actually really like Vala, but unfortunately GNOME and by association gtk are really failing in a major way
18:38 dv_ vala is a nightmare for cross compilation
18:38 dv_ thanks to the broken GObject introspection
18:38 dv_ read this for an explanation why:
18:39 dv_ you actually have to generate the C code on the PC and cross compile this instead
18:39 bencoh welcome to hell
18:41 dv_ ey, since you guys love complicated c++ , here is a nice example:
18:42 jnettlet dv_, yes. while GIR is a cool technology it has completely stalled. It is basically only useful on x86 (it is horribly slow on ARM) and only supports languages tightly bound to GTK3
18:43 bencoh dv_: I think some people are sick.
18:43 bencoh like, really sick.
18:43 dv_ bencoh: rule of thumb regarding generic programming in c++: if you are writing a library, which shall be adaptable to custom datatypes, and you dont use generic programming, you should rethink this.
18:44 dv_ if you write an *application*, and you use generic programming, you should rethink this.
18:44 bencoh :-)
18:44 deniska if you're writing in C++, you should rething this
18:45 bencoh anyway ... why would openembedded not build this fsckin uImage and stop at zImage ...
18:46 iz if you're writing in C++, you should rethink *this
18:46 bencoh haha
18:49 dv_ but if you use c++ , i strongly encourage you to use c++11
18:49 dv_ its like a million times better than the typical c++98 code
22:30 iCEBrk 22:30 * iCEBrkr chuckles at C++ scrollback.
22:33 zhando hello all. I've recently got my cubox to bring up bluetooth and I can see and pair devices...
22:33 zhando Now the challenge is to enable audio over bt in both directions.. Any suggestions?
22:34 R0nd zhando: which distro? I've been struggling with BT on debian
22:34 zhando Well it's a hybrid of Arch kernel/modules with Ubuntu..
22:36 zhando scratch that.. it's actually cbxbiker's 3.10.53 with the archlinuxarm packaged bt firmware..
22:36 R0nd did you use brcm_patchram_plus?
22:37 zhando R0nd: yes indeed..
22:37 R0nd it gives me an error when I try to upload the firmware, "can't set hci protocol"
22:38 zhando hmmm.. is your hardware 4330?
22:38 R0nd yes
22:38 zhando edit out --enable_lpm from the patch command..
22:40 R0nd sudo broadcom-bluetooth-53e35d81e01a/brcm_patchram_plus --patchram /lib/firmware/brcm/bcm4330.hcd --no2bytes --scopcm=0,2,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 --baudrate 3000000 --use_baudrate_for_download --tosleep=50000 /dev/ttymxc3 -d --enable_hci
22:40 R0nd does that look about right?
22:40 zhando actually no hold on a sec..
22:41 FoXMaN hi
22:41 R0nd FoXMaN: hello
22:42 FoXMaN i'm struggling with cubox-i ir functionality and i think i need some help
22:43 zhando this is in the script: /usr/bin/brcm_patchram_plus --patchram $HCD --baudrate 3000000 --use_baudrate_for_download $TTY $OPTIONS
22:43 zhando $HCD is the firmware
22:44 zhando $TTY is what you have there.
22:45 zhando OPTIONS="$OPTIONS --bd_addr $MAC_ADDR"
22:46 zhando I'll point you to the script in the package just a sec..
22:48 zhando
22:51 zhando ok this is the command that's ultimately used on my cubox:
22:51 zhando /usr/bin/brcm_patchram_plus --patchram /lib/firmware/brcm/bcm4330.hcd --baudrate 3000000 --use_baudrate_for_download /dev/ttymxc3 --no2bytes --tosleep=50000 --bd_addr 43:29:B1:54:21:80
22:52 R0nd hmm, okay, it didn't throw any errors (probably because it doesn't use --enable_hci)
22:53 zhando FoXMaN: I tried to go down that route getting a remote to work with XBMC and gave up. CEC worked out great for me. I use my tv remote to navigate xbmc. It rocks.
22:53 R0nd am I supposed to be able to start bluetoothd now?
22:54 zhando R0nd: trying to remember. No you need to run something in the background. use nohup or tmux..
22:54 zhando hold on...
22:56 zhando R0nd: did you run the script?
22:56 R0nd zhando: just the command you posted
22:57 zhando ok first you do: ln -sr "$TTY" /dev/brcm43xx
22:57 zhando then this has to run in the background: /usr/sbin/hciattach -n /dev/brcm43xx any 3000000
22:58 zhando it might /usr/bin for you..
22:59 zhando then "hcitool" dev should show the hci0 device..
22:59 R0nd Can't set device: Protocol not supported
22:59 R0nd Can't initialize device: Invalid argument
22:59 R0nd when running hciattach
23:00 zhando hmmm.. perhaps the brcm modules aren't loaded?
23:00 zhando brcmfmac
23:01 zhando brcmutil
23:01 zhando that $TTY should be /dev/ttymxc3..
23:02 R0nd yeah, I got the tty right
23:02 R0nd not sure about the modules tbh
23:02 zhando lsmod | grep brcm
23:02 R0nd nothing
23:03 zhando then they should be there is all I can think of..
23:03 zhando insmod brcmfmac
23:03 zhando insmod brcmutil
23:12 zhando gtg for a bit..
23:20 FoXMaN eh, looks like one of the usb ports in my hummingboard is dead
23:22 R0nd hmm, I think I need to upgrade my kernel
23:22 zhando I'm back.. Anyone know anything about running audio through a bt device in either or both directions..
23:22 zhando R0nd: are you running headless? been there done that.. It was mildly interesting..
23:23 zhando I've been able to get bt to work on both the 3.10.30 arch kernel and cbxbiker's 3.10.53..
23:24 R0nd I'm on debian 3.0.35
23:25 R0nd running through ssh right now, once I've sorted everything out I'm going to hook the cubox to my tv
23:25 zhando OMG.. That's one I haven't played with.. The forum does say good things about Debian's support for arm though..
23:30 zhando I'm curious if Debian stable or unstable or whatever is tracking the ongoing development of kernels with cubox support..
23:34 R0nd debian testing (jessie)
23:36 zhando R0nd: ok that's the one I see everyone talking about.. It doesn't sound like they are keeping up like arch and cbxbiker but I could be wrong. Look for kernel images with "cubox" in the name.. If they exist, then you should go with them.
23:37 zhando gtg again.. If anyone has got audio to work through bt please chime in..