IRC log of #cubox of Thu 04 Sep 2014. All times are in CEST < Back to index

00:08 sraue "please notice that LK 3.14.x is now hosted and moved to SolidRun github repo" so thats the one we should use now?
00:21 rabeeh sraue: yes
00:21 rabeeh the non working items for now are - pcie, analog audio, broken cec, lvds out
00:21 rabeeh sraue: i think the most important one to focus on is proper cec support
00:35 sraue pcie is used for what on cubox?
00:35 sraue just tried mk01_'s PR for CEC to the kernel and his patches for libCEC but with this i dont have luck too
00:37 rabeeh pcie is for HummingBoard (pci express cards)
00:38 sraue ah ok
00:38 mk01_ sraue: you don't have luck what
00:38 sraue with getting CEC to work with kernel 3.14
00:39 mk01_ and what should be indication to luck
00:39 mk01_ to no luck
00:40 mk01_ comparing to 3.10.30 there was just one change affecting cec from jnettlet patches
00:40 mk01_ force stop and force start
00:40 mk01_ if kernel things he is going dvi
00:41 sraue i tried with now
00:41 mk01_ yup and what you get
00:43 sraue ha... wait... had restarted xbmc and now it works, so it dont works on first start, needs a xbmc restart
00:46 sraue mk01_, could you cleanup your libcec branch, and maybe create a new one only with the imx6 patches and PR this to pulseeights libcec, i will speak with opdenkam to merge this in official libcec
00:47 mk01_ didn't start or didn't get ActiveSource (if before that it already was) ?
00:48 sraue now after a restart it works... cant show you you the error i got before actually
00:52 sraue great, works now the 4th time after reboots
00:54 rabeeh \o/
00:54 mk01_ sraue: the "critical" points for imx6 are hotplug events going together with cec startup - so if you want to test maybe with other TVs then set XBMC to turning on/off with xbmc / screensaver.
00:56 sraue ok, will test another tv tomorrow... but they are both samsung
00:56 mk01_ sraue: samsungs are polite
00:56 mk01_ also don't have anything els
00:56 mk01_ else
00:57 mk01_ you should send imx6 board to popcornmix, he has LGs and sony ;)
00:57 sraue 2 months ago i still had a sony...
00:57 sraue popcornmix dont care about something different then RPi
00:57 mk01_ I was just ugly way funny
00:58 sraue na... it would be nice to convert him... he does a great job with RPi and XBMC
01:00 mk01_ yes. indeed. btw: I can send the imx6 to odencamp but is some kind of busy - we just got him for shortly regarding the RPI repatch and then he disappeared again.
01:01 mk01_ then there the general libcec fixes and + imx6
01:01 mk01_ click the pull button is least problem
01:04 sraue i know he is busy, i will speak with him if i see him. i would do seperate PRs for libcec's core, the RPi patches you have and the imx6 support patches, they should be simple and easy to review... he often cant test byself and changes in libcec's core byself should be avoided if possible
01:18 mk01_ it is already splitted and special branch rpi-fixes is with him. all other is imx6. beside two general code pure fixes. nothing new introduced or workflows altered. it is already complicated quite enough.
01:19 mk01_ discuss with him, I just will Squash the imx6 into one or two commits
01:20 sraue ok, great
01:20 sraue yeah squashing makes sense too, will this also work without the " two general code pure fixes" ?
01:22 mk01_ that repo is just for pulse eith. all incremental patches are in clone of wolfgar's libcec because there I stated - so I will create new branch in this one, cherry pick (it's up to 10, not more) and in clean branch squash afterwards.
01:22 mk01_ so yes, it will work
01:23 sraue ok, great
01:24 mk01_ and that one has to go in . it is responsible for 2 different bugs. if not three.
01:25 mk01_ just stupid typo with brackets, but quite bad in actions after.
01:28 sraue this one looks easy to review :-)
01:35 mk01 I suppose
01:35 mk01 ;)
01:35 mk01 going to sleep
01:35 mk01 bye
01:37 sraue bye and thanks much for your work and help
01:49 sam_nazarko sraue: mk01 I don't think you're going to convert popcornmix; he just took a job at Raspberry Pi and left Broadcom
01:50 mk01 but it looks like you are on that direction. being at the right channel at least :)
01:51 sam_nazarko me?
02:04 jmontleon little load to get the temp up :)
02:05 jmontleo 02:05 * jmontleon looks for some water to boil
02:48 rabeeh jmontleon: which hb is that?
02:49 rabeeh oh; hb-i2ex?
02:49 jmontleon i4
02:49 rabeeh oh
02:50 rabeeh you are reaching 89c with it?
02:50 rabeeh what do you have besides that quad core?
02:50 jmontleon yes
02:50 rabeeh gpu working?
02:50 jmontleon galcore driver is built, but no driver for x11 that works yet
02:51 jmontleon xf86-armada dies complaining about not being able to become drm master
02:51 jmontleon I guess etnaviv and it still need a little work
02:51 jmontleon rabeeh, also cubox-i4 and hummingboard-i2ex
02:52 jmontleon hummingboard-i4 has a nice msata drive installed too for /
02:52 rabeeh aha
02:52 rabeeh which one? any idea about it's power consumption?
02:53 rabeeh i measured a lot the power of i4 on HB
02:53 rabeeh without the gpu on it's tough to get to such degrees
02:53 jmontleon msata?
02:54 rabeeh 240GB... nice :)
02:54 rabeeh how good is it first of all?
02:55 rabeeh i'm searching for specs to see it's power consumption
02:56 jmontleon ya, I'm looking too, but it plays well. nice and fast
02:56 rabeeh their web site doesn't say
02:58 jmontleon one of the comments below on amazon says, "This is a drive which has fairly high power consumption, over 1W at idle and approaching 4W when busy."
02:58 jmontleon but I don't know how they got to that conclusion
03:03 jmontleon rabeeh, has power consumption for m500 480G and 960G
03:04 jmontleon seems to back up the 1 to ~4W depending on use
03:05 rabeeh jmontleon: that's way too high
03:05 jmontleon heh
03:05 rabeeh that explains why you are getting high temps on HB-i4pro
03:05 rabeeh so basically the ssd is heating it pretty high
03:06 jmontleon makes sense
03:06 jmontleon but they can manage something like 105 safely, no?
03:06 rabeeh the processors?
03:07 rabeeh it can go even higher (i'v tested 120c)
03:07 rabeeh for instance by removing the heatsink; nothing will happen to them
03:07 jmontleon nice
03:07 rabeeh only your skin when you want to test what 120c on the die means :)
03:07 rabeeh well.. i'm exagerating
03:07 jmontleon heh
03:07 rabeeh typically your skin will die on 140-150c on a silicon die
03:08 rabeeh that's when touching the die itself :)
03:08 rabeeh i.e. not the heatsink
03:09 rabeeh 4am here
03:09 rabeeh time to get some sleep. good night.
03:09 jmontleon well, im not too worried about it. It hasn't caused a problem. Hindsight being what it is I would have tried one of the samsungs; they're almost half the power consumption when going full tilt, but...
03:10 jmontleon good night rabeeh
04:05 mk01 jmontleon: on etnaviv build mesa with patched etna support. that means etna is gallium driver (it supports HW acceleration to Mesa's build APIs - EGL/GLES and GLESv2). so you get gallium backed by etna and providing EGL. And through xorg Glamor driver you get Xorg onto etna's EGL.
05:13 jmontleon mk01, I'll have to look. I guess I don't understand. I though 3.14.14 was headed to supporting etnaviv with xf86-armada
05:14 mk01 I'm just telling there is a way (general). this wasn't about 3.14
05:16 mk01 jmontleon: armada is what. DRI2 ?
05:16 mk01 or FB / GLX ?
05:16 jmontleon dri2
05:17 jmontleon i've managed to get it working as a kms driving disabling etnaviv and vivante support with the imx-drm driver on 3.17
05:17 mk01 so mesa gallium to EGL/etna ?
05:17 jmontleon it unsurprisingly isn't fast, but it works
05:18 jmontleon etna
05:18 jmontleon I build it with --enable-etnaviv --disable-vivante
05:18 mk01 that is what I was telling rabeeh. imx-drm has GEM ioctl, and guys rrom Xorg did small wraper (2k) between GEM and DDX
05:19 mk01 so 2D
05:19 jmontleon but it dies complaining about being unable to become drm master and from the sounds of it in 3.14.14 it's not a drm driver, so I guess that's sort of expected
05:19 mk01 but for 20lines of code
05:19 mk01 absolute performance
05:20 jmontleon you're way over my head :) I want to build packages so Fedora works. but navigating the current set of dependencies is confusing
05:21 mk01 why ?
05:24 jmontleon vivante vs. etnaviv (and forks), imx-drm vs. mxc gpu_viv, then I don't understand if mesa comes in somehow, x86-armada, etc.
05:24 jmontleon at every layer there seems to be multiple solutions
05:25 jmontleon everything else works. Would love to figure out a path to accelerated graphics
05:39 mk01 oh yes. this "little" details you mean
05:39 mk01 :))
05:39 mk01 it is indeed hell
05:40 mk01 it is crazy how much X output to display got complicated
05:40 mk01 over the versions and years
05:40 mk01 to at the end
05:41 mk01 be reverted to the simplest ....
05:41 mk01 look at Glamor
05:41 mk01 It is again few lines of code
05:41 jnettlet glamor is not a few lines of code.
05:41 mk01 direct GL call ... going to GPU of gfx
05:41 mk01 nothnig more
05:42 mk01 it is true, that it could return because ALL evolved
05:42 mk01 to unified GL language as function calls
05:43 jnettlet but it hasn't. All the programming has just gone into other subsystems. Rather all existing in the DDX
05:43 jnettlet you are way oversimplying what is going on.
05:43 mk01 and all gfxchips doing GL
05:43 mk01 so easy again
05:43 jnettlet all gfxchips also don't do GL. Most embedded GPU's use GLES1/2 which is a subset of GL
05:43 mk01 jnettlet; it is NOT that bad
05:44 jnettlet GLES1 is closer, but GLES2 is quite different than GL
05:45 mk01 of course generally speaking . that I wanted to say. let's look at DRI/GLX design and implementation
05:45 jnettlet and glamor is horribly power inefficient using the 3d engine for everything
05:45 mk01 put someone behind the sources
05:45 mk01 he would think it is warming caffe
05:45 mk01 if you open glamor/dx
05:45 mk01 ddx
05:45 mk01 you see graphics driver
05:53 mk01 btw gtkerf
05:53 mk01 GtkEntry - time: 0.00
05:53 mk01 GtkComboBox - time: 1.72
05:53 mk01 GtkComboBoxEntry - time: 1.34
05:53 mk01 GtkSpinButton - time: 0.18
05:53 mk01 GtkProgressBar - time: 0.10
05:53 mk01 GtkToggleButton - time: 0.20
05:53 mk01 GtkCheckButton - time: 0.19
05:53 mk01 GtkRadioButton - time: 0.44
05:53 mk01 GtkTextView - Add text - time: 1.26
05:53 mk01 GtkTextView - Scroll - time: 0.41
05:53 mk01 GtkDrawingArea - Lines - time: 2.06
05:53 mk01 GtkDrawingArea - Circles - time: 4.24
05:53 mk01 GtkDrawingArea - Text - time: 1.29
05:53 mk01 GtkDrawingArea - Pixbufs - time: 0.24
05:54 mk01 Total time: 13.67
05:59 jnettlet and the 2D ddx does gtkperf in just under 12 seconds
06:00 jnettlet and I bet the 3d core uses 30% more power
06:00 jnettlet maybe even 50%
06:00 jnettlet bumping the draw from 400mA's to 600
06:01 jnettlet and that is heat and battery life if you are running a laptop
06:01 jnettlet so you get worse performance, more power consumption, and shorter battery life.
06:02 jnettlet I am not saying there is anything wrong with glamor, but there are trade-offs
06:29 mk01 jnett: jmontleon was sking if it runs. next time I tells him no. ok ? :)
06:30 mk01 tells him = I tell him
06:30 mk01 typo
06:34 mk01 jnett: H1 on 3.14 should have network broken ?
06:38 jnettlet mk01, the network should be fine
06:38 mk01 ok
06:38 mk01 then it is still wth the broken systemd <> shim
06:38 mk01 on jessie
06:39 mk01 as they chenged for ystemd
06:39 mk01 systemd
06:40 mk01 every iingle action is going through login tracker and session cookies
06:40 mk01 and currently if ystemd is not init, it is not working
06:41 mk01 booten system without load, no apps, no sessions logged / logged out
06:42 mk01 just one bash
06:42 mk01 and suddenly ssh refusing connections
06:42 mk01 for hours
06:43 mk01 then it again works. network was new rurprise. eth0 is up. LED is signalling traffic. but eth0 registers none as interface
06:44 mk01 I thought it is eth0 problem so plugged dongle. wlan0 registered fine.
06:44 mk01 trafik none
06:45 mk01 worst thing is that this experimenting is with Jessie for more than 3 months .
11:24 mk01 toto asi tiez nie je ok, ze ?
11:24 mk01 xbian@cubox ~ $ systemctl -a
11:24 mk01 Failed to get D-Bus connection: No connection to service manager.
16:15 mk01_ jnettlet: you pyt the code to hdmi to change quant range from sysfs
16:15 jnettlet mk01, yes
16:15 mk01_ jnettlet: only the sysfs file is 444
16:16 mk01_ ;)
16:17 mk01_ so put on a note to change .
16:18 jnettlet mk01_, the module parameter is 444, that is not the sysfs interface.
16:19 mk01_ ehm
16:19 mk01_ then missed the other record somewhere
16:19 mk01_ mea culpa
16:19 mk01_ yes
16:19 jnettlet it is buried down under the device file. But it is how all the other sysfs nodes are exposed
16:19 mk01_ of course
16:20 mk01_ with the other parameters
16:20 mk01_ yes all
16:20 jnettlet you are looking at the module parameter which I added because people requested a kernel commandline interface
16:20 jnettlet and I didn't want to make that R/W without adding the other parameters.
16:20 mk01_ no no that's as it shou7ld
16:21 mk01_ shoould
16:21 mk01_ just I always forget the paths
16:21 mk01_ so using find with THE same file name
16:21 mk01_ didn't realise I'm under wrong tree
16:22 mk01_ are you considering going for
16:22 mk01_ imxdrm (-hdmi, -fbdev) ... assuming from the intensive repatching lately ?
16:23 jnettlet only for dev releases. There is a lot of work to bring the ipu and vpu around to be functional with it
16:23 jnettlet and Android still needs fbdev
16:24 mk01_ yes I know. HDMI comparing to mxc (as it got patched inbetween) was also miles back
16:25 mk01_ and now serious Q. got H1.
16:25 jnettlet yes
16:25 mk01_ Q1 - galcore needs 256 as cma ?
16:25 mk01_ iwht any other (lower) number I could not get it loaded
16:25 jnettlet it does not, but both the gpu and vpu share that pool
16:25 mk01_ ok
16:26 jnettlet but that is what is nice about CMA is that if those devices aren't using it the kernel will allocate for other things
16:26 mk01_ sure - just was nerwous about te errors
16:26 mk01_ then realised it is only too low
16:26 mk01_ 2Q!
16:26 mk01_ 2Q
16:27 mk01_ had to adapt arch imx 6 sl driver
16:27 mk01_ for DMA map
16:27 mk01_ is it working to others with stock kernel ????
16:28 jnettlet the upstream kernel, or the FSL kernel?
16:28 jnettlet for 3.14.14 I only imported the iMX6SL stuff needed to make other patches merge. We aren't supporting it because we don't have any devices with that SOC on it
16:29 mk01_ stock = i mean ours
16:31 mk01_ OK than I have had messed DTS file
16:32 jnettlet this is for the SDMA engine?
16:33 mk01_ kernel is matching its platform code accorging to sting from dtb, right ?
16:33 mk01_ sting = string
16:33 jnettlet yes
16:33 mk01_ because as I booted it as received
16:34 mk01_ ID according kernel line was: from SPL: duallite
16:34 mk01_ from kernel "sololite"
16:35 jnettlet on SolidRun hardware?
16:35 mk01_ H1
16:35 jnettlet It should say Solo/DualLite
16:35 mk01_ and imx6sl.c doesn't have dma_zone defined
16:36 jnettlet imx6sl is a different SOC that we don't use.
16:36 mk01_ and due to he default (256MB ???) shift
16:36 jnettlet we have imx6s imx6dl imx6d imx6q
16:36 mk01_ CMA was mapped out of its 512mb on board
16:36 jnettlet they get grouped together as imx6s/dl and imx6d/q
16:37 mk01_ ok easy to fix, just who was putting kernel on the card messed this a bt
16:37 mk01_ imagine the device is running week OK
16:37 mk01_ on it
16:38 jnettlet just note you do need the MX6_SOLO enabled in the kernel config, otherwise some of FSL's drivers break. They share code. I have some patches to clean that up but haven't pushed them yet
16:39 mk01_ I know. that's why it wasn't THAT much strange to me (in meaning of BAD)
16:40 mk01_ just the DMA shifted wrongly -> unusable was really strang
16:40 mk01_ strange
16:40 mk01_ because that would make all H1 users without GPU
16:40 mk01_ o good that I asked
16:41 joelbaby which .dtb file does the Cubox-i2Ultra use? the one with 2 cores and has vivante gc2000.
16:42 jnettlet joelbaby, imx6q-cubox-i.dtb
16:42 joelbaby thanks.
16:42 jnettlet joelbaby, if you are using the default uboot it will autoconfigure that
16:44 joelbaby oh, and should we git clone from jnettlet branch or solidrun now if we compile our own kernel?
16:44 mk01_ jnettlet: could be that also reason why was the H1 constantly overheating ? 4mibutes ok, then 1minute at 1/64
16:45 jnettlet joelbaby, SolidRun is the stable branch. My branch is development and could be broken
16:46 jnettlet mk01_, depends what you are doing. But generally we are continually optimizing the software. Recently we have found that we are more likely to overheat the SOC's, even the iMX6S
16:46 jnettlet I am working on a better thermal management system
16:46 joelbaby if your branch is broken, then solidrun's is a mere pile of sticks.
16:47 jnettlet joelbaby, I am not saying it is broken, but it is possible I may break things as it is a development branch
16:48 mk01_ jnettlet: nothing much. having it turned on for development - so basically doing nothing.
16:48 jnettlet yeah, that shouldn't be happening
16:48 jnettlet the default interactive cpu scaling governor?
16:51 joelbaby would be good to have some kind of standby mode using <1W power.
16:51 joelbaby then cubox-i could run off a battery pack
16:51 joelbaby but minimum power is always around 3.5W
16:51 jnettlet that seems very high
16:51 mk01_ jnettlet: no. have admit to. was running full clock.
16:51 jnettlet what are you running on it
16:52 mk01_ but basically no load
16:52 joelbaby geexbox, but putting fedora on today to take a look.
16:52 joelbaby 3.5W is pretty much the minimum on a cubox-i2u
16:52 jnettlet joelbaby, the problem with xbmc is it is always drawing the scrolling screen, which uses cpu and gpu power.
16:52 joelbaby ok, i'll kill it and see what that does
16:52 jnettlet so it is never really idle
16:53 jnettlet if you aren't actively doing anything on it. The low power state will kick in which is less than 100mA's
16:53 jnettlet I generally see it down around 92
16:53 mk01_ jnettlet: i have patch (quite simple) which is turning renderer COMPLETELY of according to hdmi (TV) state
16:54 joelbaby Is there a way to manually select the low power state?
16:54 mk01_ so as you change source or tv off, XBMC is gong 1%
16:54 joelbaby at the command line
16:54 jnettlet mk01_, for xbmc?
16:54 mk01_ yes.
16:55 jnettlet joelbaby, no it is done dynamically right now. freescale has it implemented rather rudimentary, I want to integrate it more into the newer kernels dynamic power management infrastructure
16:55 mk01_ joelbaby: currently no, but it can be integrated into XBMC event system
16:55 jnettlet mk01_, push it to the repos
16:55 mk01_ and then you can control it with ES
16:56 jnettlet joelbaby, we do have S/R working now, where Suspend to memory gets us down into the 30mA range
16:56 jnettlet however I still have some more driver space work to get that fully exposed to userspace.
16:57 jnettlet basically we don't have anything setup to wake the machine back up by default.
16:57 joelbaby yes, it would need WOL, CEC, and IR
16:57 joelbaby that's the problem with suspend modes
17:01 joelbaby even with xbmc not running i'm still on 3.9W
17:03 jnettlet that is 780mA's that still seems really really high. This is with my 3.14.14 kernel?
17:06 joelbaby ok, down to 2.2W now
17:06 joelbaby that's just a login prompt.
17:06 joelbaby =440mA
17:07 joelbaby and a USB keyboard probably using 30-40mA last time i looked
17:08 jnettlet are you using gigabit ethernet?
17:08 joelbaby with 3.14.14
17:08 joelbaby nope
17:08 joelbaby 100Mbit
17:08 jnettlet okay that saves you 100mA
17:08 jnettlet any other USB devices?
17:09 joelbaby i'll yank out some cables ;)
17:09 jnettlet hdmi is like 40mA's
17:09 joelbaby yup -hdmi 2.1W
17:09 joelbaby ethernet yanking out did nothing.
17:10 joelbaby -ethernet 1.9W
17:10 joelbaby -usb wireless kb = 1.8W
17:10 joelbaby -power cord = 0W :)
17:12 jnettlet I do know that I need to patch the GPU to be better at letting the SOC go into deep idle
17:12 jnettlet like I said I am working on re-architecting the PM stuff
17:12 joelbaby yeah, that's why i thought I'd mention it now.
17:52 joelbaby after issuing shutdown in fedora, power usage = 3.2W
18:53 sraue rabeeh, mk01_ looks like CEC is working for more users then me alone, thanks much mk01_! :-)
18:55 malte great work!
18:55 malte will test it later
19:06 mk01_ sraue: as we discussed yesterday - - branch rpi-fixes is already with PE - branch imx6 is pure imx6 support on two commits (1st wolfgar + 2nd myself) - libCeC is PE master + the one critical fix
19:09 mk01_ all is it refork of PE repo, not wolgars to allow direct pull/merge. although I realised today the GIT already integrated ANY directions ANY repo (if hared some history). that wasnt working before.
19:10 sraue mk01_, for the imx6 branch, maybe you could rebase?, there are wolfgars patches somewhere in 2013 and yours on top, i think this should be squashed together on top of libcec master
19:11 sraue also i think wolfgar need to sign this Pulseeight contract or what this is ?
19:13 mk01_ no big deal
19:13 mk01_ actually a form name signature you agee
19:13 mk01_ agree
19:14 sraue yeah, will speak with opdenkamp, hope i see him soon
19:14 mk01_ theoretically he can say he did that for our project and this is covered in XBian PE contract as internal matter (emploee and employer )
19:14 mk01_ but really to sign it is not problem
19:15 mk01_ event it will guarantee his ownerhip on the code
19:15 mk01_ not PE
19:16 mk01_ I can send you email of office guy they have to manage this paper work
19:16 mk01_ this will be faster for you
19:16 sraue i know... its because of this dual licensing, but i think as the original dev he should sign this
19:16 mk01_ SURE
19:17 mk01_ this is the guy [email protected]
19:18 sraue i know
19:18 mk01_ he will manage it anyhow so do it now then once opdenkamp manages time you don;t have to waste time
21:59 wrexem @rabeeh, did you see my post a minute ago?
21:59 wrexem in the forums
22:00 wrexem I also - I think - tried to do a pull request with at least part of the fix.
22:01 wrexe 22:01 * wrexem makes cricket noises.
22:01 wrexem :D
22:04 wrexem brb
22:06 wrexe 22:06 * wrexem makes more cricket noises.
22:06 wrexem Anyone awake out there? Interested developer here, talking to himself. ;)
22:12 rabeeh wrexem: i'v seen the patches
22:12 rabeeh dear - you need first to change your editor that 'tab' is a real 'tab' and not 8 characters :)
22:12 rabeeh notice that those patches will be upstreamed in some point by rmk :)
22:12 malte yes
22:13 malte wrexem thank u for waking me up :)
22:17 dv_ gstreamer has some automated style checkers for that
22:17 dv_ these script check your code before you commit it
22:18 wrexem I think.. you're welcome.
22:18 wrexem lol
22:25 wrexem So, 3.14 doesn't like the pcie
22:27 wrexem never saw this channel before; just noticed it in your sig rabeeh
22:27 wrexem I'm excited; there are a lot of people here!
22:27 rabeeh yup
22:27 rabeeh welcome to the fun place :)
22:28 wrexem So, let me tell you what I'm (trying) to work on.
22:28 wrexem Or maybe, tell you what I've accomplished so far.
22:29 wrexem I'm a little bit noob, so you'll have to forgive me if I have no clue what I'm talking about sometimes.
22:29 wrexem I built a VM, on centos, for doing cross compiling.
22:30 wrexem I'm planning to offer that up to the community, if anyone wants it; basically it has all the goodies set and you just set up your cross compile stuff.
22:30 wrexem and press make
22:30 wrexem It uses crosstool-ng
22:31 wrexem So I've got that for doing compiling... and I'm working on this whole pci-e thing - doesn't seem like a major issue to most people, but I think it's one of the most interesting features of the board so I'm pretty focused there...
22:31 wrexem e.g. I think it will be awesome to stick extra USB ports or wifi+bt cards on there.
22:31 wrexem 4g...
22:32 wrexem But yeah, need a place to host this vmdk for the cross compiling thing. Zips down to about 3GB.
22:32 wrexem Anyone interested?
22:33 wrexem The other thing I'm trying to get to work is mplayer from the command line - no x etc, and get it working with nice fast acceleration - it sounds like someone was working with gstreamer, I think that might be helpful as well.
22:37 wrexem I went all crazy and bought an SSD so everything I'm running is on that too; pretty awesome. :)
22:41 wrexem Anyone curious about write performance on that SSD?
22:42 wrexem dd if=/dev/zero of=/testfile.0 bs=8M count=1000 ==> 96.7 MB/s
22:42 wrexem Man these crickets are loud. :P
22:46 wrexem Oh and I also figured out how to rsync my hummingboard from my compiler machine so it gets the goods after I run make on the CX
22:53 wrexem haha, that's pretty neat :P
22:53 wrexem dd if=/dev/zero of=/testfile.0 bs=32M count=20 => reboots after about 5s
23:00 wrexem well, I'm going to leave this open overnight... maybe by tomorrow someone will say something lol
23:21 dv_ wrexem: pcie is under development iirc
23:22 dv_ as for gstreamer, you can use my gstreamer-imx plugins for that
23:32 jmontleon wrexem you're saying writing to msata is causing a reboot? /me hasn't had any problems
23:35 jmontleon wrexem, you may be interested in this: