IRC log of #cubox of Thu 18 Sep 2014. All times are in CEST < Back to index

01:06 cbxbiker61
07:14 Humpelstilzchen earthy: not yet
07:19 Humpelstilzchen earthy: on which image are you?
07:42 Nilesh_ hi, can anyone please help, i'm trying to enable LVDS on wandboard solo, and ate my ldb settings help
07:57 earthy Humpelstilzchen: I'm on my own ubuntu
07:58 earthy 14.04.1
07:58 earthy but I won't have time to look into it for the next 12 to 13 hours
13:14 glnds jnettlet: do u keep me posted on the progress?
13:20 jnettlet glnds, yes once we have an update we will let you know.
13:22 glnds ok thanks. I will park the benchmarks till then.
13:22 jnettlet thanks. will hopefully have something to pass along to you today sometime
20:02 mhoney has there been any new distro images released lately?
20:04 malte lately
20:04 malte ?
20:05 mhoney within the last month?
20:11 malte a good debain headless by igor
20:11 mhoney yah, I run his debian on my cubietruck... but looking for something with accelerated video drivers
20:12 Humpelstilzchen mhoney: then use the jessie image
20:12 malte no news concerning xorg and gpu far as i know
20:13 wrexem Can the Jessie image use the new kernel?
20:13 mhoney thats what im currently using.. but it freezes up after running for a few weeks
20:13 wrexem Is it just a media center?
20:13 wrexem if it's working well, maybe a scheduled reboot would fix your issue
20:13 wrexem 3am every other day, idk
20:14 mhoney I might as well run windows if I need to reboot all the time ;(
20:14 wrexem Well yes, until a newer version is posted.
20:14 wrexem which doesn't have the problem.
20:14 mhoney its been 9 months... a newer version is called for
20:14 wrexem There is much work happening.
20:15 wrexem Igor's build, for example, and I know people are targetting different things.