IRC log of #cubox of Mon 03 Nov 2014. All times are in CET < Back to index

01:57 _dab_ Anyone got netflix working Geexbox?
11:52 topi` hi, help needed w/ serial port. I have a Hummingboard here, and the serial port works OK with my rs232-ttl-usb dongle. I flashed the debian-jessie premade image to a SD card. The initial bootloader messages come out on UART just fine
11:52 topi` but I tried to echo something >/dev/ttymxc0 and that just blocks
11:53 topi` it says that console goes to /dev/tty0, serial console disabled
11:53 topi` but I want to enable serial console :/
11:56 topi` and another thing, is there omxplayer available for Hummingboard, like on Raspberry PI?
11:59 topi` it seems that just writing to /dev/ttymxc0 crashes the whole board
13:40 topi` very odd, the hummingboard (I've got the quad-core version) freezes up every now and then while refreshing the framebuffer
13:40 topi` this is the debian jessie image that's linked to solidrun wiki
13:40 topi` kernel 3.0.35
13:41 joelbaby hi. how do I make xrandr work on geexbox? it just says can't open display
13:43 kivutar hi rabeeh are you there?
13:43 joelbaby topi` why not use a 'modem' style program to connect to the serial console at the correct baudrate?
13:44 topi` joelbaby: the serial console is working just fine, and I know the baudrate is correct since I get the bootloader stuff there at boot time
13:44 topi` but after boot, the console stops working
13:45 topi` and attempting to open the device results in kernel lockup
13:45 joelbaby i'm playing with a geexbox environment currently, and echo "hello" > /dev/ttymxc0 doesn't cause a problem
13:46 joelbaby so maybe its just the debian jessie build.
13:46 joelbaby (on a cubox-i)
13:46 joelbaby but i don't see how that changes things much even if hummingboard
13:46 joelbaby how about trying a newer kernel?
13:47 joelbaby many ppl are using 3.14.14 now (and up to 3.14.23)
13:47 joelbaby a ton of improvements in there compared to 3.0.35
13:47 topi` yeah, 3.0.x is an ancient kernel
13:47 topi` I'll try to see if I can upgrade the jessie image to a newer kernel
13:47 joelbaby there's been a lot of changes made by solidrun and others to the kernel.
13:50 topi` freescale is releasing their i.MX6 patches to upstream kernel, aren't they?
13:51 joelbaby topi` kernel info and downloads here: and here:
15:01 topi` joelbaby: does the video acceleration work with 3.14.x kernels?
15:02 topi` it seems gstreamer works fine on that 3.0.35 image
15:02 topi` 3.0.x is just awfully old as a kernel
15:03 R0nd hw acceleration works with 3.14 on cubox-i
15:09 topi` cool
15:14 topi` video playback seems to slow the system down, I think it's because of a limited amount of memory bandwidth
15:15 topi` this is the quad core model, so it's not about a tied-up core.
15:39 joelbaby topi` my dual core can run h.264 encoded at 120Mbit/s with no frame drops using hw accel.
15:50 topi` now compiling the 3.14 kernel (natively), let's see how long it takes on make -j6 :)
15:51 topi` joelbaby: I was not seeing any frame drops either, I just commented that it seems to eat a lot of memory controller's bandwidth
16:04 topi` the sluggishness of the i.MX6 reminds me of an Asus EEEPC with an Intel Atom processor
16:04 topi` it always took ages to compile the kernel on that one...
16:07 bencoh slugginesh ? well .. not that sluggy for that kind of thing :>
16:08 topi` well, my Nvidia Tegra K1 devboard compiles the kernel an order of magnitude faster :)
16:08 topi` having very fast DRAM also helps that
16:09 dv_ topi`: depends on what imx6 device
16:09 dv_ the cubox-i devices are considerably faster than a sabre board for example
16:10 dv_ they do use ddr3 though
16:14 topi` real-life mem bandwidth seems to be limited at or around 2.5GB/s on this quad-core hummingnboard
16:24 dv_ also, how exactly do you play video?
16:24 topi` the heatsink gets really hot while I'm compiling kernel
16:24 dv_ it makes a lot of difference if you use zerocopy or not
16:24 topi` dv_: I play it with gstreamer... gst-launch
16:24 dv_ CPU % ?
16:24 topi` the CPU% stays at <10
16:25 dv_ with 1080p ?
16:25 dv_ I mean, 1080p videos
16:25 topi` no, the stream was smaller, like 480p
16:25 dv_ test it with a fullhd video
16:25 dv_ also, if possible, dont use gstreamer 0.10
16:25 topi` 0.10.36
16:26 dv_ yes. dont use it.
16:26 dv_ it is abandoned.
16:26 dv_ use 1.0.
16:26 topi` I don't know if debian provides a newer gst than 0.10?
16:26 dv_ it should
16:26 dv_ I would be very surprised if it doesnt
16:26 dv_ but the package names might be screwed up, as they sometimes are in debian
16:26 topi` yeah, I can see libgstreamer1.0 there
16:27 topi` with apt-cache search
16:27 dv_ install -base/-good/-bad/-ugly and -libav
16:27 topi` does the same i.mx6 backend work with newer gstreamer?
16:27 dv_ and also gstreamer-imx (you need this for hw accelerated video decoding and zerocopy output)
16:27 dv_ there are no fsl plugins for 1.0. mine (gstreamer-imx) have been around for quite a while though
16:28 topi` no -imx found
16:28 dv_ hm I thought there is a package for it already
16:28 dv_ anybody here who uses debian?
16:29 dv_ topi`: btw, check out
16:29 dv_ its a bit outdated, because its at 0.9.9 now, but generally holds true
16:29 topi` but isn't 0.9.9 like a "pre-release" of 1.0?
16:29 topi` so probably the same API
16:29 dv_ no
16:30 dv_ this is *gstreamer-imx* 0.9.9
16:30 dv_ which requires gstreamer 1.2.0 or newer
16:30 dv_ the 0.9.9 version is for the plugins themselves
16:31 topi` right.
17:21 topi` wow. it took 240 cpu minutes to compile the kernel. (90 mins real time)
17:24 jnettlet sounds about right
17:25 jnettlet on the SDHC card?
17:25 topi` yews
17:25 topi` that'll be slow...
17:25 jnettlet usually it is just about an our on an eSATA drive and -j5
17:25 jnettlet s/our/hour/
17:25 topi` an eMMC 4.5 would be much faster
17:26 topi` maybe I should get eSATA for the thing
17:35 michiwend hi
17:35 michiwend just installed archlinux arm on my cubox-i4 pro
17:36 michiwend which xbmc package should i install?
17:38 michiwend xbmc-imx-git i guess?
21:20 ngochai Can someone please tell me why my kernel only see 7 partitions instead of all 9 in /dev/mmcblk0 ? I'm running kernel 3.14.4+ hummingboard i2ex
21:37 cbxbiker61 ngochai, when i use a lot of partions i always use gpt partitioning
21:42 ngochai cbxbiker61, things work fine in kernel 3.0.x I compiled kernel 3.14.4+ and now it fails to detect those partitions
22:07 rd_ Operate the GPIOs on the Hummingboard at 3.3 or at 5V?