IRC log of #cubox of Sun 09 Nov 2014. All times are in CET < Back to index

14:00 _unreal_ any one live?
14:01 _unreal_ few questions. I have the orignal cubox the 800mhz version. are these the correct builds for that cubox?
14:02 _unreal_ second how do I go about loading these images? do I just dump them to the sd card with a fat32?ext2... partition? etc....
15:22 warped-rudi _unreal_: At least for Geexbox do not use these ancient images. Instead look here:
15:24 warped-rudi You can use 'dd' or 'win32diskimager' to dump the (extracted) *.img.xz to an SD card or use the 'make-sdcard' script to copy the *.tar.xz on Linux.
15:39 _unreal_ hi
20:38 wrexem hullo all
20:38 wrexem how goes the cubox/hummingboarding?
20:41 TrojanHorse it goes hot
21:28 wrexem Most people still using igor's build?
21:29 TrojanHorse what else could they use wrexem?
21:30 TrojanHorse (I am working on real improvements oto it, aka packages)
21:30 wrexem What could I play video with, on igor's build
21:31 wrexem say, 1080p, or even 720
21:31 wrexem preferrably, something I can apt-get lol
21:35 Artox hmmm
21:35 Artox so wrexem as I said I am wokring on it
21:35 Artox packages for vpu libraries and gstreamer plugins
21:35 Artox as well as gpu blobs
21:36 Artox (it may taek a while yet, all is untested, jsut packaged)
21:36 Artox todo: vpu firmware, gstreamer-0.10
22:35 _unreal_ hello
22:35 _unreal_ I decompressed with unxz and DD'd
22:35 _unreal_ this do an SD