IRC log of #cubox of Mon 17 Nov 2014. All times are in CET < Back to index

00:02 dexter93 guys, has the original cubox wiki gone down? can't find info for gen1 cubox pro
02:19 GoldenAngle What is this channel about?
06:54 aplund I'm trying to read device registers by mmaping /dev/mem, but this always seems to fail giving SIGBUS when reading from memory. What is the right way to do this?
06:54 aplund oh
06:54 aplund this is for the cubox-i
07:07 aplund hmm.. solved
07:07 aplund you need to read it using a 32bit type or it just returns SIGBUS
07:07 aplund anyway... thanks for all the fish
10:26 ralix morning @all
10:31 ralix i have a problem with my wlan card, since the last kernel update... old cubox : i have no idea at the moment :(
10:54 rabeeh_ ralix: check if /lib/firmware/rtlwifi/rtl8712u.bin is there
10:54 rabeeh_ oh
10:54 rabeeh_ i think the issue is that it's not build as module
10:55 rabeeh_ you need to have it as a module and load the kernel module after the the rootfs (that has the firmware) has been mounted
10:55 ralix yes it's there : -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 122328 Oct 23 01:39 /lib/firmware/rtlwifi/rtl8712u.bin
11:03 ralix I have to rebuild the whole kernel? ) Oh, that will go a long build process
11:03 ralix ;)
11:40 topi` rabeeh: I can confirm that the SIM holder pad works now, when I crossed wires 4&6 like jnettleton told me
11:40 rabeeh great !!!
11:41 rabeeh i should send a post about it
11:41 topi` rabeeh: which rev will be getting the fixed pin order for SIM holder? I'm trying to persuade my boss to order more Hummingboards
11:41 rabeeh we have fixed that in a new rev of HB 3.5
11:41 rabeeh the new rev will be released before the end of Nov.
11:41 topi` I have a full-length mPCIe 3G modem in the half slot so it's a bit unpractical
11:41 topi` but we found a half-height Ericsson 3G module which I'll be trying
11:42 rabeeh i was wondering about certification of those modules
11:42 rabeeh which country will you be using them?
11:42 topi` but the most important thing was to get the modem to work :)
11:42 rabeeh have an exact model number?
11:42 topi` we're based in Finland, but we also have international customers
11:42 rabeeh topi`: i agree - annoying problem
11:42 rabeeh what do you do in such a case?\
11:42 topi` we got the Ericsson H5321 iirc
11:43 topi` it's a very small module, unfortunately all the 4G modules are full size :(
11:43 rabeeh i'm seeing also M.2 form factor coming along
11:44 topi` is it possible to order a batch of, say, 100 baseboards with the extra USB headers and the HDMI header unpopulated?
11:44 topi` that way a full-size mPCIe 4G modem fits in, we can design a custom case around it, and customers will be happy
11:44 rabeeh yes
11:44 rabeeh i would search harder before doing that
11:45 topi` our use case is basically a tiny network router
11:45 rabeeh because there are ready to use spacers etc...
11:45 topi` but we also want to provide HDMI output if the customer wishes to display video as well
11:46 topi` is the Quad module the only one with heatsink?
11:46 topi` we're going to have to use a Heat spreader, most probably
11:47 topi` we also have a probable need of Industrial temp range components, but not yet
11:47 topi` anyhow, based on my testing, the i.MX6 is a much better choice for a SoC than those chinese cheap ones (like Allwinner) ... I was burned by the total lack of documentation
11:48 topi` I was even able to compile Freescale's video libraries to get hardware video decoding with gstreamer!
11:48 topi` I think Freescale is one of the most decent vendors, from open source point of view
11:55 dv__ heh, true
11:56 topi` the software side of the chinese vendors is just awful, awful
11:56 dv_ do I hear mediatek? :)
11:56 topi` and they only give you windows tooling
11:56 topi` no mediatek, it's even worse
11:57 dv_ worse than mediatek?
11:57 dv_ this is possible?
11:57 topi` I was trying out an Allwinner devel board
11:57 bencoh sounds like hell
11:57 topi` no, mediatek is worse
11:57 dv_ ah
11:57 dv_ see
11:57 bencoh uh, okay :)
11:57 topi` some Allwinners boot a recent Linux just okay
11:57 dv_ mediatek is really incredibly unfathomably awful
11:57 topi` but the vendor documentation is awful
11:57 dv_ but they are really big in the bluray player market
11:58 topi` the lure for $4 quadcore SoC's is strong (like Allwinner A33) but what we would save in BoM, we would pay double in devel costs
11:58 dv_ yeah
11:58 dv_ especially given the shoddy state of the BSPs
11:58 bencoh dv_: do they have mpeg-ts support now ?
11:58 topi` I told my boss, that if we want to go with the Chinese, we need to hire a couple of guys more
11:58 bencoh (be it hw or sw support)
11:59 dv_ bencoh: I think so, but I didnt look further. their code is incredibly bad.
11:59 topi` maybe the Chinese will learn in 5 years time or so...
11:59 dv_ I got some weird collection of scripts and huge kernel patches (several MB) on top ... a 2.6 kernel
11:59 topi` meanwhile, I'll stick with known good vendors, like Freescale
11:59 dv_ oh, and these scripts only worked in a ubuntu 10.04 VM
12:00 topi` there's a Tegra K1 based industrial / devboard coming, maybe that could be something
12:00 dv_ and the patches ... race conditions everywhere, crappy coding style, hacks all over the place ..
12:01 dv_ but that's what you get if you get some code monkeys for minimum wage
12:01 topi` dv_: I have to close my eyes every time I visit chinese made kernel code :/
12:01 topi` dv_: they say that with enough monkeys typing, one of those will eventually produce Shakespeare's works :)
12:01 dv_ one funny thing was that they confused ALSA and OSS several times
12:02 dv_ "alsa-example.c" . inside: open("/dev/dsp")
12:02 bencoh :D
12:02 topi` maybe they didn't know what a "wrapper" means?
12:02 bencoh somehow it's simpler than wrapping alsa api ;)
12:02 dv_ oh, and as it turned out, neither ALSA nor OSS were actually working. we had to use their own API.
12:03 dv_ freescale may be more expensive, but the sw stack is infinitely better
12:03 topi` dv_: is there a good, comprehensive wiki page for the status of video playback on i.MX6 somewhere?
12:03 topi` particularly gstreamer
12:03 dv_ (they do have problems, but these are generally manageable)
12:03 topi` I think Freescale has a couple of kernel guys who have real linux experience
12:04 topi` that usually helps :)
12:04 dv_ topi`: well. gstreamer 0.10: abandoned, do not use it, fsl wrote plugins for this, but these aren't good (and also abandoned).
12:04 dv_ gstreamer 1.0: there are my plugins (gstreamer-imx).
12:04 topi` dv_: I've got the 0.99 plugins and they seem to work when I compiled imxlib and friends
12:04 dv_ includes VPU based en/decoding , and video sinks based on IPU, PxP, G2D, GLES
12:05 dv_ oh imxlib shouldn't be neccessary anymore
12:05 topi` what kind of a sink is the IPU one? does it just provide colorspace conversion?
12:05 dv_ this was temporary during PxP element development
12:05 topi` I think imxlib was a dependency on compiling the libvpuwhatnot
12:05 dv_ shouldnt be
12:05 dv_ imx-vpu should be the dependency
12:05 dv_ for IPU, G2D, PxP, there is a video transform and a sink element
12:06 topi` ok, so you can also transform video with IPU?
12:06 dv_ the video transform element does csc, scaling, rotation (in 90? steps), and deinterlacing (only the IPU can do that though)
12:06 dv_ with IPU, PxP, and G2D
12:06 topi` do all i.MX6's support IPU? I have a Quad, but we're probably going to use the DualLite
12:06 dv_ iirc yes
12:07 topi` we most probably only need scaling and rotation (if the display is attached in weird angles)
12:07 dv_ the IPU is strangely fickle though with regards to input/output frame resolutions. some combinations work, some dont.
12:07 dv_ then I recommend using G2D or PxP
12:07 topi` oh... maybe padding in software helps?
12:07 dv_ thats not the issue. its about the crop rectangle in the ipu task structure.
12:08 dv_ I already pad frame strides to 8-byte boundaries
12:08 dv_ err, 16-byte
12:08 dv_ also, IPU wont rotate anything larger than 1024x1024
12:09 bencoh too bad for 720p/1080p :]
12:09 dv_ I was thinking about adding some tile-based mechanism, but thats pretty complex. I have to finish other things first.
12:09 bencoh (that's quite useless, honestly)
12:10 dv_ tbh, if G2D were able to deinterlace, I'd probably ditch the IPU elements
12:10 dv_ but IPU also supports more input/output formats (its output formats are limited to RGB)
12:11 bencoh did you try writing a simple blend deinterlace shader ?
12:11 bencoh might be simpler and visually better
12:11 dv_ as for pxp, its not easy for me to develop for it, since the 3.14 kernel doesnt have pxp support yet, and the only sabre board I have access to is currently in use
12:11 dv_ well, that would require the 3D core
12:12 dv_ part of the reason why I support other sinks is the vastly smaller power consumption
12:12 dv_ a 2D core with shaders would be great :)
12:13 bencoh indeed
12:14 dv_ pxp is interesting for webcams though, since unlike IPU and G2D, it supports Y42B as an input format, and many webcams use that
12:15 dv_ (thats YUV 4:2:2 planar)
12:30 topi` but we can do simple YUV conversions also with NEON
12:30 topi` it's efficient enough, but will of course tie up the cpu
12:33 bencoh hm, same goes for blend deint
12:33 bencoh I wonder how it would perform
12:37 dv_ I wouldnt do anything CPU-based with fullhd videos
12:38 dv_ it makes a huge difference
12:39 rabeeh there is no quad core device in 4$ :)
12:39 rabeeh this thing doesn't exist at all; even not in 1M unit order :)
12:45 dv_ not sure, but I think the mediatek quadcores are close
12:45 dv_ (still, never use mediatek, ever)=
13:39 rabeeh dv-_: i can do the math with you online and show that it's impossible :)
13:41 dv-_ even if its made by a giant whose chips are in more than 200 million devices?
13:41 rabeeh i'm talking about flip chip, quad cortex-a7 with 1MByte L2 cache, gpu, hdmi and DDR controller
13:41 rabeeh but they need to make money
13:41 rabeeh anyhow; doesn't really matter.
13:41 dv-_ note that being a chinese company, they simply dont care about patents and such
13:42 dv-_ btw. funny read:
13:42 bencoh oO
16:59 kgp @dv-_>I was evaluating ralink chip to create some embeeded things. (ralink was bought by mediatek)... so now I move to other solutions that are open-source.
16:59 kgp I think you have a cultural difference between software and hardware companies.
17:00 kgp in software open-source is part of the culture now. Many components are open-source.
17:00 kgp But in hardware (ASIC in particular), you have to pay for everything.
17:00 kgp Even stupid things.
17:01 kgp But it will change as hardware/asic will move more and more in the mass market.
17:02 kgp I'm sure you will be able to "print" your own ASIC in a few years as you print your own stuff with a 3d printer.
22:25 cbxbiker61 my printrbot metal should be here by the end of the week, i feel like a little kid that's getting a new toy