IRC log of #cubox of Thu 04 Dec 2014. All times are in CET < Back to index

00:02 Mav_ hey guys :D
00:03 Mav_ does anyone installed xbmc on a cubox with a pre installed ubuntu and it ran fast ans stable as well?
00:03 Mav_ i tried the xbmc from the ubuntu repo and this gone horribly wrong o.O kind a heavy laggy and so on
02:51 davlawson hi there! I'm currently trying to get wifi working on a cubox-i, using Yocto. dmesg | grep brcm gives brcm_osc_reg: 3300 mV and brcm_reg: 3300 mV. ifup wlan0 gives SIOCGIFFLAGS: No such device. any ideas?
04:56 foresto How do I log in to the solid-run wiki? The "Log in" text near the top right doesn't appear to be clickable.