IRC log of #cubox of Sat 13 Dec 2014. All times are in CET < Back to index

06:31 tthtlc hi
06:32 tthtlc i am playing with hummingboard running android
06:33 tthtlc problem is when it connect my serial uart....on my HDMI screen showing the bootup, it seemed uart was never detected and no messages ever go to the this true?
09:11 topi` jnettlet: I'm trying to compile uboot from your tree (in github, and the imx6 branch) but does it contain hummingboard support? I only saw support files for cubox-i there...
09:11 topi` maybe I'm looking at the wrong directory
09:14 topi` it seems my native compiler is incapable of compiling UBOOT:
09:14 topi` ld.bfd: error: /usr/lib/gcc/arm-linux-gnueabihf/4.7/libgcc.a(bpabi.o) uses VFP register arguments, u-boot does not
09:15 topi` (my host is a Tegra K1 board (armhf) with hard float ABI)
09:16 topi` it's a pretty decent compile box - the kernel takes 7 minutes to compile :)
09:20 jnettlet topi`, we have a unified u-boot architecture. One install of SPL/u-boot.img will boot all our microsom based hardware
09:25 jnettlet topi`, you can try setting CFLAGS for -mfpu=vfpv3 to see if that helps
09:26 jnettlet also don't pass make -j args as it doesn't build if you are using multiple threads.
09:27 cbxbiker61 pretty sure you have to use libs/compiler doing soft float for u-boot
09:38 jnettlet cbxbiker61, nope it is all self contained. I compile against a hard-float cross-compiler.
09:38 jnettlet it is all about how you tell the compiler to build u-boot
09:39 jnettlet but like the core kernel there is no floating point code in the project so hard vs soft float really doesn't matter
10:54 topi` jnettlet: is the "" your script?
10:54 topi` it's doing some setup and doing make -j8
10:54 jnettlet topi`, nope rabeeh's
10:55 topi` ok :) so rabeeh is responsible for the uboot?
10:55 topi` I got it from, is that right?
10:56 jnettlet that is my personal repo and should not be used for production.
10:56 topi` ok, what then? :)
10:56 jnettlet The official github repo.
10:56 topi` ok
10:56 topi` oh, there's even a 3.14 kernel nowadays under SolidRun
10:57 jnettlet yes. the workflow is generally into my repo for testers/devs then once proven tested over to SolidRun
10:57 topi` what's the difference between cubox-i and Hummingboard Pro?
10:57 jnettlet form factor, some connectors.
10:58 topi` so the .dtb files might be different?
10:58 jnettlet the HB is a development board, while the CBi is more a consumer product
10:58 jnettlet the .dtb files are different, but our u-boot auto-detects the platform and will load the proper .dtb
10:59 topi` ok
10:59 jnettlet if you write your own custom script it is up to you to do.
10:59 topi` so I can just compile the uboot with "mx6_cubox-i4pro"?
11:00 jnettlet actually those are all old you don't want to do that at all.
11:00 jnettlet just use mx6_cubox-i that is the universal build
11:00 topi` OK
11:01 jnettlet the others are legacy before we sorted out universal boot
12:53 topi` jnettlet: now I can boot the GPT partitioned system manually!
12:54 topi` if I somehow could change "mmcpart" variable from 1 to 2 then it'd be automatic
12:54 topi` is this something inherited from UBOOT? I guess it's a convention to use partition 1 to find zImage and stuff
12:55 topi` but I have "protective MBR partition" (type 0xee) as my 1st partition so that Linux GPT code recognises it as a protective/hybrid
12:59 jnettlet I was wondering if that was the case
12:59 jnettlet we can patch the default initscript to walk the first two partitions if that will help.
13:00 jnettlet I would have to check to see how much work it is to test against the partition type in uboot scripting
17:21 topi` jnettlet: the partition type, as in filesystem?
17:21 topi` when I format /boot to ext2, it works just fine with UBOOT load commands
17:21 topi` or do you mean the partition type byte in MBR?
17:22 topi` it's 0x0c for a LBA FAT32 partition (which I'm using) and 0xee for a "Protected MBR" that GPT partitioning puts there
17:23 topi` actually, for my purposes, I can just use partition 1, and forget about Protected MBR (if I find a way to make gdisk not to complain about it)
17:24 jnettlet ah you are using 0x0c so we can't rely on that to know if we should check the second partition.
17:24 jnettlet ultimately checking the next partition will only add another 0.3seconds to the SPL boot stage
17:26 topi` yes
17:26 topi` the SPL is already taking too much time to load UBOOT
17:26 topi` i'll try a 1-partition MBR layout, to see if it poses any problems for the partitioning tools
17:28 jnettlet topi`, if you are worried about speed then you should look into using directboot
17:28 jnettlet but you have to use msdos for your first partition
17:29 jnettlet ext2 drivers are too big.
17:30 jnettlet basically SPL loads the zImage and .dtb from the first partition if it is msdos and then boots right into the kernel
17:33 topi` yeah ext2 is bloated, at least compared to the simplicity that is FAT16 :)
17:34 topi` it might also be possible to use msdos for the first partition; I found out that writes to /dev/loop1 are not reflected in the underlying file for a *long* time (possibly 60 seconds)
17:34 topi` I don't know why but this explains why my msdos partition was corrupted after the script finished
17:36 topi` one good property of msdos filesystem is that you don't need to fill the *whole* partition, so the file (being dd'ed) can be sparse
17:37 topi` and I've planned that in production, we don't manipulate partitions, but instead overwrite entire partitions with binary data (that has been tested before release)
17:37 jnettlet topi`, even if you call sync after the write?
17:37 topi` jnettlet: I do an unmount after the write, which should equal to a sync
17:38 topi` but maybe it doesn't hold true with msdos, since it seems to work with ext2
17:38 topi` anyhow, loop devices behave a little bit oddly
18:31 topi` jnettlet: wasn't a good idea, now that there's no partition type 0xEE in MBR, linux kernel thinks there's no GPT!
18:31 topi` grrrr..
18:31 topi` unless... I could force the kernel with the "gpt" kernel param
18:35 topi` YES! success.
18:35 jnettlet topi`, can you put the protective partition after /boot
18:36 jnettlet keep it physically first on the drive, but make it the second partition
18:37 topi` hmm, good idea, I shall try that out
18:37 jnettlet I have no idea if that will work. It is just a thought
18:37 topi` I'll tell you shortly :)