IRC log of #cubox of Tue 23 Dec 2014. All times are in CET < Back to index

01:10 sraue rabeeh, can you tell sam_nazarko (again) we dont get any single $ from SolidRun with our partnership and we dont dropped ATV1 support because of the partnership with SolidRun because of this tweet: ? Instead we agreed for time limited discount for our users to make the move esp. for ATV1 users from the outdated PentiumM hardware more attractive
01:12 sraue i tought we told him enough times, but it seems he always forget or dont understand the difference between sponsors and partners
14:57 Artox ping jmontleon
14:59 jmontleon Artox, pong
14:59 Artox fedora 21 enabled
14:59 Artox I still need to solve a few "have choice for" conflicts
15:00 Artox look on the link
15:00 Artox I can add a Prefer: line to project config choosing one of the suggested
15:00 Artox e.g. I had choice between generic-release and fedora-release packages
15:00 Artox I picked fedora-release
15:01 Artox any suggestion which fonts package I should prefer?
15:02 Artox maybe check which are installed on a default f21 system?
15:05 jmontleon Artox, ya, let me look
15:11 Artox got them alphabetical:
15:11 Artox I tend to gnu-free-sans-fonts
15:18 kaipee hey guys, does anyone know what the user:group and perms should be on openelec for transferred files?
15:19 kaipee I ssh'd a few playlist files over and the interface can't seem to find them
16:28 topi` there's a merge in linux-imx6-3.14 tree containing some imx thermal patches, is that going to mean that I can throw out the heatsink from my Quad?
16:28 topi` we won't be using the GPU anyways, just some video decoding using the i.MX IPU unit
16:46 kaipee anyone else had an issue with wifi disappearing in the latest OpenELEC build?
17:12 curlymo installing XBian seems to be good fix ;)
18:21 fritsch curlymo: i hope you are right :-)
18:22 jnettlet topi`, yes we have run the quad core without a heatsink
18:23 jnettlet but when the chip heats up and hits the passive limits it will restrict the cpufrequencies so it won't run at full speed.
18:24 jnettlet so it is safe, but not optimal for long running cpu intensive jobs.
18:24 jnettlet but the thermal management is solid. rabeeh had to break out a hair dryer in order to get it to actually hit the thermal shutdown point.
18:32 topi` :)
18:33 topi` jnettlet: I have put the heatsinked Quad inside a tiny RaspberryPI case (where there isn't sufficient room for air circulation) hence it would be more useful to have a heat spreader instead of a heatsink
18:34 topi` we hope our cpu intensive jobs won't be long running :)
18:34 topi` I tried to run youtube stuff from a CEF3 client on jessie running under virtualbox, and it was sluggish, probably because missing video acceleration
18:34 topi` as CEF3 is much much harder to build properly than webkit-gtk, I'll stick with the latter...
18:35 topi` we'll try to invent some other tricks for video playback. Possibly a custom webkit DOM object that, when invoked, would launch gstreamer to render on top of the framebuffer
19:53 jnettlet topi`, just saw this earlier. May be of interest to you.
19:55 jnettlet topi`, you need to short circuit some stuff in chrome to play youtube properly. By default youtube defaults to vp9 playback. You need to basically disable vp9 support and force it to favour either vp8 or h264, both of which are hardware accelerated.
23:27 FrankN Hello everybody
23:32 jmontleon Artox, if you see malte later that worker went offline again
23:34 jmontleon that chromium build will keep everything busy for awhile, so I guess I'm done for now; when my builds kick, hopefully they'll do what I told me to do, otherwise I'll look at doing the prjconf stuff again
23:36 jmontleon can always just make release_prefix 4. instead of 4 and have it be %{?prefix_release}..fc%{?fedora_version}; the if it doesn't exist it isn't so ugly
23:37 jmontleon and it can just be: %if 0%{?fedora_version} > 0
23:37 jmontleon Release: %%{?release_prefix}..fc%{?fedora_version}
23:37 jmontleon %endif
23:54 jmontleon artox if you look at any of my projects and do it for global it should work well enough
23:54 jmontleon i think
23:55 jmontleon have to add the dot if you use it in the rpm spec, so not 100% intuitive, but not terrible.
23:56 jmontleon kind of how fedora does it already anyway; dist is .fc21 not fc21 for example so you write 1%{?dist}