IRC log of #cubox of Sun 28 Dec 2014. All times are in CET < Back to index

22:05 drgrant Hi all. Anyone using their CuBox as a NFS/samba NAS?
22:06 drgrant I am seeing lackluster performance on my dual-core, transfer rates never top 20 MB/s.
22:08 wbx drgrant: more should be possible. are you using a gigabit switch?
22:09 drgrant wbx: yeah, 470 Mbps on iperf too.
22:10 drgrant I saw 50 MB/s over NFS once, but have not been able to reproduce it since. :S
22:10 fritsch the question rather is
22:10 wbx hmm. which kernel?
22:10 fritsch where are you transfering to?
22:10 fritsch to internal sdcard?
22:10 fritsch to external connect esata?
22:10 drgrant No, eSATA HDD.
22:10 fritsch okay, test the eSata alone first
22:10 drgrant 100 MB/s read, 80 MB/s write.
22:10 fritsch you tested that form cubox?
22:10 drgrant yup, hdparm and dd.
22:11 fritsch with sync?
22:11 fritsch hdparm is a bit academically
22:11 drgrant hmm, no
22:11 fritsch is there a difference between read and write?
22:11 drgrant wbx: 3.10.42-geb80c2b, built it last night.
22:11 fritsch let me make a short test
22:11 wbx drgrant: you should better try 3.14.x for best performance.
22:12 drgrant I used dd if=/dev/zero of=/test oflag=nocache bs=1M count=100
22:12 drgrant wbx: No difference, and 3.14.14+ actually gives me random ATA reset errors on the eSATA drive.
22:13 drgrant As seen here:
22:15 wbx drgrant: then may be a 3.17.x kernel with rmk-patches might be worth a try
22:15 drgrant hmm, where can I find the sources?
22:15 drgrant and what is rmk? noob here. :P
22:16 wbx drgrant: rmk is the linux arm maintainer, who is working on bringing all cubox stuff into linus tree.
22:16 wbx
22:16 drgrant Ok, cool.
22:17 wbx there are always performance tunings for fec (ethernet driver) and other stuff in there
22:17 drgrant I see that 3.18 is up too. So you would recommend 3.17rc5?
22:17 wbx may be his 3.18 patch set and 3.18
22:18 drgrant I guess I'll build and report back. Thanks.
22:19 wbx my cubox-i is running with 3.14, but I haven't used samba or nfs, yet.
22:19 drgrant Do you use eSATA?
22:20 wbx i have a disk. but need to sort some things out. at the moment a usb disk is connected
22:20 drgrant ah
22:20 wbx need to find the power supply for the external sata drive ;)
22:20 drgrant I use a powered enclosure. :)
22:20 wbx plan is to buy a big disk with esata to make a nas
22:21 drgrant watch your syslogs, you might be affected by the ATA errors too.
22:21 wbx my 300 gb usb disk is to old and to small
22:22 wbx at the moment I fighting with monitor blanking while using kodi :(
22:28 wbx connected my 150 gb disk via esata. let's see
22:31 fritsch wbx: does it happen every minute ( the blanking?) or when you bend the hdmi cable?
22:34 wbx fritsch: interesting. the blanking does not happen when playing a local video from esata drive. only when trying to play a video via mediathek (ard / tatort)
22:34 fritsch wbx: something in kodi.log? kernel does something?
22:34 wbx fritsch: hdmi is connected via a dvi adapter to a eizo flexscan.
22:35 fritsch does the kernel register some change?
22:35 fritsch or is it purely a weak contact or something?
22:39 wbx as star wars from local disk works fine, I don't think it is a cable problem
22:39 fritsch does it switch refreshrate?
22:39 fritsch for the mediathek one?
22:39 fritsch e.g. to 50hz?
22:40 fritsch does star wars also flicker if you watch it in != 24p mode? (if you use adjust refreshrate to match video at all)
22:41 wbx hm.. may be just a network issue. now mediathek works fine since 3 minutes
22:42 wbx i tried at 21 o'clock while it was running on tv. may be now the stream is more stable.
22:44 fritsch should not happen
22:44 fritsch do you see some "could not get any data from paket"?
22:44 fritsch in the logs?
22:44 fritsch we have no code for blanking just4fun
22:44 fritsch :p
22:44 fritsch which kodi version that is, btw.?
22:45 wbx release version.
22:46 wbx yes, I got a lot of could not get any data from paket
22:46 fritsch that means network is stuck
22:46 fritsch or no data coming trhough
22:46 fritsch if you normally use iptv simple
22:46 fritsch you need another patch
22:46 fritsch we did not analyze the stream enough and that caused issues
22:46 wbx so, yes. it seems to be a network issue.
22:47 fritsch
22:47 fritsch if you find some issues with specific streams
22:47 fritsch this one you need
22:47 fritsch also 14.1-RC1 is constantly filling the Helix branch
22:48 fritsch so 14.1 will happen soon
22:48 wbx hmm. and now after 15 minutes, video is black, sound is playing.
22:48 fritsch if you press enter - you see the controls?
22:49 fritsch or complete screen is gone?
22:49 wbx complete screen is gone. display says no signal
22:49 fritsch wbx: which distro is that? Anythin special patched in? kernel wise?
22:50 wbx 3.14.26 (self compiled distro). only solidrun patches.
22:51 wbx In DVI Mode disable interrupts
22:51 wbx do you thing it is an kernel issue?
22:52 fritsch i did not write any code to kodi lately that blanks the screen :-)
22:52 fritsch do you have an kodi.log for completeness?
22:52 fritsch does the kernel say something?
22:54 wbx dmesg says only In DVI Mode disable interrupts
22:54 fritsch and kodi.log?
22:54 fritsch does SystemEGL report something?
22:54 wbx
22:55 fritsch mmh
22:55 fritsch it really seems to go offline
22:55 fritsch you see that with AESinkALSA
22:55 fritsch we call AddPackets
22:55 fritsch and on failure, we call pcm_recover
22:55 fritsch when that happens twice the audio out is gone
22:55 fritsch your DVI does carry audio?
22:56 wbx no.
22:56 fritsch which audio output do you have configured?
22:56 fritsch spdif?
22:57 wbx audio is via a spdif optic dac to normal pc box
22:57 fritsch wondering
22:57 fritsch wh the alsa device goes nuts
22:57 wbx i think the audio messages occured whily i tried to reblank via some keys
22:57 fritsch not sure why
22:57 wbx right cursor or sth.
22:58 fritsch the click noise?
22:58 wbx it does not occur while the creen is blanking
22:58 fritsch oki
22:58 fritsch still interested why adding some packets to a working sound device causes the device to not eat a package
22:58 wbx it is not related. I could generate a new log, without trying to awake the screen via keyboad
22:58 fritsch oki, i need to go
22:58 wbx me too. ;)
22:58 wbx sleeping time
22:59 fritsch debuglog will help more I think
22:59 wbx need to recompile tomorrow
22:59 fritsch but that alsa stuff is also relevant, as the device seems to be gone
23:24 drgrant Hmm, my new 3.18.1 kernel isn't booting.