IRC log of #cubox of Mon 29 Dec 2014. All times are in CET < Back to index

00:47 drgrant Seeing the ATA hard reset errors again.
00:47 drgrant Has nobody had experience with these?
01:06 drgrant Ok, I think I have this figured out.
01:06 drgrant Force the link speed to 1.5 Gbps and all is ok.
01:06 drgrant Just boot with libata.force=1.5
01:06 drgrant I am back on 3.14.14+ \o/
02:15 rikym7 help
02:16 rikym7 hey - new to the CuBox-i and I was trying to find if anyone has installed a scrypt cpu miner on the box before... looking specifically to install a X11 algorithm based miner on it, but no luck with compiles
02:31 rikym7 make
13:22 slacker27 morning all
16:39 topi` can I get the MPlayer to work with Hummingboard?
16:40 topi` I suppose it doesn't know how to use imxipusink...
17:01 mwcampbell Do any of the CuBox models have analog audio output (e.g. for headphones), or only S/PDIF?
17:04 jnettlet mwcampbell, the HummingBoard pro model has analog output
17:12 mwcampbell So if I want analog audio, I need to go with the Hummingboard Pro carrier, and I'm on my own with regard to the enclosure?
17:17 vpeter What about using USB sound card?
17:22 jnettlet I use bluetooth headphones with mine
17:23 jnettlet or you can get an external DAC
17:43 mwcampbell Can anyone recommend a case that's compatible with the Hummingboard i2eX or Hummingboard Carrier Pro?
17:44 fritsch mwcampbell: build one with lego
17:44 fritsch that rocks
17:51 jnettlet I actually had a conversation with Lego about making blocks specific to building cases for ARM dev boards
17:51 jnettlet with them being used more and more in schools I thought it would be good for the educational market
17:53 mwcampbell But the blocks would have to be just the right size for a particular board, right?
17:53 jnettlet not really, the ports are all the same size
17:54 mwcampbell On another topic, is the source for the Ignition installer available somewhere?
17:54 jnettlet yes under the SolidRun github account
17:55 jnettlet oh maybe the scripts are only posted
17:55 mwcampbell That has the scripts for the various distros, but not the source for the installer itself as far as I can tell
17:56 mwcampbell I'm curious about how they built that image. Using something like buildroot?
17:56 jnettlet I think OpenEmbedded
17:56 jnettlet rabeeh, ping ^^
17:56 rabeeh only scripts are posted
17:57 rabeeh sources are still not published
17:57 rabeeh ignition = buildroot + qt application + bash scripts
17:58 rabeeh mwcampbell: i can send you a snapshot if you need
17:58 rabeeh the reason it's not released is that it needs some source code cleanup
17:59 mwcampbell I'm only interested in the buildroot system, not Qt or the application
17:59 jnettle 17:59 * jnettlet needs that slogan on a t-shirt
18:00 mwcampbell FWIW, I recently adapted Raspberry Pi's buildroot variant (from their noobs installer) for a project
18:02 mwcampbell rabeeh: Do you need me to sign an NDA before you would send the snapshot?
18:02 rabeeh oh; yeah
18:02 rabeeh :)
18:02 rabeeh just PM your email
18:02 mwcampbell never mind then, I'll figure out something else
18:03 rabeeh mwcampbell: i'm joking. no NDA need
18:03 rabeeh you know what; i'll start cleaning up the code and submit on github
18:03 mwcampbell thanks
18:04 mwcampbell I don't care if it's messy, as long as I can build it
18:04 mwcampbell i.e. as long as I know what tools need to be on the host machine
18:05 rabeeh what do you mean?
18:05 rabeeh mostly no tools are needed
18:06 rabeeh buildroot is mostly self contained
18:06 rabeeh it builds it's own tools if needed
18:06 mwcampbell right, OK
18:06 mwcampbell Can the boot partition on the microSD card be FAT32, or does it have to be ext2?
18:08 mwcampbell One nice thing about Raspberry Pi's noobs installer is that, since the Pi boots from FAT32 and the installer uses a ramfs as its root filesystem, you can just unzip the installer onto the card, rather than having to use something like Win32 DIsk Imager
18:09 rabeeh i'm going to host ignition under my account and not solidrun
18:09 rabeeh
18:10 mwcampbell Am I going to get you in trouble with your employer for open-sourcing this?
18:10 fritsch mwcampbell: lol, you are talking with the "employer" :-)
18:11 jnettlet and he gets himself in trouble with himself constantly :)
18:11 fritsch hehe
18:11 rabee 18:11 * rabeeh fires rabeeh
18:11 rabeeh GPLv2 - ok?
18:12 mwcampbell sure
18:13 mwcampbell To clarify, if I use your buildroot (but not the installer itself), does my application itself have to be GPLv2?
18:13 rabeeh GPLv2 is only for ignition itself
18:13 mwcampbell OK
18:13 rabeeh whatever licenses (and there are plenty of those for buildroot) are mandated under buildroot
18:13 rabeeh
18:14 rabeeh ./
18:14 rabeeh ok?
18:14 rabeeh please let me know if you need something else
18:16 mwcampbell thank you
18:17 rabeeh np
18:18 rabeeh buildroot is really one of the easiest platforms to get a rootfs up and running in no time
18:18 mwcampbell I'll try building it now
18:18 mwcampbell Yes, I found buildroot quite easy to work with for my recent Raspberry Pi project
18:19 mwcampbell Of course, it helped that I already had a working configuration for the board. And now you've just given me that for the SolidRun platform.
18:21 mwcampbell Another newbie question: What exactly are the .dtb files in the Ignition image?
18:23 mwcampbell oh, nice, gcc 4.8.3. Clearly ignition's buildroot is recent
18:24 bencoh mwcampbell: device tree blob
18:25 bencoh
18:29 mwcampbell Can the SolidRun platform boot from FAT32, or does it have to be ext2?
18:33 rabeeh mwcampbell: fat32/ext2/3/4
18:34 mwcampbell rabeeh: Thanks for all your help.
18:35 rabeeh mwcampbell: but notice that it works differently than the RPi
18:35 rabeeh the bootrom inside the chip will start looking at offset 1K from the start of the microSD where it must find the SPL part of u-boot.
18:36 mwcampbell oh, OK
18:36 mwcampbell so a raw image does have to be written to the card
18:37 mwcampbell I assume this is explained in documentation somewhere. I need to read more.
18:44 mwcampbell rabeeh: Ignition uses systemd? Seems a bit overkill to me.
18:44 mwcampbell The RPi noobs installer just uses a shell script as /init
18:45 mwcampbell Or does it just use part of systemd, like udev?
18:45 mwcampbell I was just watching it build
18:47 vpeter rabeeh: What is in first 1K on SD card?
18:48 rabeeh mwcampbell: systemd
18:48 mwcampbell The first 512 bytes are for the MBR partition table. Presumably the other 512 bytes are unused
18:48 rabeeh vpeter: thats the offset where SPL code starts
18:48 rabeeh
18:48 rabeeh look at the 'dd' command on how SPL is flashed
18:52 vpeter rabeeh: I know how to flash - having few imx6 devices around. But was newer checked why this offset is used. Why not just start from 0 :)
18:53 rabeeh 0 is the micro SD MBR - you don't want to touch that
18:53 rabeeh the 1KByte offset is hard coded in imx6 bootrom
18:54 mwcampbell An offset of 0 wouldn't work because then the card couldn't have a standard MBR partition table.
18:55 mwcampbell The 1K offset is a reasonable compromise. It keeps the boot ROM simple and generic (no need to support a specific filesystem), but the card can still have a standard MBR partition table so that, potentially, all major operating systems can work with it after initial partitioning.
19:00 mwcampbell If I order the MicroSoM and a carrier together, is the SoM pre-installed on the carrier board, or do I need to do that?
19:07 bencoh hmm, where is the ethernet plug supposed to sit in the microsom ?
19:07 bencoh oh nevermind, that's what the carrier is for
19:18 rabeeh mwcampbell: yes - assembled
19:18 jnettlet but assembling them is not a problem. Just snaps together like lego
19:19 bencoh did you (or was it someone from the chan but not from solidrun) look into the modem "compatibility" thing ?
19:23 mwcampbell rabeeh: The ignition build succeeded on my Ubuntu 12.04 system. Thanks again.
19:24 vpeter rabeeh, mwcampbell: Thank you for explanation.
19:34 Dom__ hi
19:35 Dom__ how can i look up my hardware revision of my hummingboard i2ex?
19:36 Dom__ rabeeh ?
19:43 rabeeh Dom__: the rev is beneath the microsom
19:43 rabeeh you need to disassemble it
19:43 rabeeh there is another way -
19:44 rabeeh rev 3.0 - silver pads
19:44 rabeeh rev 3.3 - gold pads
19:44 rabeeh (or gold HummingBoard logo)
19:45 rabeeh for the CSI I2C traces; all hummingboard rev that are released have the correct traces
19:45 Dom__ ok
19:45 Dom__ i have a gold hummbingboard logo
19:45 Dom__ so it is rev 3.3?
19:46 rabeeh yes
19:47 rabeeh rev 3.5 which is being assembled nowadays is also gold hummingboard loo
19:47 rabeeh logo
19:47 Dom__ ok. which pins have to be gold?
19:47 rabeeh it swaps analogue audio left/right and fixes SIM card connector
19:47 Dom__ which pads..
19:50 Dom__ or what do you mean with pads?
19:54 Dom___ re
20:34 mwcampbell rabeeh: I don't think should be in version control
20:46 rabeeh Dom___: back
20:46 rabeeh mwcampbell: right
20:48 Dom___ rabeeh: can you tell me what do you mean with gold pads?
20:49 rabeeh gold color
20:49 rabeeh those are not real gold
20:49 rabeeh from fabrication point of view it's called immersion gold
20:50 Dom___ not the color :D
20:50 Dom___ the pads.. what is this?
20:50 rabeeh
20:50 rabeeh pads is everything that is exposed on the PCB
20:51 rabeeh typically those are rectangular shapes (gold color in this case) that you can solder a chip or component on
20:51 Dom___ ah ok.
20:52 Dom___ i didn't know the translation ;)