IRC log of #cubox of Sat 24 Jan 2015. All times are in CET < Back to index

04:59 _dab_ according to Israeli clients get 2amp rather than 3A. Anyone know why?
05:04 deniska regulations?
08:01 ReadError hello everyone
08:01 ReadError recently got a hummingboard, guess its similar to the cubox..
08:01 ReadError what linux distro has the best support currently?
08:03 django Depends what you want to do
08:05 ReadError video capture, I need to compile in the AD7280 driver
08:05 ReadError basically analog in to CSI-2
08:06 django Are you going to be playing video on the same device?
08:06 ReadError yea replaying
08:06 django I guess any of the debian versions should do.
08:06 ReadError oh okay, i couldnt find much as to the status of whats working and whats not
08:07 django There are some guidelines on the forums on how to get HW accel to work.
08:07 ReadError I use rhel/centos at work so I was thinking fedora would be most native
08:07 ReadError but it says 3d and 2d arent really that great yet
08:07 ReadError I need the HW encoding support too..
08:08 django Afaik encoding is software based on the cpu
08:08 django if you're not using dedicated hardware for encoding.
08:09 django I encode lots of h264 myself using desktops/clusters.
08:09 ReadError well the freescale cpu supports it apparently
08:09 ReadError and the board apparently does according to the solidrun site
08:10 django Well, thats above my head. Haven't got to play around much with my boxes yes.
08:10 django Was going to try to capture and encode mpegts streams.
08:22 jnettlet django, nope the VPU supports encoding h264/mpeg4/mjpeg
08:22 django hmm
08:25 django jnettlet: Do you think it would be able to handle 1080i50?
08:27 jnettlet it maxes at 1080p30, it may be able to do more once we have finished the 352Mhz support integration.
08:28 ReadError jnettlet so do you have any experience with using the hardware encoder?
08:28 jnettlet really I wouldn't recommend encoding anything as interlaced format. Decode it to progressive and then encode it.
08:28 jnettlet ReadError, yes
08:29 ReadError is there any preference to distribution?
08:30 jnettlet not really. SolidRun is mainly supporting debian right now.
08:31 ReadError
08:32 ReadError this one pretty stable? or is there another source I should use?
08:32 django Looking forward to see what that 352MHz clock can do, we have some 1080p50 studio recordings that would be nice to realtime encode.
08:33 jnettlet ReadError, it is okay but we are still working on integrating Jessie into our new Build Server. Currently all the new packages are only being built for Wheezy
08:35 ReadError
08:35 ReadError this image then? wheezy
08:36 django ReadError: Use ignition?
08:36 django It pulls of github
08:36 django Well, more or less.
08:36 ReadError hm I tried that with fedora
08:36 ReadError but it went to 100% instantly and just sat for 35 mins
08:36 ReadError ill try again though
08:36 django Have had no problems with ignitions and wheezy
08:37 django takes about 5 minutes (depending on your connection).
08:37 ReadError yea im guessing it hung, ill re-try with debian now
08:39 jnettlet ReadError, it didn't hang. That status is about downloading the content and then it can take some time to write the image to sdhc. The slower the sdhc the longer it can take
08:39 ReadError ahh good, this one started at 0% and I enabled debug ;)
08:39 ReadError its a pretty fast samsung card
08:39 ReadError 15% at 45seconds for debian
08:45 ReadError hmm it was almost done then it rebooted, "Bad Linux ARM zImage magic!"
09:01 ReadError cool 2nd time worked
10:08 ReadError hmm
10:08 ReadError seems im having some stability issues
10:08 ReadError installed the vpu stuff from the forum post, launched chrome, right after i hit enter (after typing in it crashed