IRC log of #cubox of Sat 21 Feb 2015. All times are in CET < Back to index

00:04 fritsch frewtbag: does it work?
00:04 frewtbag I must be using rsync wrong?
00:05 frewtbag rsync -ah --progress OpenELEC-imx6.arm-devel-20150219105821-r20292-gd7ca9a0.tar [email protected]:/storage/.update/
00:05 frewtbag keeps failing.
00:05 frewtbag Should I just pop out the microSD and do it that way?
00:08 frewtbag yeah, just did it tha tway.
00:08 fritsch "keeps failing"?
00:08 fritsch what does that mean?
00:08 frewtbag sh: rsync: not found rsync: connection unexpectedly closed (0 bytes received so far) [sender] rsync error: remote command not found (code 127) at io.c(226) [sender=3.1.0]
00:08 fritsch scp OpenELEC-imx6.arm-devel-20150219105821-r20292-gd7ca9a0.tar [email protected]:/storage/.update/
00:09 frewtbag I'm going to guess it has to do with root privs
00:09 fritsch rsync is not installed on OpenELEC
00:09 frewtbag ...ah
00:09 frewtbag that would explain that.
00:09 fritsch :-)
00:09 frewtbag :P
00:09 fritsch it says: rsync not found
00:10 frewtbag
00:10 frewtbag clearly I am having a slow friday.
00:12 frewtbag So your build is just massively improved on the codec and h/w accel side?
00:12 fritsch yes
00:12 fritsch you can watch 1080i50
00:12 fritsch for example
00:12 fritsch or also 1080p50
00:12 fritsch don't open the codec screen
00:12 fritsch cause this will directly involve the "old" render path
00:13 fritsch got to go
00:13 fritsch if you have too much time:
00:13 fritsch
00:13 fritsch compare those with the original
00:13 fritsch and with the build i gave you
00:13 fritsch Deinterlacing: Auto
00:13 fritsch Deinterlacing-Method: IMX-Fast-Motion
00:14 fritsch Adjust Refreshrate to match video: On start / stop
00:14 fritsch Sync Playback to display: Video Clock (Resample Audio)
00:14 fritsch that's it
00:14 fritsch and disable the rss feed
00:14 frewtbag Awesome
00:14 frewtbag I'll be sure to test it out
00:15 frewtbag soon as my cubox stops booting to a black screen after the openelec splash :(
00:15 fritsch frewtbag:
00:15 fritsch here for feedback
00:15 fritsch you can see the progress that was done during that thread
00:35 frewtbag interesting
00:35 frewtbag who would have thought the RSS ticker would be so badly to blame
00:35 frewtbag I hate the RSS ticker anyway
00:36 frewtbag yet still, my issue right now is that I boot to a black screen
00:36 frewtbag any ideas?
02:34 forest fritsch, I just saw your post that I think implies rabeeh found a way to get proper 23.976 / fractional refresh rates from the cubox-i without losing audio sync. Did I understand that correctly? Is there someplace where I can read the details or follow the progress?
11:45 fritsch forest: no, absolutely not. For now - he only told so - no code, no description, nothing - we are waiting :-) rabeeh ^^
14:17 heap_ hi
14:18 heap_ what distro is the best for cuboxi if i want to run kodi + some one apps as logitech media server etc.
14:19 fritsch which content do you want to watch?
14:19 R0nd xbian is good
14:20 fritsch currently there is no distro out there that has the rewrite which is going on
14:20 fritsch afterwards it's more or less "kodi upstream" code
14:20 fritsch so it does not really matter
14:21 fritsch if the distros don't fuck it up :-) all will be fine
14:21 heap_ ?
14:21 fritsch can you be so polite and formulate complete sentences?
14:22 heap_ i dont know to who you replied
14:22 fritsch to you - as general information
14:22 fritsch in short: there is currently no stable distro
14:22 fritsch that has everything in, that you would be able to use to fullfil all relevant use cases
14:22 heap_ i want to setup kodi, volumio, squeezebox in one distro
14:23 fritsch imx code is currently rewritten, the code which is in current helix kodi lacks performance
14:23 fritsch most you will realize in live tv
14:23 fritsch or > 30 progressive frames
14:23 fritsch so, which content do you want to watch? if only 1080p24 bluray - choose what you like best
14:24 fritsch if you need 1080i50 livetv or have a 1080p50 camera ... that won't work out
14:25 heap_ fritsch: 1080
14:25 fritsch i think you should talk to someone else
14:25 fritsch ...
14:25 fritsch or learn to ask your questions more precisely
14:25 heap_ eh...
14:26 heap_ i asked my question correctly. Question was if i can setup kodi+volumio+squeezebox all in one distro
14:26 fritsch 1080 ... can be h265 can have 60 progressive frames, could be level 5.1@high an 120 Mbit
14:26 fritsch and I asked you, what content you want to watch
14:26 heap_ there are distros for each app and its insane... i dont need 10 cuboxes, each per one app
14:26 fritsch cause the answer to your question is obviously yes
14:26 fritsch but it won't help you, when you are finished with installing and your content does not play
14:27 heap_ i want to watch normal 1080 blurays rips
14:27 fritsch because it is out of spec of kodi's helix version
14:27 fritsch 14:24 < fritsch> so, which content do you want to watch? if only 1080p24 bluray - choose what you like bes
14:27 heap_ and its not problem with old rapsberry
14:27 heap_ so i dont think it will be problem with cubox
14:27 fritsch yeah, this is where you think wrong
14:27 fritsch though the cubox having better features "on paper"
14:27 fritsch the implementation is what makes it work
14:27 fritsch no the hw specs
14:28 fritsch current example: blurays at original fps
14:28 fritsch cubox: no go (as current kernel lacks the capabilitiy to switch to fractional modelines)
14:28 fritsch everything is work in progress on this platform
14:28 fritsch while the PI was tested and optimized by some thousand endusers that did the beta testing
14:29 heap_ ah i have old cubox 2 years and runiing 1080 blurays rips w.out any problem..
14:29 fritsch good, then use the same distro that works without problems on the old cubox
14:30 heap_ ok
14:32 heap_ thanks
14:37 jnettlet MarcusVinter, #define CONFIG_SPLASH_SCREEN_ALIGN will fix that problem for you
19:47 forest fritsch, thanks for the clarification. I'm kind of excited about the prospect of fractional refresh rates working well.
20:47 fritsch forest: don't be too much until you see it - in source
20:53 forest fritsch: If I see it in source, I think I'll go right past excitement and start setting up a build environment. :) I'll try not to get my hopes up too high, but it sure would be nice.