IRC log of #cubox of Sun 22 Feb 2015. All times are in CET < Back to index

08:44 Artox Greetings everybody
08:44 Artox I have been wondering if people are using small touchscreen-displays for their cuboxes or hummingboards. Can anyone suggest a cheap screen that works, and is useful to some degree?
08:51 rabeeh Artox: hi
08:51 rabeeh Malte is here with me; he says Igor has an SPI display that is working fine for him
08:51 rabeeh but this would be an unaccelerated display for sure (and probably small)
09:03 Artox hmm
09:03 Artox I was looking more for a general-purpose screen
09:03 Artox best to attach by hdmi just to be sure it works
09:03 Artox sincde I am here without my computer screen now, there is no way I can use the cubox
09:04 Artox and instead of buying a computer screen, why not buy something else, like a tablet pc kind of screen
09:04 Artox rabeeh, so weekend is over for you?
09:04 Artox (mine just started)
09:04 Artox had too much to do yesterday
10:33 rabeeh Artox: weekday here :)
10:33 rabeeh
10:34 rabeeh i'm going to Germany tomorrow; anyone will be in embedded world?
10:57 jnettlet Artox, I was thinking about trying one of these for mobile testing.
10:59 jnettlet it basically turns the hdmi signal into a dvb-t broadcast so in theory v4l2 should be able to play the signal in a tv tuner app
10:59 Artox oh
10:59 Artox nice
11:00 Artox I dont see it work with a chromebook though
11:00 jnettlet now I haven't tested this yet, but I figured it would be useful for traveling
11:00 Artox but who knows, maybe chromeos will do dvb-t some day
11:00 Artox yes, for sure
11:00 jnettlet do you have crouton installed?
11:00 Artox no
11:00 Artox too much hassle
11:00 Artox or that what I thought last time I used it
11:01 jnettlet now it is pretty simple. and you can have the X-server displayed in a chrome window
11:01 jnettlet so you can have chrome apps and your linux desktop side by side
11:01 jnettlet it is called xiwi
11:01 Artox sounds great
11:02 Artox maybe I will try dvb-t soon then
11:02 jnettlet yeah for dev work I generally have chromeos on my chromebook screen and then have linux running on my big monitor
11:02 Artox got a stick with me
11:02 Artox I was planning to get it working with the cubox
11:04 Artox "If USB3.0 is NOT intel, the bandwidth may not sufficient."
11:04 Artox seriously
11:11 jnettlet lol
11:13 jnettlet Artox, you can look around at other products. These are popping up all over since videogame broadcasting has become so popular
11:15 Artox I see
11:15 Artox well, reading up on this xiwi now
11:16 Artox do you know if the lates croutons actually use the mali drivers to accelerate opengl-es?
11:28 jnettlet now, the mali drivers only support a single X server per kernel driver
11:28 Artox oh
11:28 jnettlet so it is unaccelerated
11:29 jnettlet you wouldn't want to run that with xiwi right now because the rendering to web page is not superfast
11:29 jnettlet good enough for copying and pasting and such, but I wouldn't run games through it
14:04 Artox okay, so the next issue is: how to install firmware files on a chromebook
14:04 Artox into the readonly filesystem
14:08 fritsch /storage/.config/firmware/
14:09 Artox Oh
14:09 Artox thanks, fritsch
14:09 fritsch you have to create that directory
14:10 Artox o I have to create /storage?
14:10 Artox oh noes
14:10 Artox it does not exist
14:10 Artox and / is read-only
14:10 Artox yay
14:10 fritsch mkdir -p /storage/.config/firmware
14:10 fritsch ...
14:10 fritsch you know what you are doing, do you?
14:11 Artox usually
14:11 Artox but on the chromebook I am never sure
14:11 Artox and, yes, / is read-only
14:11 Artox mkdir complains
14:11 Artox there is no /storage
14:11 Artox bin debugd dev etc home lib lost+found media mnt opt postinst proc root run sbin sys tmp usr var
14:11 Artox not anything else
14:11 Artox but I could remount
14:12 Artox as far as I see it
14:12 fritsch ouh, we are not in the openelec channel
14:12 fritsch :-)
14:12 fritsch forget it
14:12 fritsch i have no idea what you are doing then :-)
14:12 Artox okay
14:12 Artox thanks anyway :)
14:12 Artox remounting doesnt work
14:12 Artox it says, disk is write-protected
14:12 fritsch then most likely the disk journal is beyond repair
14:12 Artox they are so awesome at locking absolutely everything up
14:13 fritsch who is "they"?
14:13 Artox Samsung / Google
14:13 fritsch ah okay
14:22 Artox okay, I give up. No DVB in chromeOS
14:22 Artox so until I get my favorite OS booting again, I'll halt this project
20:33 vpeter What I need to change in cubox-i kernel config to get /sys/devices/platform/imx-uart.0/tty/ttymxc0/power/wakeup ? I'm checking Suspend-to-RAM mode on it.
20:38 vpeter Actually I don't know how to resume it.