IRC log of #cubox of Mon 09 Mar 2015. All times are in CET < Back to index

08:44 frewtbag hey guys, can someone help me out with installing ignition?
08:44 frewtbag I just recently got my cubox and finally had time to play with it. I formatted the sd card and I wasn't able to get ignition to work
08:44 frewtbag Just looking to get OpenELEC up and running
08:47 vpeter frewtbag: Then just write openelec image to sd card?
08:57 frewtbag anyone awake?
08:58 frewtbag about ready to toss my cubox through a shredder :/
08:59 vpeter [08:47] frewtbag: Then just write openelec image to sd card?
08:59 vpeter Why do you need to use ignition?
09:00 frewtbag Apologies, I had to reboot earlier
09:00 frewtbag I gave up on ignition and I tried manually writing it
09:00 frewtbag but when I plug it in to the cubox, nothing happens.
09:01 frewtbag i'm just using sudo dd if=image.img of=/dev/mmcblk0
09:01 frewtbag with bs=4k
09:02 vpeter That's fine. Also run command sync after that.
09:03 frewtbag ah
09:03 frewtbag sync
09:03 frewtbag doh.
09:03 frewtbag I forgot about that.
09:03 vpeter Maybe it will help.
09:03 vpeter And did you unpack the image file after you download it?
09:04 vpeter coffe time
09:11 frewtbag that did the trick!
09:11 frewtbag thank you!
09:11 frewtbag forgot how crucial it was to sync the fs especially after dd
09:19 jnettlet frewtbag, you can add conv=fsync to the dd command so it is sync'd as it is written
12:01 vpeter I already asked somewhere else but I will here to (even if not directly cubox related).
12:01 vpeter Any idea how to find why I got this? BUG: soft lockup - CPU#3 stuck for 22s! [kworker/3:1:100]
12:07 jnettlet vpeter, you got that with the 3.14.14 kernel?
12:07 jnettlet if so doing running what?
12:10 vpeter I have openelec running on tbs matrix system. Works on all systems (2 mine and lot of other users) but one user got this few seconds after Kodi is started.
12:12 vpeter he has some different hw revision but I have one older and one newer and all works.
12:13 jnettlet well there should be a stacktrace after that BUG: message. That should tell you what was running on the core.
12:16 vpeter there is none:
12:18 jnettlet vpeter, make sure CONFIG_STACKTRACE is enabled in the kernel config
12:19 vpeter it is enabled.
12:34 dz0ny vpeter: is kernel compiled with linaro toolchain?
13:12 vpeter dz0ny: no, toolchain is custom build. Like openelec does (and others).
18:35 Exaga does anybody run the hummingboard i2 and i4pro who can paste me the result of "cat /sys/devices/soc0/machine" please? :D
18:47 Exaga rabeeh: are you around?