IRC log of #cubox of Thu 03 Sep 2015. All times are in CEST < Back to index

09:43 topi`_ we have a need for communicating over RS485 ... what are my options if I want to still use the Hummingboard?
09:52 jnettlet topi`_, you can do a breakout board that does uart to rs485
10:52 topi`_ jnettlet: I think the best bet is the Edge paired with a RS485 mikroUSB card
10:52 topi`_ mikroBUS
10:53 topi`_ how can you emulate rs485 with a simple uart? AFAIK the rs485 is mostly for the feature of connecting up to 32 devies on the same wire
10:53 jnettlet topi`_, that will work. that most likely runs over the uart wired up to the mikrobus
10:53 topi`_ jnettlet: what might be the cause of a (infrequently) occurring issue like this: after U-BOOT, I get just a black screen and nothing is being booted
10:54 topi`_ however, the Red leght is on, and Green is blinking
10:54 topi`_ I suppose U-BOOT initializes the Eth transceiver?
10:54 topi`_ now I press the Reboot switch, and the kernel boots
10:55 jnettlet topi`_, you have a display plugged in?
10:55 topi`_ I think this only occurs after Ctrl-Alt-Del?
10:55 topi`_ yeah :)
10:55 jnettlet get the latest u-boot.
10:55 topi`_ my uboot is probably from last April
10:55 jnettlet yeah, I fixed that problem over the summer
10:56 topi`_ is it some kind of race condition? since it doesn't occur on every reboot
10:56 jnettlet yeah, they have a while loop in the display code that doesn't have a timeout.
10:56 jnettlet u-boot code is sloppy as hell
10:56 topi`_ hehe
10:57 jnettlet screw booting the device which is our primary function...we are going to spin in a while loop until this display is ready damnit
10:58 topi`_ I reckon the HDMI display detection stuff is quite hairy... maybe they just don't get it right every time?
11:01 jnettlet it is u-boot! :) That is why I like coreboot. Google has the right idea. Don't build a second set of drivers, build just enough to boot a kernel.
11:01 jnettlet then run a recovery initramfs if needed
11:01 jnettlet write one set of drivers, debug one set of drivers for everything but the lowest level stuff.
11:01 topi`_ there's also the LittleKernel (LK) but I think it's biased towards Snapdragon
11:03 jnettlet if you strip down a linux kernel you can get to an initramfs prompt in around 1 second
11:04 topi`_ what about using that kernel to boot another linux kernel?
11:04 jnettlet yes it is supported
11:04 topi`_ then your bootloader would just essentially be a linux kernel + initramfs
11:05 jnettlet well your bootloader, would be what it is supposed to be a bootloader :)
11:05 jnettlet then you are using linux to configure everything
11:09 topi`_ I think the Linux kernel can be started just by setupping DRAM and setting the cpu to the right mode
11:10 topi`_ of course, you need a way to read the kernel off of the media somehow, so configuring mmc is needed as well
11:10 topi`_ unless your board has heaploads of NOR :)
11:15 jnettlet that is what my SPL fastboot does. SPL loads into SRAM, setup dram, mmc, clocks, load zImage and dtb then jump to linux.
11:15 jnettlet takes .3 seconds...which is basically limited by the SDHC read speeds
11:21 topi`_ I have a Utilite2 here with Snapdragon 600, and booting it with the LK takes ages (around 7 seconds)
11:22 topi`_ after 7 sec, the penguins start to appear on screen
11:25 vpeter jnettlet: I just need to replace gpu-viv-bin-mx6q and gpu-viv-g2d with files from imx-gpu-viv-5.0.11.p4.5-hfp got it in yocto fido?
11:27 jnettlet vpeter, yes
11:28 vpeter From what I see I can also strip libraries.
11:32 jnettlet I yes
12:40 jnettlet mk01, vpeter, you will be interested to know that I have found the GPU actually runs non-optimally at the 396Mhz clocking. If you provide more voltage to the SOC then you get a modest performance bump, but setting the cpu min frequency to 798Mhz gives you a whole new level of performance.
12:41 jnettlet I am going to add an option so we can choose to ramp up the min cpufrequency when using the GPU and dropping it back down then everything is idle
13:31 vpeter jnettlet: You must be a wizard :)
19:14 Exaga so what's the latest and greatest?
19:14 Exaga rabeeh: are you around?
19:17 jnettlet Exaga, what do you want do do? rabeeh is probably getting ready for the weekend.
19:17 Exaga jnettlet: heya :)
19:17 jnettlet evening
19:17 Exaga jnettlet: just catching up really. I've noticed a few devices appearing that have similar features to the hummingboard
19:18 Exaga the orange pi plus being one of them
19:18 Exaga just wondering what solidrun are up to lately
19:18 jnettlet Exaga, oh yeah, I saw that as well
19:18 jnettlet Well the Hummingboard Edge was just announce
19:18 Exaga jnettlet: i need to get my hands on one
19:18 jnettlet announced
19:19 jnettlet we are waiting for the iMX6+ chips from freescale, so we can start producing SOM's with them
19:19 Exaga the edge eh? i'll look into that :D
19:19 Exaga oh a cpu upgrade?
19:20 jnettlet well it is the same CPU, but they have re-architected their mmdc/axi so it doesn't suck. It is basically removing the artificially bottleneck for the 64-bit mmdc components.
19:20 jnettlet mainly GPU and VPU.
19:20 Exaga gotcha
19:21 jnettlet they claim 50% GPU improvement, which based on our previous calculations is very possible
19:21 Exaga my apologies i thought the hummingboards were just iMX6 not iMX6+
19:22 jnettlet they are, but all our designs are carrier + SOM. So once we start selling iMX6+ soms you can upgrade your current board.
19:23 Exaga jnettlet: that will never happen hahaha! I would rather buy the carrier & som complete
19:23 jnettlet Exaga, well we won't complain then :)
19:24 jnettlet but regardless I think I just unlocked the major bottleneck in the GPU driver that I have been hunting for so long
19:24 jnettlet it is kind of my "white whale"
19:24 Exaga lol
19:25 Exaga as opposed to white elephant?
19:25 jnettlet unfortunately it doesn't provide this huge performance bump....although it does remove a big bottleneck
19:26 Exaga jnettlet: well performance is a major consideration of course
19:26 jnettlet however with the iMX6+ chip coming out soon, this fix could be a HUGE performance bump
19:26 Exaga i'm going to keep my eyes on the edge then
19:27 Exaga see how it goes
19:28 jnettlet well the edge has some nice features. Specifically the Mikrobus connector will be great for developers
19:28 Exaga my hummingboards i1 and i2eX have been busy running Slackware ARM and impressively so
19:28 Exaga i have zero complaints about the hardware
19:28 Exaga if the edge is a continuation of that it will be awesome
19:30 jnettlet well with the edge we are hoping to make prototyping process faster and easier.
19:31 jnettlet Mikrobus will allow devs to buy and add various click boards for testing easily and at minimal cost.
19:31 jnettlet They already have like 50 different boards.
19:31 Exaga thanks for the link
19:32 Exaga the edge has a built in RTC
19:32 jnettlet other than that I have been working to cut down power usage and optimize where I can
19:32 Exaga very wise
19:32 jnettlet yeah, same rtc
19:32 Exaga same as the i2eX ?
19:33 jnettlet the rtc is the same. The new kernel I am working on has fixes that address any rtc problems we have found
19:33 Exaga good. my RTC is quite inaccurate
19:34 Exaga i actually don't use it and prefer to install a ds3231 controller that plugs into the gpio
19:34 Exaga if you guys can find it within your remit to start using that controller you'll find its accuracy most impressive
19:35 jnettlet well actually with the joy of OSS xobs from the Novena project found the problem
19:36 Exaga well it's good that an error has been located
19:37 Exaga some of these click modules are cool
19:38 jnettlet with my auto-detect patches we assumed the chip was accurate enough to only settle on the proper reference source.
19:38 jnettlet that turned out to not be true. We have added a patch so we can for using the proper clocking
19:41 Exaga excellent
19:43 Exaga = GAH! they use a RTC with a crystal oscillator ...
19:44 Exaga but it works the same as most other ds3107 RTC via the i2c bus
19:44 Exag 19:44 * Exaga likes his RTCs
19:45 jnettlet Yeah we use a crystal as well. It is just too lenient with its calibratation
19:46 Exaga that's why i love the ds3231
19:46 Exaga it has a TCXO
19:47 Exaga temperature-compensated crystal oscillator
19:50 jnettlet Well i will be interested to hear if the new kernel and patches fix the problems you had with the pcf85233
19:51 Exaga yes it will. mine was terrible, gaining 6-12 seconds per day
19:52 Exaga pcf85233 = pcf8523 ?
19:59 jnettlet Yeah sorry i am on my phone now.
19:59 Exaga geen probleem