IRC log of #cubox of Wed 09 Sep 2015. All times are in CEST < Back to index

15:16 flips which kernel module does the cubox-i require for bluetooth? (trying to figure out if the kernel lacks support or not)
15:16 Humpelstilzchen flips: what kernel are you using?
15:16 flips right now testing arch: 3.14.51-3-ARCH
15:17 Humpelstilzchen bluetooth seems a little complicated
15:17 flips Both in this Arch installation and XBian tested earlier, I found no bt controller
15:17 Humpelstilzchen flips: try igors image
15:17 flips (/dev/hid0 I guess)
15:18 Humpelstilzchen hciconfig -a
15:20 flips Igor's, the Armbian? Bluetooth worked there ... but since I'm on another image I wanted to check if the problem was lack of kernel support or just a non-loaded module
15:28 Artox flips: bluetooth works
15:28 Artox its builtin in jnettlets kernel
15:28 Artox but requires a userspace firmware loader to run
15:28 Artox aka brcm_patchram_plus
15:50 flips oh, so chances are that's not setup for those two images, then ...
15:50 Artox yep
15:50 Artox since its a pain to do with sysvinit
15:50 Artox with systemd
15:51 Artox and then both methods cant coexist
15:51 Artox which makes it even more painful
15:56 flips btw, are the distros compiled 64 bit, or 32?
15:58 Artox 32
15:58 Artox the i.MX6 is a 32-bit arm cpu
15:59 flips oh, so it's only memory bus that's 64 bit
15:59 Artox yeah
16:00 flips makes sense :)
17:25 flips can I in uEnv.txt specify bootz, or would that have to be in a boot.scr(ipt) and/or boot.cmd?
19:13 flips Well, "Bad Linux ARM zImage magic!" That's all I have to say about that ... ;)
19:14 vpeter flips: You can call such command from uenvcmd parameter in uEnv.txt.
19:14 vpeter Bad magic means it is not zImage.
19:22 flips yes, for some reason I'm not able to get u-boot to load the correct files ... I guess I'll give it rest soon
19:22 vpeter bootz need zImage. And you don't have it.
19:22 vpeter what about bootm ? Does it work.
19:23 flips nope, Wrong Image Format for bootm command ... the zImage link points to a vmlinuz-file, that "file" reports as the correct type
19:26 vpeter You mean you boot vmlinux file?
19:27 vpeter I don't think this is supported by u-boot.
19:27 flips vmlinuz-3.14.14-cubox: Linux kernel ARM boot executable zImage (little-endian)
19:29 vpeter This is from file command ?
19:29 flips yes
19:29 vpeter I got arch/arm/boot/zImage: data
19:32 flips But the zImage boots in it's own image if I flash it. I'm still trying to get multiboot. And the other image (openelec) that boots, also has the same file result. (My file command was run on ubuntu 15.04 x86_64)
19:34 vpeter And from what is this (broken" zimage?
19:37 flips armbian
19:38 flips Igor's debian jessie image
19:38 flips I don't think it's broken, I think somehow uboot doesn't try the right file/location
19:39 flips (I'm manually trying to feed it the various boot.cmd options to see if I can get it to boot)
19:39 vpeter Can you upload this file somewher?
19:40 flips boot.cmd? Sure ... :)
19:40 vpeter no, kernel
19:40 vpeter So I can run it.
19:41 vpeter and dtb also
19:41 vpeter Or just tell me where can I download image itself and I will extract both files.
19:42 flips I was wondering if maybe it's the dtb that fails: ext2load mmc 0 0x18000000 /boot/dtb/${fdt_file} ... what exactly does this mean? load ext2 from mmc0 (no partition?)
19:43 flips it's jessie from here:
19:44 vpeter it loads dtb file from ext2 partition
19:44 vpeter let me download it
19:44 flips (I found it through the download page at solid-run)
19:45 flips how do I know which partition that ext2load command chooses? The 0?
19:46 vpeter I use fatload mmc 0:1 0x18000000 /boot/dtb/${fdt_file}
19:47 vpeter Do you have multiple partitions on sd card?
19:47 flips yes ... oh, so 0:3 for part 3 ...
19:47 vpeter 2 for openelec and others for debina.
19:47 vpeter yes.
19:47 vpeter my dl will take some time...
19:47 flips p1 is fat16 for /flash/ in openelec, p3 for this debian
19:48 vpeter which type is p3?
19:48 vpeter and do you have boot folder there?
19:48 vpeter boot/dtb
19:54 flips ext4 and boot/dtb yes
19:55 vpeter dl complete. Let me boot it.
19:56 vpeter Seems only sandisk extreme pro card is very fast to write :(
19:58 flips yes, this kingston is a bit slow ...
20:06 flips which of the dtb's are the correct one for my CuBox-i4Pro (quad)?
20:07 flips imx6q-cubox-i.dtb ?
20:08 vpeter I think so.
20:09 flips progress: booted the kernel straight to kernel panic ;)
20:11 vpeter flips: because you don't have correct root= set
20:11 vpeter should be root=/dev/mmcblk0p3
20:11 vpeter and what did you do to boot?
20:14 flips I think it boots now
20:15 vpeter You should get boot prompt.
20:16 flips yes it did ... just didn't use the serial as console for everthing
20:17 vpeter So you just need to make new boot.cmd and compile boot.scr.
20:18 flips I updated the paste with the boot.cmd I did try, that didn't work
20:18 vpeter In original you just need to replace p1 to p3 and using mmc 0:3
20:18 flips I tried that ... but can I build a .scr from the boot.cmd file?
20:18 vpeter And what was the error?
20:19 vpeter Yes you can: mkimage -A arm -T script -C none -d boot.cmd boot.scr
20:20 flips but I don't have the script file ...
20:20 vpeter To see the scr content you can use dd bs=1 skip=72 if=boot.scr 2>/dev/null
20:20 flips Error was Failed to mount ext2 filesystem... x 2
20:20 vpeter You create script file: boot.cmd -> boot.scr
20:21 vpeter mount error happen because wrong partititon was used.
20:22 flips I don't understand why wrong partitions were used ...
20:23 vpeter original image has this on first. I think ext2load mmc 0:1 is the same as ext2load mmc 0
20:25 flips it probably has it from the non-updated script file ...
20:27 vpeter So all clear now? I be back later.
20:28 flips I hope so. Thanks! :)
20:29 vpeter np. Helping there were I can.
20:35 flips hum ... File not found /boot/dtb/ ... should I hardcode the correct dtb filename?
20:43 flips btw, can console only be one thing, or can I have console on both serial and tty1?
21:00 vpeter for first problem put this in boot.cmd run autodetectfdt at start of file.
21:00 vpeter for console part: no idea. Isn't that the same thing?
21:09 flips Thanks again + no, if I set console=tty1, I don't get much info on ttyUSB0 during boot (the usb-rs232 interface)
21:12 vpeter You can also set console=ttymxc0,115200
21:13 vpeter and if you remove quiet parameter you will get kernel boot messages too.
21:17 flips yes, but can I have both console=ttymxc0,115200 and console=tty1 ? :)
21:17 flips now my multiboot works perfectly, without any errors ...
21:18 flips \o/ for vpeter :)
21:19 vpeter no idea for console. I would say not - console is console.
21:21 flips I think I'll stick with the ttymxc0, it's convenient with the serial cable ... :)
21:21 vpeter Yes, this is for debugging.
21:21 vpeter You can see kernel messages in case it doesn't boot.
21:21 vpeter tty1 is started from userspace probably.
21:22 flips the openelec system sure boots quick ... I should dig into it sometime and see what they do (and don't do)
21:22 vpeter in openelec? I know a thing or two about it.
21:23 flips I just notice how quick it boots compared to debian :)
21:24 vpeter Bceause it supposed to do that - boot very quicly and load kodi.
21:24 vpeter But because of this it has only needed files. It is not general purpose distro.
21:25 vpeter And because of this it is limited in most ways.
21:25 vpeter Ok, time for little tv, then sleep and tomorrow back to work :-)
21:26 flips Thanks again! :)