IRC log of #cubox of Tue 24 Nov 2015. All times are in CET < Back to index

08:16 sanjeevs Hello all
08:16 sanjeevs what is the DTB_LOAD_ADDRESS for humming board
08:39 sanjeevs my uboot is stucking at "Starting Kernel"
08:53 sanjeevs Any help would be appreciated ?
08:53 sanjeevs is UART port in uboot and kernel is different and because of that I don't see anything once control passed to kernel
09:11 rabeeh sanjeevs: typically i load the zImage to 0x10800000 and the dtb to 0x12000000
09:18 heap_ rabeeh: hi
09:20 heap_ rabeeh:
09:20 heap_ looks like same issue even with that hack
10:10 rabeeh heap_: yeah - saw that
10:10 rabeeh this time is without the RX FIFO overflow bit on; so the hack is useless
10:11 rabeeh do you have a 0.5m or less eSata cable?
10:21 sanjeevs @rabeeh: Thanks so I need to use dtb address 0x12000000
10:21 sanjeevs is UART port in uboot and kernel is different and because of that I don't see anything once control passed to kernel ?
10:24 sanjeevs along with this do we have any specific microsd card need to use to boot Humming Board ?
10:35 sanjeevs I have enabled early printk and then see that Uncompressing Linux done but I could see following error
10:35 sanjeevs Error: unrecognized/unsupported machine id r1 = 0x0000000
10:37 sanjeevs please let me know the reason for this failure
10:39 heap_ rabeeh: ill have that cable on thursday
10:42 sanjeevs rabeeh: ping
10:53 sanjeevs which dtb need to use for humming board proversion ?
10:54 heap_ rabeeh: i tried 3 different cables all >1m
11:49 sanjeevs I have identfied the root cause and correct dtb address is dtb to 0x12000000 ,Earlier I was using 0x11000000
11:49 sanjeevs And for humming Board correcr dtb is imx6q-hummingboard.dtb
11:51 sanjeevs But I could see kernel panic here kernel panic failed to allocate 0x1000 bytes below 0x0
11:52 sanjeevs is this know issue ?
13:11 kasvain rabeeh: my problem is solved now, by using latest jessie image + "3.6.9 Debian+" kernel cubox boots now. needed to make own combination because there is no fully working solution than geexbox for 1st gen cubox (lite/dual lite). no newer uImages and this version of uboot does not support zImages
13:22 jnettlet kasvain, one of the devs is going to try and build some base images for the original Cubox
13:22 jnettlet we were talking about it last night actually
13:22 kasvain artox helped me out with this, and he was about to compile latest u-boot
13:22 kasvain appreciate everyones work