IRC log of #cubox of Tue 05 Jan 2016. All times are in CET < Back to index

12:33 vpeter jnettlet: You got one email. Please check it when you can.
15:24 topi` it seems ttymxc3 doesn't work on my HB Gate :(
15:25 topi` my program gets stuck, and if I interurpt it, it's blocking on a line like n = os.write(self.fd, data)
15:25 topi` where fd is most probably the /dev/ttymxc3 I passed to pyserial
15:26 topi` well, this very same code works on /dev/ttymxc0 of my HB Pro (the Hummingboard 1 series)
15:35 topi` there seem to be only 6 interrupts to IRQ 61 and they're not increasing while I try to type on either minicom
15:37 topi` I can't surely be using the wrong pins, since the mikrobus pins are clearly labeled on the silkscreen...
15:38 topi` the usbserial cable is not to blame, since if I change the cable to the UART connector next to LVDS out, I get a login prompt..
15:39 topi` how can I reverse-engineer the .dtb in /boot? to make it a .dts again
15:39 topi` oh, there seems to be device-tree in /pro
15:40 vpeter topi`: dtc -I dtb input.dtb -O dts -o output.dtd
15:45 topi` it seems serial0 is different from others
15:45 topi` it's /soc/aips-bus@02000000/spba-bus@02000000/ whereas the other serials are just /serial and on another aips-bus
15:46 topi` might this explain why ttymxc0 works and ttymxc3 does not?
17:02 topi` rabeeh: about the HB Edge enclosure, is the big hole next to the HDMI connector meant for antennas?
17:02 rabeeh yes
17:02 topi` rabeeh: we need 2 antennas (or even more), so I'm trying to look for a spot for drilling a hole for the second antenna. Any suggestions?
17:02 rabeeh the aluminum is an rf cage; so external antenna is required
17:02 topi` we need 1 antenna for the wifi, and 1 antenna for a 3G/4G modem
17:03 topi` we don't need analog audio (the audio will go to a display via HDMI) so those holes could be used for antenna
17:06 topi` do you remember which component goes to J35? I have just a Gate here in front of me and it is not soldered. On that spot there seems to be a hole in the aluminium as well
17:07 topi` (it's in color olive in the 3D model of the enclosure, which is what I'm studying)
17:08 topi` otherwise; congratulations on excellent work on the enclosure, the SIM slot is easily accessible on the bottom
17:08 topi` (I've seen cases where the SIM is not that easily accessable...)
17:42 topi` jnettlet: there seems to be a connector J35 where UART2 tx/rx are routed. which ttymcx* device would this be mapped to, in the kernel?
17:42 topi` the UART2 seems to be shared with the RS485 circuit
18:30 jnettlet That is the ttymxc3, the rs485 is an add-on circuit