IRC log of #cubox of Thu 07 Jan 2016. All times are in CET < Back to index

10:47 topi` what's the status of imx-specific video decoders in mainline kernel? I see the SR image comes with imx-specific gstreamer plugins, (found at but I suppose these do not work without the accompanying kernel code?
10:48 topi` if I want to build my own rootfs for HB, is there a convenient .deb package I can use to get the userspace components in place?
10:50 jnettlet topi`, our Jessie repo is here.
10:50 jnettlet we do have a minimal jessie image with everything setup
10:52 jnettlet
10:54 topi` yeah. I'm just wary of modified debian setups ;) like all those raspbian etc etc
10:55 topi` my work mates come from a x86 background, so they just assume "just debootstrap from and everything works"
10:55 topi` :)
10:56 jnettlet I highly recommend you don't do that. It is painful.
10:56 topi` a year ago I did an elaborate script that can produce a bootable image for either the x86 PC's or hummingboards
10:56 topi` yes, I know, from experience :)
11:03 bencoh well, it would almost work with a two-stages debootstrap
11:03 bencoh (and some scripting to fix a few things)
11:17 topi` I'll try out some 1080p content on this thing
11:17 topi` gst-launch is now consuming 25-30% cpu (it's a much smaller stream)
11:25 topi` it seems I'm not getting full framerate on a 1080p test stream (the big_buck_bunny stream)
11:25 topi` I'm not sure which sink it is using?
11:27 jnettlet if it is our image it should be using either the IPU, gpu-2d, or gpu-3d engines
11:56 topi` maybe it was using the IPU and sw decoding the h.264 proved to be too much of a task
11:56 jnettlet why are you software decoding h.264?
11:56 jnettlet that should be hardware accelerated
11:58 topi` oh, I thought the IPU did not include any video decoders
12:08 jnettlet it is the VPU
12:08 jnettlet stream -> vpu decoder -> accelerated video sink
12:24 topi` ok
12:24 topi` I tried both imxipuvideosink and imxeglvivsink
12:25 topi` both of them choppy, but maybe it's because the single core isn't powerful enough
12:25 jnettlet topi`, this is without default debian image?
12:25 jnettlet the single core should be plenty fine for 1080p h264
12:26 topi` ok
12:27 topi` no, I'm using the image from SR
12:27 topi` although I did do a compile of my own kernel - from the imx6-fsl kernel tree
12:27 jnettlet from our github account right?
12:28 topi`
12:28 topi` this tree, yes
12:28 jnettlet yes that should be fine
12:28 jnettlet make sure you have the VPU enabled
12:29 topi` which string should I grep for in my .config?
12:35 jnettlet VPU :)
12:47 topi` :)
12:48 topi` CONFIG_MXC_VPU=y
12:48 topi` # CONFIG_MXC_VPU_DEBUG is not set
12:48 topi` # CONFIG_MX6_VPU_352M is not set
12:50 jnettlet and the firmware loaded?
12:50 jnettlet also what gstreamer command are you using?
13:17 topi` gst-launch playbin uri=file:///home/foo/bar.m4v video-sink=imxeglvivsink
13:18 topi` gst-launch-1.0 I meant
13:18 topi` how can I find out the firmware is loaded?
13:20 jnettlet dmesg | grep -i vpu
14:46 topi` [ 2.020263] mxc_vpu 2040000.vpu: VPU initialized
14:47 topi` I viewed the 720p version of the big_buck_bunny stream and it plays just fine. gstreamer cpu usage was between 35-40%
14:47 topi` but the 1080p seems to be too tough
14:48 topi` we are in a lucky position to be able to transcode videos for the customer, so 720p output will suffice just fine
14:48 topi` the video quality is very good in any case
14:51 Artox topi`: which SoM? on X11?
14:51 Artox 1080 doesnt do on he i1 and i2
14:51 topi` on the i1, and without x11
14:52 Artox I see
14:52 topi` for some reason, the imxeglvivsink seems to work fine wihtout x11 as well
14:52 Artox sure
14:52 Artox there is no reason why it shouldnt
14:52 Artox dv did a good job on those gstreamer plugins
14:52 topi` EGL stuff makes me always think of X11 extensins
14:52 Artox ah :)
14:52 Artox but OpenGL worked before X11
14:52 topi` true, that
14:56 topi` if a customer wants to use M.2 ssd drives, what uSOM options provide that? the Dual and the Quad, I suppose?
14:56 topi` Dual, not DualLite
14:57 Artox I think its imx6q (2 and 4 cores)
14:59 Artox ah; so in SolidRun SoM names its Dual and Quad
15:02 topi` right
15:02 topi` from the website material it's not obvious which model you'd need to get the M.2 sata
15:03 Artox good point
15:03 topi` you need the Edge, that's easy, but then also the uSOM
15:03 Artox but you eitehr get m.2 or msata
15:03 Artox so I dont think it matters
15:03 topi` I think SR should drop the HB-Base and HB-Pro since they do not bring any added value
15:03 topi` OK the form factor is slightly smaller :)
15:04 jnettlet topi`, they work with some existing accessories made for the RPi as well
15:05 topi` good point
19:43 Exaga Artox: hoiiiiiii o/
19:44 Artox Greetings Exaga
19:44 Artox sup?
19:53 Exaga Artox: just chilling after a long day at work my friend ;)
19:54 Exaga with coffee
19:54 Exaga how's you Artox ?
20:02 Artox just having dinner and watchin some tv
20:23 chris-e can anyone give me a hint how to configure the pcie ports on clearfog to msata? :)