IRC log of #cubox of Fri 29 Jan 2016. All times are in CET < Back to index

08:38 kicker22004 Hi malte
09:04 vpeter What could be the reason to get "EGL error in CreateSurface: 3003" with lvds display 1366x768 but not with another lvds display 800x480?
09:32 jnettlet vpeter, most likely not enough cma space free to allocate a double sized framebuffer needed for pageflipping
09:58 jnettlet you can add cma=256M on the kernel commandline
09:58 jnettlet or whatever size you want.
09:59 vpeter How can I calculate that? Because I already have 288 MB.
10:08 jnettlet that should be plenty
10:11 jnettlet you best bet is to turn on CONFIG_CMA_DEBUG and you will see all the allocations in the kernel logs
10:16 vpeter Thanks.
14:42 heap_ fec 2188000.ethernet eth0: MDIO read timeout
14:42 heap_ bum
14:42 jnettlet yeah, that has been happening in the upstream kernel for a while now
14:43 jnettlet never seen it on my kernel.
14:44 heap_ ;/
16:56 wrexem good morning everyone!
16:56 wrexem random question...
16:57 vpeter The answer is maybe :)
16:57 wrexem is there a way to use the GPU to do ffmpeg encode/decode faster?
17:00 wrexem Sure you get random nubs in here all the time... lol
17:00 wrexem I've had my i2ex running since the day it came out pretty much, kinda lost touch with the dev community
17:01 wrexem I'm running one of igor's old builds atm - in fact this irc is piped through a znc bouncer running on it
17:16 jnettlet wrexem, no there isn't. It is more efficient to use the hardware VPU for video decoding.
17:23 wrexem Cool; at present I'm just running an ffmpeg container conversion on some media formats... not too bad, ~50 fps conversion rate - for comparison rPi2 runs around 30 fps.
17:24 wrexem I think there's a way to do this much faster with gstreamer but I can't seem to wrap my head around the pipelining thing. I know dv_ has some involvement in that project as well so this seems like an interesting place to start.
17:25 jnettlet you will get some acceleration with NEON. It depends what you are trying to convert on whether the VPU will help.
17:26 jnettlet also make sure you have ffmpeg using multi-threads if you have multiple cores
17:26 wrexem Yeah I think I'm doing NEON already, and it's smoking all the cores for sure.
17:27 wrexem I had done some tests before and I was able to get a gstreamer pipeline to do the video conversion in the high hundreds of fps
17:27 wrexem but it wasn't putting the audio back in at the end, some muxing step missing or w/e
17:28 wrexem oh - didn't mention, I'm in the dual core variety humminboard
17:28 jnettlet okay, then it will use one core for encoding and one for decoding
17:29 wrexem basically, I'm doing container conversion from mkv to mp4 with ffmpeg
17:29 wrexem and changing audio to AAC, but that seems pretty trivial in the end
17:36 wrexem command looks like this: ffmpeg -y -i in.mkv -vcodec copy -c:a aac -strict experimental out.mp4
17:36 wrexem well, I am using avconv
17:36 wrexem but yeah
17:45 jnettlet yeah, so the vpu won't help you because you aren't actually re-encoding the video.
17:46 jnettlet 50fps seems a bit low
17:48 wrexem I think this particular video is x265
17:48 wrexem might as well stress it out, lol
17:50 wrexem when I convert to h264 I get ~5fps
17:54 wrexem avconv -y -i in.mkv -vcodec libx264 -c:a aac -strict experimental -movflags +faststart out.mp4
19:05 wrexem IgorPec, is it possible to get me on the most current build of your Cubox debian w/o reflashing?
19:05 wrexem e.g. apt-get upgrade?
19:05 IgorPec yes, it's possiblež
19:06 IgorPec you are using my build or some others?
19:10 wrexem it's your build
19:10 wrexem idk how to tell what version I am on, etc
19:10 IgorPec uname -a
19:10 wrexem I just ran upgrade though, let's see what it does lol
19:10 wrexem Linux cubox-i 3.14.14-cubox-i #2 SMP Wed Mar 11 13:01:02 CET 2015 armv7l GNU/Linux
19:11 Catwich IgorPec: PM, please ack
19:11 wrexem The following packages have been kept back: gpu-viv-bin-x11 gstreamer0.10-imx libcairo2 libjson0 libp11-kit0
19:11 wrexem Guessing that message means everything is fine
19:12 Catwich wrexem that looks like z6you messed with repos, and perhaps upgraded from wheezy
19:12 wrexem I probably did, I might just start fresh; it's been running like I said early for most of a year
19:14 wrexem what should my repos look like? (sources.list)
19:15 wrexem Just change wheezy to jessie?
19:15 IgorPec you are on wheezy?
19:15 IgorPec upgrade is so so
19:15 IgorPec it might go well but ...
19:16 IgorPec Check the basic docs for upgrade tips:
19:17 wrexem It only has my znc bouncer on it, I can just image to the newest jessie np
19:17 wrexem I migrated most other things over to my rPi (is that a dirty word here, pi? lol) and now am looking for ways to repurpose this little guy
19:17 IgorPec ok, those advanced graphics drivers are currently not included
19:18 wrexem I think I might use it as a storage target
19:18 wrexem That's ok; it's headless
19:18 IgorPec than no problem.
19:18 wrexem I was just trying to get gstreamer working for media conversions
19:18 wrexem experimenting
19:18 IgorPec you could even use kernel 4
19:19 IgorPec at least for testing
19:23 wrexem I feel kinda cool having an ssd in my HB
19:23 wrexem just saying
19:24 IgorPec yes, I have it. Do you boot from it too?
19:26 wrexem Definitely
19:26 wrexem There's a little smidge on the sd card that says "go to the ssd"
19:26 IgorPec hehe
19:26 wrexem in my uEnv
19:27 IgorPec btw. now I am using boot.scr to set boot parameters
19:29 wrexem hmmmm
19:30 IgorPec it's not a big deal ... it's due to OS "standardisation" among other boards ;)
19:36 wrexem I just changed, in sources.list, all wheezy references to jessie
19:36 wrexem now I am dist-upgrade ing
19:37 IgorPec latest kernel is on repository
19:37 IgorPec
19:37 IgorPec there you have key and naming
19:43 wrexem Anyone who doesn't know, IgorPec is the man.
19:43 wrexem I bought you a beer once via paypal I think.
19:44 IgorPec :) oh, tnmx
19:44 IgorPec and i plan update in 2 weeks, upstream + some fixes
19:45 wrexem Sweet, I might wait for that then to go fresh
19:45 wrexem Assuming this dist-upgrade doesn't murder the whole thing right now
19:45 wrexem lol
19:45 IgorPec not needed, updating is running smoothly now
19:45 wrexem preparing, unpacking
19:46 IgorPec update from old images, like yours, might be problematic ... so double check before restarting
19:46 wrexem how do I do that?
19:46 IgorPec just check boot script
19:46 wrexem make sure boot.scr is pointing to the right place?
19:46 IgorPec yep
19:47 IgorPec then wheezy to jessie upgrade ... usually works, but that's Debian problem ;)
19:47 wrexem Have any of you ever heard of a project called MailPiler?
19:48 wrexem A hungarian guy created it
19:48 IgorPec nope
19:48 IgorPec what's about
19:48 wrexem Basically, archiving email
19:48 wrexem So you can search it in a separate system, keep the main one clean
19:49 wrexem I use it to redirect exchange mail, splits two copies - one for the users mailbox, one for my archive
19:49 vpeter jnettlet: what should I check with cma debug?
19:49 wrexem I saw sphinx in this upgrade spam, reminded me of that other project
19:51 IgorPec interesting
19:51 wrexem He's a very sharp guy, the maintainer of that project, Janos
19:53 wrexem IgorPec, I don't seem to have a /boot/boot.scr
19:53 IgorPec
19:54 IgorPec you only need to compile it
19:54 IgorPec it might work without the script but I am not 100% sure
20:03 wrexem splat
20:03 wrexem lol
20:04 wrexem it didn't survive the reboot
20:04 wrexem and I'm a few miles from home so
20:04 wrexem Guess it'll wait til later lol
20:09 IgorPec ok ;)