IRC log of #cubox of Wed 03 Feb 2016. All times are in CET < Back to index

09:29 KBme hello
10:24 KBme does anyone know whether the pci-express port works with the 3.14 kernel on linux-fsl?
10:24 KBme this ?
10:26 Catwich KBme: pcie works
10:27 KBme right on. thank you.
12:07 KBme can't even manage to get this kernel compiled
12:08 KBme a problem with pci
12:08 KBme drivers/pci/host/pci-imx6.c:1295:10: error: 'pci_imx_pm_ops' undeclared here (not in a function)
12:52 IgorPec 0.436302] imx6q-pcie: probe of 1ffc000.pcie failed with error -22
12:52 IgorPec there is some problem with pci
13:23 vpeter But at least kernel compiles fine for me.
13:24 IgorPec it compiles fine for me to
13:24 IgorPec but pci does not work
13:27 vpeter So maybe it is better that KBme can't even compile :)
13:28 IgorPec :)
13:49 vpeter IgorPec: Do you have any wireless card in your clearfog?
13:49 vpeter working
13:52 IgorPec yes, i have two at the moment
13:53 IgorPec one for 2.4 and one for 5, both live / testing operational
13:55 IgorPec 01:00.0 Network controller: Qualcomm Atheros QCA9565 / AR9565 Wireless Network Adapter (rev 01)
13:55 IgorPec 02:00.0 Network controller: Qualcomm Atheros AR93xx Wireless Network Adapter (rev 01)
13:55 vpeter Would you share some buy link maybe?
13:56 vpeter What about mini pcie for 2 sata drives you have any?
13:56 IgorPec sure, for 2.4 i use some old from notebook ... it's single stream so it sucks, the other one
13:56 IgorPec
13:57 IgorPec i have only one msata to sata, which is only a connector ... so one drive per slot
13:59 vpeter Ok, this is some cheap card which I also have somewhere. Also have this pasive adapter for one sata.
13:59 IgorPec this is probably the best buy non AC card
14:00 IgorPec for 5g AP you need to patch driver
14:01 vpeter And how is armbian doing? Good to be used for 24/7 device?
14:03 IgorPec i do a lot of testing, i use it on several machines, updating is conservative and problems are fixed quickly ... is somehow general philosopy
14:05 vpeter Good. Then will start with it. My first choice was openwrt but now I changed my mind.
14:05 IgorPec and the idea is to provide three kernels per board: legacy, current, dev ... almost there
14:06 IgorPec almost no update, regular update, daily update
14:08 vpeter So this means "full time hobby" :-)
14:08 IgorPec oh :) yes
15:13 vpeter Nice, have to pay 56 € import tax for clearfog :)
15:19 IgorPec request super economy packing ;)
15:19 IgorPec and it might not be checked by customs
15:21 vpeter And I would pay for broken pcb...
15:23 quitte_ It's a bit much. Where in europe is that? 19% here in DE
15:23 mk01 quitte_: Import TAX and +VAT
15:24 quitte_ hmm. I thought it was Einfuhrumsatzsteuer only
15:24 vpeter + extra expense for dhl :)
15:24 vpeter quitte_: slovenia
15:27 vpeter Should order it to work and would be free :(
15:29 IgorPec yes, if you order to company, tax can be compensated. so it's just DHL
15:54 KBme eh eh eh dammit
15:54 KBme how is it that pcie doesn't work? sr has been selling hummingboards with a pcie port for a long while now no?
15:54 KBme ok I should've just read the source: it was missing some PM core functionality. so since the 'pci_imx_pm_ops' is inside an ifdef for PM_CORE but it is used out of the ifdef
15:56 IgorPec pci is working but i guess there are some problems in latest version
15:57 KBme latest version meaning?
15:57 IgorPec meaning if you build from GITHUB
15:57 IgorPec
15:57 KBme the latest kernel in that linux-fslc repo
15:57 KBme oh.
15:57 KBme so is there a known working version?
15:58 IgorPec yes
15:58 KBme where? :)
15:58 IgorPec if you are lazy here:
15:58 KBme eww
15:58 IgorPec if you want to build from sources there or here:
15:58 KBme no, I'm not that lazy
15:59 KBme ok
15:59 IgorPec this kernel is kind of obsolete but it works o.k.
15:59 IgorPec btw, which hardware you have?
15:59 KBme oh, but this probably doesn't support the vivante binaries?
16:00 KBme well, I have a custom board
16:00 IgorPec oh, no
16:00 KBme based on the ummm gate, I think
16:00 IgorPec vivante will not work with that one
16:01 IgorPec than try going few commits back or wait.
16:01 IgorPec Jon was notified
16:01 KBme so it's weird that I have to wait like a minute before being able to access the solid-run website.
16:01 KBme all right
16:02 IgorPec website, no idea
16:02 KBme yeah, I'll try to bisect the changes made that may be related to pcie
16:02 KBme thanks IgorPec
16:02 IgorPec there was huge merge few commits back. try skipping that
16:03 IgorPec np
16:03 KBme I'll also jus try to compile with the latest kernel and go confirm on that bugreport if it doesn't work
16:03 KBme I have some similar atheros card
16:04 IgorPec i think the problem is not in cards , since those cards works fine everywhere else
16:05 KBme probably not. but it may come from a configuration difference. I am not using a default config
16:07 IgorPec me neither but I tried default after my conf failed.
16:09 KBme ah. ok
16:28 KBme I'm guessing this is the huge merge you are talking about:
16:28 KBme thing is I don't even get that error message you are getting
16:28 KBme strange
16:48 KBme IgorPec, does pcie need some support from the bootloader aswell?
16:56 IgorPec not necessarily ... it wasn't changed much
16:56 IgorPec and not lately
17:00 KBme hmm
17:00 KBme weird. all I get regarding pcie in my dmesg is "ehci-pci: EHCI PCI platform driver"
17:02 wrexem #IgorPecForPresident
17:04 KBme :D
17:06 IgorPec :)
17:07 IgorPec BTW: I just compiled 4.4.1 and PCI works fine
17:07 IgorPec but this kernel is for headless usage
17:08 KBme yeah, graphics drivers will never be updated it seems
17:08 KBme we will never ever get to run a new kernel on non-headless machines
17:09 KBme except if etnaviv starts working well enough, which I sort of doubt
17:09 IgorPec i doubt too
17:10 vpeter kernel 4.4 + grpahic works also
17:11 IgorPec how?
17:12 IgorPec so i don't have proper patches? :)
17:12 KBme yeah I would really really like to know also
17:14 KBme I thought graphics drivers are abi-locked to a kernel version
17:14 KBme which is why we are still stuck with the same years old 3.14 kernel
17:14 vpeter IgorPec: I don't know how - out of my knowledge :(. But I'm playing with kernel from xbian and I have output on HDMI and LVDS display.
17:15 KBme oh, ok. yeah. but that doesn't mean hardware accel, which is what we want.
17:15 KBme or at least what I mean when I say graphics support
17:15 vpeter I'm sure it is hw accel.
17:15 vpeter How would you play video without that?
17:15 KBme on the cpu
17:16 vpeter no
17:17 IgorPec when playing video is your cpu more or less idling or running full?
17:18 vpeter checking...
17:21 wrexem
17:21 wrexem wooops, wrong channel
17:21 wrexem Enjoy, though
17:21 vpeter
17:22 wrexem vpeter, you should dd that system out to file asap so these guys can fiddle with it lol
17:23 vpeter you mean movie?
17:23 KBme looks like software decoding to me
17:23 KBme 50% cpu for a 720p movie
17:24 vpeter but kodi is between 2 and 6 %.
17:25 KBme hm that is not bad
17:25 vpeter I'm sure this is not sw decoding.
17:26 vpeter what is keyboard shortcut to see statistic on kdoi?
17:26 mk01 that high load is because of AEngine transcoding 6ch audio
17:26 KBme wow so there is a vivante release for 4.4?
17:27 vpeter I'm using same version for sr kernel :)
17:27 KBme WHERE IS IT?! why is it not in solidrun repos?! dammit :D
17:27 KBme oh?
17:27 vpeter 5.0.11.p4.5
17:27 KBme that's kind of surprising
17:29 wrexem correct me if I'm wrong, but doesn't that say 95% idle?
17:30 vpeter I don't know much of all this. Just a user (or want to be). But because knowledge is so dispersed you need to be really smart guy to get something running.
17:30 vpeter wrexem: Yes.
17:30 KBme yes it does
17:30 KBme it's 50% vsz which is ram. sorry.
17:30 KBme hmm I'll have to look into this
17:31 vpeter little higher kodi cpu for Jellyfish-45-Mbps.mkv fullh sample
17:31 dv_ one big problem with imx6 stuff in general is that development is so fragmented.
17:32 dv_ everybody does their own thing
17:32 dv_ especially visible with kernel forks
17:32 vpeter ^^^ exactly :(
17:32 vpeter And this "everybody" do something for his own purpose.
17:33 vpeter KBme: I'm sure I don't need to tell you this kernel is unofficial.
17:33 KBme heheh
17:33 KBme ok so it's some monkeypatched kernel that retains abi compatibility with the old viv drivers
17:33 vpeter Which means don't expect solution from sr.
17:34 vpeter Similar kernel for one other board
17:36 KBme ok right on
17:36 mk01 KBme: 5.0.11.p4.5 are old viv drivers? can you point us to drivers please ?
17:36 mk01 re: to new drivers
17:37 mitchty i did a quick test to try 4.4 but it didn't seem to have the dtb files for the hb2
17:39 KBme mk01, I've been trying to find an official(ish) source for vivante for imx6 but I have failed so far
17:39 KBme here
17:40 KBme ok so the x11 drivers are more up-to-date than the framebuffer ones, it seems
17:40 mitchty I only need headless operation though so suppose I can port patches to get things to work
17:41 KBme mitchty, hb2 has same dtb as hb1 afaik
17:43 mk01 KBme: there are no different "drivers" for x11 and fb. it's one galcore kernel driver and binary userland libs
17:45 KBme well, on the bsp it clearly states latest support kernel is 3.14
17:45 KBme for some boards there is a 4.1+git there
17:47 mk01 KBme: yes. this is what you can get FSL's support for
17:47 KBme yeah
17:47 KBme i'm kind of excited to know some people have made the gpu driver work with 4.4
17:59 vpeter :)
18:00 dv_ ahem.
18:00 dv_ "HDMI and LVDS is [in the kernel] because of the drm-imx driver in 4.4"
18:00 dv_ "galcore is not kernel version locked at all, the userspace libraries are ABI locked to the kernel module. There is nothing stopping galcore from running on 4.4, and I know it does work. but...the userspace binaries only know about the iMX fbdev device which doesn't exist in 4.4"
18:01 dv_ just quoting from someone else
18:37 heap_ my dmesg is full of
18:37 heap_