IRC log of #cubox of Thu 04 Feb 2016. All times are in CET < Back to index

08:57 heap_ any idea about ?
09:00 mk01 OOM killer
09:00 mk01 out of memory
12:29 KBme so
12:29 KBme IgorPec, pci works fine with latest kernel+u-boot
12:34 IgorPec can you share you config?
12:34 KBme never mind. it doesn't. the wifi interface comes up on some machines but not on others
12:34 KBme exact same machine, kernel, bootloader and system
12:34 IgorPec ok
12:35 IgorPec so it's not very stable
12:35 KBme also, some machines simply freeze a few seconds after finishing the boot
12:35 KBme yeah, it can not be said that it's stable. at all.
12:35 IgorPec that's in my case .. when i get to the wifi phy it freezes
12:36 KBme oh so maybe I have the same issue
12:36 KBme how do you know, though?
12:36 KBme I can not see any kernel messages at the moment it freezes
12:37 KBme I mean there are no messages at the moments before it freezes
12:37 IgorPec but you set verbose level to 8 ? and console to whatever you monitor?
12:37 KBme also, reproducibly some machines freeze and some don't
12:37 KBme oh I guess I do not set verbose to 8
12:37 KBme but yeah I do get the kernel messages on the serial console
12:38 KBme so with the exact same sd card, some machines freeze, and some don't
12:38 IgorPec yes, on serial ... i don't know what is default loglevel ... check boot parameters
12:38 KBme right
12:38 KBme can you quickly tell what the verbosity parameter is?
12:38 IgorPec loglevel=
12:39 KBme also I do not have pcie debugging enabled if that's important
12:39 KBme ok
12:39 KBme right on I'll try that
12:39 IgorPec my pcie debugging is probably disabled .. let me check
12:39 IgorPec
12:39 IgorPec this is my bootlog
12:41 KBme ok looks like systemd stops the kernel output from being printed to console so I'm going to have to look into how to disable that "feature"
12:59 KBme weird
13:00 KBme IgorPec, this is my log when the boot hangs
13:00 KBme
13:01 KBme and yeah, it just hangs in the middle of that line
13:02 KBme here is the full log
13:03 KBme nothing special going on just some console setup
13:08 IgorPec nothing obvious
13:11 KBme yep
13:15 KBme IgorPec, also have you activated any of the RC_MODE_IN_EP_RC_SYS or PCI_IMX_EP_DRV ?
13:25 IgorPec
13:26 IgorPec i try once with big defaults, the same result
13:26 IgorPec must go for a while ...
16:15 wrexem He must go, his people need him.
16:54 vpeter wrexem: He is back. People will be saved :)