IRC log of #cubox of Thu 07 Apr 2016. All times are in CEST < Back to index

05:52 nexace- what is the best way to get setup to play Super Nintendo games on Cubox i4pro?
05:53 nexace- I'm running OpenELEC
07:39 jnettlet nexace- I have never done it but I believe there is an advlauncher plugin for kodi on the raspberry pi. I would start by looking at that
09:49 topi` morning
09:50 topi` I have a SPI device from Adafruit (a Sharp memory display) that I want to hook up to the HB. Any advice on how to interface the SPI? Raspberry PI seems to have a "bcm2835.h" or some kind of helper library
09:52 topi` somebody suggested using wiringX
10:01 topi` using kernel 3.14.54+ here, compiled on Nov 13 2015
10:01 topi` spi_imx 200c000.ecspi: cannot get the TX DMA channel!
10:01 topi` I hope this is not fatal?
11:01 jnettlet topi`, I am traveling today ping me tomorrow and we can sort it out.
11:06 topi` jnettlet: ok :)
11:07 topi` maybe I need to write a tutorial on how to do SPI on the HB...
11:07 topi` if I manage to get it going myself :)
11:19 jnettlet topi`, that would be excellent.
11:20 jnettlet I know that Artox is playing around with some Clik Boards as well, although I don't know if any of them are SPI based.
12:18 vpeter rabeeh: your post about clearfog/openwrt is with WLE900VX-7A?
12:24 malte_ rabeeh: have u tested the switch?
12:29 jnettlet It is with the 3.10 kernel
12:30 jnettlet Or 3.18 with the 3.10 Marvell patchset Renard on it
12:30 jnettlet Rebased
12:46 rabeeh vpeter: what about it?
12:46 rabeeh it uses LK 4.1
12:46 rabeeh switch works too
12:46 vpeter I'm asking if you are using this card?
12:47 jnettlet rabeeh, it works initially but will crash. The driver is leaking pages like mad. There is a proposed patch upstream.
12:48 jnettlet And when it crashes it takes down the kernel
12:48 rabeeh WLE900VX
12:48 rabeeh jnettlet: any idea how long it will crash?
12:48 rabeeh minutes? hours?
12:48 rabeeh it's been alive for 2 days; but with moderate traffic
12:48 jnettlet Depends on the usage
12:49 jnettlet What else is being used etc.
12:50 jnettlet With a minimal configuration and usage it can probably last weeks
12:51 rabeeh simple AP to guests
12:51 rabeeh nothing really fancy
12:53 jnettlet Will most likely run for a while then.
13:12 rabeeh jnettlet: have pointers for patches?
13:34 malte_ rrabeeh: but i have seen u only connected a wan port
13:41 rabeeh malte_: i had a SolidPC connect to it's switch port before i disconnected and move it :)
13:42 malte_ ah solidpc? put it into a box and ship it to me?? :P
15:33 jnettlet Not handy. Still traveling
15:34 jnettlet Are they supporting virtual APs in this build and accelerated openvpn?
15:34 jnettlet And the bufferbloat QoS support?