IRC log of #cubox of Fri 23 Sep 2016. All times are in CEST < Back to index

12:25 vpeter
12:29 jnettlet yep PR went out yesterday
12:30 vpeter I'm just looking around: there is no IR receiver on-board right?
12:32 jnettlet no. This is a developer board and not our consumer product
12:32 jnettlet although we will most likely only support CEC
12:33 topi` jnettlet: so, how do I change a regulator OFF in userspace? just by writing to /sys/class/regulator/state ?
12:33 topi` it seems regulator.11 ias the name "usb_h1_vbus" so is the one I want
12:33 jnettlet topi`, yes
12:33 jnettlet I made state writeable
12:33 topi` I'll try out your patch now :)
12:34 jnettlet great
12:35 vpeter jnettlet: I assume there is no GPIO on that board so only option for IR is USB receiver?
12:35 jnettlet vpeter, yes
12:36 vpeter :(
12:36 topi` hmm, I guess I need to write something to power/control
12:36 topi` it is currently "auto"
12:36 jnettlet this isn't a media board.
12:37 jnettlet topi`, you shouldn't need to
12:37 topi` I don't know why there are things like "suspend_mem_state"
12:37 jnettlet that is if you want certain regulators to stay powered during suspend
12:37 topi` OK
12:38 jnettlet for example if you want a USB port to stay powered so a keyboard press can wake the system
12:38 topi` ok, now, how do I disable the power from usb_h1_vbus?
12:38 topi` I'm looking at the files in "regulator.11" subdir :)
12:39 topi` can you do some handleading here
12:39 jnettlet echo disabled > state
12:39 topi` no "state" file here :(
12:39 topi` power/control and then power/autosuspend_delay_ms
12:40 jnettlet no it should be state. If you don't have that then you are perhaps missing a patch.
12:40 topi` DUH! I... forgot to reboot the HB :)
12:43 jnettlet :) okay that makes sense
12:53 wbx jnettlet: did you receive my mail? :)
12:54 jnettlet wbx, I did thanks. I will hopefully have some time over the weekend to get caught up on community requests.
12:55 wbx jnettlet: okay, great. thx.
13:03 jnettlet topi`, how is that working for you?
14:32 TomyWork hi
14:33 TomyWork i'm trying to improve my sd card's life time by mounting it read-only behind unionfs/aufs/overlayfs or something of that kind
14:33 TomyWork however, the 3.14 kernel that comes with the jessie image doesnt have either of them
14:35 TomyWork that's where i got that jessie image
14:36 TomyWork i used
14:45 TomyWork what can i do to get aufs or overlayfs? can i use other images that say "imx6" in their name?
14:46 vpeter Maybe armbian? Depends what you need from it.
14:47 TomyWork i want to run a browser on it
14:47 TomyWork pretty much nothing else
14:51 TomyWork vpeter neat, armbian has a kernel for the cubox
14:51 TomyWork thanks
14:51 TomyWork 4.3.3 even
15:00 vpeter I don't think it has hardware acceleration video.
15:03 TomyWork i'll see how it works :)
15:03 TomyWork but right now it wont boot at all
15:03 TomyWork and i can't "press any key to stop autoboot" either
15:03 TomyWork might be too fast
15:03 TomyWork or the usb keyboard driver isnt initialized yet
15:06 TomyWork re-symlinked /boot/zImage to the old kernel, that worked
15:24 topi` jnettlet: excellent stuff!! I was able to control the charging of an android phone connected to the OTG port of the HB2
15:25 topi` "disabled" -> the charging indicator says no longer AC, and "enabled" -> Charging on AC
15:25 jnettlet topi`, great
15:25 topi` jnettlet: sorry I went to lunch and had some family errands
15:31 jnettlet no worries
15:35 topi` jnettlet: I can immediately invent a couple of use cases for this feature.
15:35 topi` it's especially useful with this EnerGenie Advanced Surge Protector (4x 230V sockets) that I bought from amazon for $20
15:35 jnettlet topi`, well I will push the changes to add control for the other USB ports
15:36 topi` (I already tested it with the EnerGenie as well)
15:36 topi` there's this clicking sound when the relay inside it changes state :)
15:36 jnettlet great
15:37 topi` I guess there are some chinese options if you want to remotely turn 230V on or off, but they're all wireless sockets with chinese-made electric circuits inside
15:37 topi` I don't know if they bode well with our home insurance company
15:37 topi` the EnerGenie at least has european certificates
15:38 topi` the next thing on my list is to control the power to the Floor Warming (500W) but there I have to attack the separate control box
15:39 topi` the EnerGenie will control our hot water tank (300 litres)
15:39 topi` it was pretty difficult to find a properly made socket that can do 230V 15A
15:39 jnettlet and you are going to use this for your hot water heater?
15:39 topi` do you guys at Solid-run have any kind of "blog" of interesting solutions? Maybe I can provide you a writeup :)
15:40 topi` the hot water gets boiled by electricity. Our electricity cost is per hour and there is a lot of variance and there's a web service where you can check the most optimal hours (cheapest)
15:40 jnettlet topi`, funny you mention that. We are now reworking our community section of our web and I wanted to add something like that.
15:40 topi` so, I bet this will save at least the cost of a HB Gate in a year :)
15:41 jnettlet especially with the IoT being such a hot market topic
15:41 topi` yes, indeed
15:41 topi` and smart houses
15:41 topi` our house is 100 years old, so not very smart
15:42 topi` the company who manufactured our water boiler is Norwegian, but they did not (yet) have any internet-controlled models. I bet there would be some synergy...
15:42 topi` anyhow, I'm open for contributing my experiences :)
15:42 topi` tomorrow we're going to get warm water controlled by the HB
15:43 jnettlet great. I will hit you up for it once we get started
15:43 jnettle 15:43 * jnettlet hopes topi` doesn't have to take a cold shower
15:43 topi` :)
15:43 topi` I did try *several* different devices, e.g. a RPi and OrangePI PC but they all failed to properly control the usb vbus
15:43 topi` it's just a testament to the design of HB :)
15:44 topi` most companies ignore the vbus voltage controls in their designs, or then they just plain don't work
15:44 jnettlet well and me specifically bitching about how unreliable usb devices are
15:44 topi` same for USB hubs
15:44 topi` next thing I'll do is to try to see if I can properly reset a hung USB 3g modem with this code
15:45 topi` there are many ways to get these Huawei sticks to throw in the towel
15:47 topi` jnettlet: do you expect the same patch to work also for the older HB?
15:48 topi` with only 2 usb ports
15:48 jnettlet that is one of the the main failure devices that also inspired it
15:48 jnettlet topi`, it should but the regulator definitions may need tweaking.
15:49 topi` I can test it whether it works, I have several older HBs at home :)
15:49 topi` I did check the .dtb files were exactly the same before and after your patch
15:50 jnettlet topi`, should work fine
16:02 TomyWork what tool generates the /boot/zImage symlink?
16:02 wrexem What's the chip run @ in the SoM IB3710 (mHz?)
16:02 TomyWork update-initramfs -u doesn't
16:04 TomyWork wrexem
16:04 TomyWork see if that has the info you want
16:04 TomyWork 3rd hit on google btw :)
16:04 wrexem Man I looked all over for that sheet, lol
16:05 wrexem on the specs page for the som
16:05 wrexem damn
16:06 wrexem Now I see it there too
16:06 wrexem I was reading this, vertically:
16:06 wrexem And it didn't have the units on the line, so I glazed it
16:06 wrexe 16:06 * wrexem needs coffee.
16:09 wrexem Last question - M2 -> storage capable?
16:18 TomyWork vpeter i cannot run an x server now, it seems. is that what you meant by "no hardware acceleration"?
16:19 TomyWork can i use unaccelerated graphics maybe?
17:17 jnettlet wrexem, yes m.2 sata capable.
17:18 jnettlet not m.2 pcie ssds
17:26 wrexem cool thanks jnettlet
17:26 jnettlet wrexem, anything else I can answer?
18:31 vpeter TomyWork: only legacy kernel has video support.
18:51 TomyWork ah, crap
18:52 TomyWork you'd think they could just release the source for all those driver modules and then dkms would take care of it all
18:52 TomyWork oh well, i already scaled back my ambitions anyway
18:53 TomyWork i put tmp on a tmpfs and /home on an nfs mount.
18:53 TomyWork in case it still fails, i'll make an image of the card
18:58 vpeter TomyWork: but even legacy kernel probably supports aufs or somrthing similar? Then you just need to compile new armbians kernel.
18:59 TomyWork nope
18:59 TomyWork like i said, i'm done with it :)
18:59 TomyWork i'll leave it as it is
18:59 vpeter :D
19:09 wrexem @ jnettlet thanks, I said that would be my last question. So far so good. :)