IRC log of #cubox of Thu 24 Nov 2016. All times are in CET < Back to index

09:09 agraf Artox: that depends on how you configure grub
09:10 agraf Artox: so grub as it's configured for you there doesn't know where it should load anything from
09:10 agraf Artox: which i guess is why it's not even adding a partition number
09:11 agraf Artox: what we usually have is a grub.cfg in the same directory as grub.efi for the first boot
09:11 agraf Artox: so either the installation disk (iso) or the kiwi first boot step
09:12 agraf Artox: and for second boot, we generate a grub.efi that knows where it can find its real config
12:23 Artox agraf: I figured out the magic
12:23 Artox grub-install did not replace /boot/efi/boot/bootarm.efi
12:23 Artox instead it installed /boot/efi/efi/debian/grubarm.efi
12:24 Artox it has only 82kB, but with that it works as expected
12:24 Artox menu shows up
12:24 Artox however it looks like suse has a few impotant arm patches that debian still misses
12:46 Artox I guess mkconfig should be able to identify the devicetree file
12:47 Artox so this ask firmware for fdt is onlya fallback
13:02 agraf Artox: yeah, grub upstreaming is hell
13:02 agraf Artox: takes about 1 year for anyone to even remotely look at your patches
13:03 agraf Artox: the "ask firmware for dtb" is the preferred path
13:03 agraf Artox: because ideally the device tree comes from firmware
13:03 agraf Artox: OSs shouldn't have any business in providing them
13:03 agraf Artox: look at how PowerPC boots
13:03 agraf (the real server ones, or the macs)
13:04 Artox my colleague heartedly disagrees
13:04 Artox because in reality DTBs change
13:05 Artox and because u-boot carries just one dtb
13:05 Artox how would one handle board variants and dtb variants?
13:27 agraf Artox: that's the crux of the problem
13:27 agraf Artox: dtbs should not change
13:27 agraf Artox: the mere fact that they do change means the model is broken
13:27 agraf Artox: dtbs describe hardware, not Linux
13:28 Artox I guess I can live with patching teh firmware occasionally
13:28 agraf Artox: in a way having AIX and Mac OS X on PowerPC helped a lot with that
13:28 Artox any remark on variants?
13:28 agraf Artox: because they made sure that you don't randomly get a new device tree
13:29 agraf Artox: grub2 can override the device tree
13:29 Artox true
13:29 agraf Artox: and loic did a patch a while back to have grub2 automatically add that to grub.cfg
13:29 agraf Artox: not sure how far that is upstream
13:30 agraf Artox: you can always use that to hack up something that overrides the firmware dtb
13:30 agraf Artox: but there's a good chance that breaks too
13:30 agraf Artox: spin table location for example is part of dtb
13:31 agraf Artox: and needs to be adjusted by firmware depending on where it puts the spin tables
13:31 agraf Artox: unless you're on a PSCI enabled system of course ;)
13:31 Artox now to an easier topic
13:32 Artox I mentioned that debian likes to not install bootarm.efi
13:32 Artox is there such a thing as a chainload.efi?
13:32 Artox that I can put as bootarm.efi to load debian/grubarm.efi?
13:34 agraf Artox: sure, it's called shim
13:34 agraf Artox: but you don't need that
13:34 agraf Artox: if you call the grub-install thing with --removable it should do that automatically
13:34 Artox thats what --removable does?
13:34 Artox someone should document the output of --help
13:35 agraf :)
13:35 agraf Artox:
13:37 Artox that works so much better!
13:37 Artox thanks a lot
13:37 agraf np
13:37 agraf always happy to move people to the efi side ;)
13:37 agraf it makes life easier eventually
13:45 Artox the path looks stony though
16:24 agraf Artox: well, more layers is always harder to get right if you're doing the plumbing
16:24 agraf Artox: but it means you move plumbing requirements away from others ;)
18:32 Artox agraf: the transition itself is hard too
18:32 Artox due to requiring the firmware to provide the right thing
19:04 vpeter Artox: good news - got lede running. But have a question: what steps are required to set ethernet interfaces like in openwrt? uci-defaults/02_network script would be enough?
19:04 vpeter It is little hard because building lede at my workplace but running clearfog at home :(
19:05 vpeter Meaning no internet when sd card switched.
19:59 agraf Artox: yeah, it's a mental shift ;)
20:00 agraf Artox: but you can always create hybrids