IRC log of #cubox of Thu 23 Mar 2017. All times are in CET < Back to index

08:40 bencoh mhilt: yes I have used parallel csi ov5640 with imx6/7, but not quad
08:41 bencoh I'm not sure the driver for the csi controler present in dual/quad has been ported to subdev/ . If not you'll have to use the one in capture/
09:09 jnettlet bencoh, it has not.
09:10 jnettlet but it does look like it should work fine in parallel mode
10:08 topi` any reason why my custom compiled kernel works on the old skool HB Pro, but fails to mount root at all on a HB Gate?
10:08 topi` Please append a correct "root=" option; here are the available partitions:
10:09 topi` and then it lists ram0 .. ram15 and nothing else
10:09 topi` where oh where is my mmcblk0 ???
10:12 topi` I think the imx6dl-hummingboard2.dtb is correct and in the right place, but I wonder how UBOOT detects which .dtb it needs to load?
10:28 jnettlet topi`, you are using an upstream kernel?
10:28 jnettlet if so then they changed the device enumeration
10:54 topi` yeah, the 4.11
10:54 topi` I understand that it's been changed, but what I don't understand is why it only shows ramdisks and nothing else
10:54 topi` which makes me suspect that it can't load the right .dtb
10:58 bencoh jnettlet: indeed it should
11:26 jnettlet topi`, u-boot will tell you which dtb it is loading on the console before launching the kernel
11:27 topi` it all happens very quickly :)
11:28 topi` I'll tell my coworkers to install a usb-serial cable
11:30 jnettlet yes, usb-serial is the only way to go.
11:30 bencoh by the way you should be able to check dtb values in /sys/firmware/devicetree, in case you need to
11:31 topi` bencoh: we can't get the kernel to mount root, so that's not an option :)
11:31 topi` hmm, maybe provide an initramfs with shell...
11:32 bencoh ah
11:33 jnettlet topi`, which distro are you using?
11:33 topi` jnettlet: my colleague claims that the uart (J25) is missing the pins. Is this possible :)
11:34 topi` jnettlet: I made an image on top of debian/stretch
11:34 jnettlet topi` I can't imagine that.
11:34 jnettlet can they take a picture?
11:34 topi` I have one HB-Gate at home and it does have the UART pins.
11:34 topi` this must be some very early batch of Gates :)
11:34 jnettlet we populate all of them since we don't provide jtag
11:35 jnettlet anyways there are other uarts. if need be I can hack together a u-boot quick that uses them.
11:35 topi` well, you just solder some pins there :)
11:35 topi` the easiest way
11:35 jnettlet or that
11:36 jnettlet or just solder the cable :)
11:36 jnettlet there are solutions
11:36 topi` the stupid suits in our company told us soldering isn't allowed in premises, since it releases toxic fumes
11:36 jnettlet topi`, did you get 3d acceleration working?
11:36 jnettlet lol
11:36 topi` our corp is ruined by these marketing men :(
11:36 topi` no 3d, but I am currently building mesa and libdrm from source
11:37 topi` mesa takes a LONG time on the hb :)
11:37 jnettlet do you have an ssd? it speeds things up a lot.
11:37 topi` yes
11:37 topi` compiling on a SDcard is a total no go :)
11:38 jnettlet how is the ssd performance with 4.11. last time I checked upstream was 10-20MB/s slower
12:17 jnettlet topi`, would it help if we added a mainline kernel and the bits needed use etnaviv to our build server?
12:17 jnettlet I have been talking about it for a while.
12:17 jnettlet although I would most likely base it on the latest LTS
12:29 topi` jnettlet: I'm unsure, because this is a slooow Kingston 32GB SSD
12:29 topi` regarding the mainline kernel, it's a good idea to base it on LTS
12:30 topi` 4.9 is the LTS
12:30 mhilt bencoh & jnettlet: thanks -- I have CONFIG_MXC_CAMERA_OV5640 set, and I see ov5640.c in /capture, but it seems to build from /subdev
12:32 jnettlet Well that is NXP patches for you. Yes they have used the same Kconfig name for both.
12:33 jnettle 12:33 * jnettlet shakes head and laughs to himself
12:33 jnettlet oh mhilt. check your .config and make sure SOC_IMX6SX is not selected
12:33 jnettlet that should fix the problem
12:33 mhilt yeah I was just seeing that ...
12:33 mhilt strange this is it isn't selected
12:48 mhilt eh, sorry - grep'd the wrong sandbox ... still early here, and I need some coffee!
13:37 bencoh mhilt: CONFIG_MXC_CAMERA_OV5640 builds both of them
14:25 topi` I noticed I have a 12V 1A power supply in my HB Gate ... I wonder how many +5V amps can the HB's power supply produce out of this 12V?
14:25 topi` it might be enough to run one USB 4G modem, but maybe not two... which would explain why the first one stops working properly after I add the second
14:26 topi` maybe I'd need at least 1.5A at 12 volts
14:36 jnettlet topi`, probably yes. allthough USB can be picky. I would use the USB-OTG and a USB port to help balance things.
14:36 jnettlet you can use the top and bottom ports next to the ethernet adapter
14:36 jnettlet or the top port, and then any of the others.
15:37 topi` jnettlet: we received today a batch of HB Gates (15 pcs), which seem to be dead (the green LED does not light up)... any hints on how to debug?
15:37 topi` maybe they are not fused to boot from SD?
15:38 jnettlet topi`, does the red light turn on?
15:38 jnettlet possibly
15:38 topi` the red light turns on
15:38 jnettlet okay sounds like they aren't fused
15:38 topi` but I was expecting to see the green one, when kernel boots
15:38 jnettlet do they have eMMC on board?
15:38 topi` I'll dig the exact SoM code to see what it is
15:38 jnettlet if so then we don't fuse them
15:38 topi` yes, 8 GB eMMC
15:39 jnettlet have you built a usb otg recovery cable yet?
15:41 rabeeh
15:41 rabeeh read this;
15:41 rabeeh download the HERE-1.1 link; very convenient
15:42 rabeeh will get you booted quickly; but you need a usb host to host connector (or build one)
15:43 topi` yes, my coworkers will try to build such cable
15:44 topi` anything else needed than to cross over the D+ and D- signals?
15:45 topi` oh, and we want the fuses to boot from eMMC
15:45 topi` SD cards are not very robust in our application...
15:45 topi` but then we need to do the initial eMMC writing at the same time as eFusing
15:46 topi` can we boot a linux kernel w/ initrd "on-the-fly"?
15:49 topi` ok, reading the doc makes it clear that you can upload zImage via usb-otg
15:55 topi` hmm, it seems we don't get MAC addresses either? we need MACs for the eth0 and especially the wlan0
15:55 topi` eth0 we can give a random mac, it's not used in "production"
16:06 jnettlet topi`, you can specify your own, or write to sales and they will allocate you a group from our block
16:08 topi` OK
16:18 topi` jnettlet: did you integrate your usb-otg regulator changes to the 3.14.x kernel at some point? or do I need to apply the patch you sent me :)
16:19 topi` there's a dead LTE modem sitting on my Gate now, and it'd be convenient to actually take the VBUS from it instead of rebooting the whole device ...
16:20 jnettlet topi`, they are merged
16:21 topi` cool. so I'll just compile the newest 3.14.79+
16:24 jnettlet topi`, those patches should apply to upstream without much of an issue
16:26 topi` yes, I know
16:26 topi` but since I have many boards, I often just take the SR provided image and write it to a new SD card in order to boot a new board...
16:27 topi` btw, changing the power supply from 1A @12V to 2A @9V solved the problem with the LTE modem
16:27 topi` now it connects
17:07 topi` jnettlet: after downloading a few megs, the LTE modem stops dead and I see this in dmesg:
17:07 topi` hub 2-1.1:1.0: cannot reset port 2 (err = -71)
17:07 topi` cannot enable port 2. Maybe the usb cable is bad?
17:08 topi` the LTE is hooked to the upper usb port of those two next to the mikroBUS ... so, opposite of the mains power etc
17:08 topi` is this usb_h1 or usb_otg?
17:09 topi` oops, lsusb causes "task kworker blocked for more than 120 seconds"
17:11 topi` I wonder if there's a way to map these regulator names (usb_otg, usb_h1) to those usb 2-1, 1-1 etc ids?
17:18 jnettlet osb_otg
17:18 jnettlet Ahh... usb_otg
17:38 topi` are the usb signals going to the mPCIe slot paired to the usb_otg controller or usb_h1?