IRC log of #cubox of Thu 01 Jun 2017. All times are in CEST < Back to index

10:07 topi` I resolved the "hanging" issue with changing bootargs from console=ttymx0,115200 to console=ttymxc0,115200
10:07 topi` go figure
10:14 bencoh well, imx console drivers used mxc*, not mx* :)
10:14 bencoh use*
10:20 jnettlet yes. ttymx* is the old device name circa MX1
10:32 topi` jnettlet: about the new HB baseboard build, do you know if we can force an initial boot from SDcard (for installer) even though the device has been muxed for eMMC boot?
10:33 topi` this would be a rather simple way of deploying our sw onto fresh HB's and we'll be ordering a big amount soon :/
10:45 jnettlet topi`, you would still need to use the USB-OTG method. To speed things up you can build a version of SPL that forces the boot from SDHC.
10:46 jnettlet so you only feed SPL over usb-otg which boots the rest of the way from SDHC and can then flash eMMC
10:46 jnettlet or do you mean SOMs that are already imaged and bootable?