IRC log of #cubox of Mon 06 Nov 2017. All times are in CET < Back to index

10:10 topi`> Ke: why do you need to reset the board? supposedly some linux boots just get stuck, or what?
10:11 topi`> my mcbin might also be in exactly that state. Won't know until I can install a raspberry next to it to monitor the serial console.
10:39 Ke> topi`: yes, linux never boots on the first cold boot for me
10:39 Ke> topi`: having a watchdog from u-boot would workaround my problem completely
10:40 Ke> but without watchdog router that never boots after power cycle is no-go
10:40 Ke> unless I get an UPS
10:41 Ke> and UPS almost never works, because power cuts are so rare that when they happen, the UPS is already broken
14:28 topi`> what's the usual size for the SPL in i.mx6? I'm trying to take a shasum to compare where the bits went wrong (we have one HB that doesn't boot, doesn't even show the 2 lines of text on UART from spl)
14:29 topi`> Ke: sounds like some very obscure DRAM problem you're seeing
14:29 topi`> I think I've also seen that, maybe once or twice?
14:29 topi`> then I compiled my own mv-ddr and installed that and since then it has worked
14:31 Ke> it's possible, could be anything else as well
14:31 topi`> our process of flashing the HBs seems to be completely broken. We consistently end up with boards that do not boot at all.
14:31 Ke> I have tried about 10 different bootloader configs and they all fail the same way
14:31 topi`> maybe should try to place the emmc chip into reset to see if it accepts usb-otg
14:32 topi`> Ke: that sounds frustrating, or rather, as they say, business as usual for the poor early adopter
14:32 Ke> sure
14:32 Ke> if I could be sure the hw is not broken, it would be completely fine
14:32 topi`> well if it "mostly works", then they just tell you the HW is okay :)
14:33 topi`> and anything that is only occasional behaviour, is of course blamed on the software
14:33 topi`> I worked for Nokia in the dark past, and that's how it always was :D
14:33 jnettlet[m]> hey guys. Sorry I am traveling today so a bit on and off
14:33 topi`> lay the blame on the SW guys
14:34 jnettlet[m]> topi`: how are you loading SPL?
14:34 topi`> eFuses at 0x1020 IIRC
14:34 jnettlet[m]> luckily SR is not responsible for mv_ddr.
14:35 jnettlet[m]> but we have recently uncovered an issue with the mainline mv_ddr vs Marvell's u-boot for the a38x
14:35 jnettlet[m]> so I am trying to track that down.
14:35 jnettlet[m]> topi`: and you are setting the active boot hardware partition via the mmc interface?
14:36 topi`> how does that happen? all I know is the same SPL code works if we write it to a SD card instead
14:37 topi`> oh, you mean the mmcblk2bootx devices
14:37 topi`> we don't use those
14:37 jnettlet[m]> so you are just writing to the raw mmcblk0 device?
14:37 topi`> we've managed to clone HB installations by just reading /dev/mmcblk2 with dd and writing it onto a new device, and it boots
14:37 topi`> yes
14:38 topi`> I think it does load the SPL from emmc, but then that SPL tries to load UBOOT from SDcard and we have to place a properly formatted SD card into the slot
14:38 topi`> s/formatted/prepared/
14:39 jnettlet[m]> oh wait. which u-boot are you using? You are probably missing the mmc hotplug detection patch.
14:39 topi`> something I downloaded from the repos
14:40 topi`> on the jessie repo there were the spl + uboot files
14:40 topi`> jnettlet[m]: can you prepare us a shell script you would use for prepping a blank HB for emmc boot?
14:41 topi`> if we get that to work, it would mean one less woe for us
14:42 jnettlet[m]> topi`: I will need to check with Artox on that. I am not 100% sure which build that is.
14:44 jnettlet[m]> topi`: yes but it won't happen until Wed. All day tomorrow I am at a customers. If I get settled in Paris early enough tonight and the wifi and/or LTE doesn't suck I will put something together. I think I have 1 unfused SOM travelling with me :)
14:47 jnettlet[m]> hope that all made it through. The airport wifi just gave up on me.
15:09 topi`> ok
15:09 topi`> but, anyhow, my point was that we have successfully booted with that binary, and even deployed the pilot project with that, but now writing that same image to a new board gave us a dead silence on the serial line...
20:10 Artox> jnettlet[m], topi` as to imx6 emmc boot: I have two problems at this point: something breaks when booting stretch, and jessie is missing libfdisk (which I use for the new filesystem expansion script)
20:11 Artox> and, of course, passing root=UUID to kernel on jessie. I guess I can make it happen, I was hoping to skip it altogether for jessie and throw away my image building code.
20:14 Artox> u-boot age is April 6.
20:15 Artox> it is same as HEAD here:
20:16 Artox> not imx6-next!