IRC log of #cubox of Tue 22 May 2018. All times are in CEST < Back to index

15:31 Ke> jnettlet[m]: btw. claims to be shipping iMX 8M devkits
15:32 Ke> jnettlet[m]: btw. any chance of getting more ram for the new cubox
15:49 jnettlet[m]> Ke: we will support 4GB, but not right away
15:51 jnettlet[m]> right now RAM prices are ridiculously so the cost really stacks up.
15:52 jnettlet[m]> I am a bit concerned about their choice of the is definitely not the lowest power of chips.
15:52 bencoh> well, iMX8X hasn't been released yet, so ...
15:53 Ke> I have a phone with quad a53, works ok
15:53 bencoh> (and at the time they chose imx8m, X wasn't even in preprod phase)
15:53 jnettlet[m]> they would be smart to implement an eDP screen with panel self refresh support
15:53 jnettlet[m]> I am also wondering how they are doing power over USB-C, since the SOC's implementation doesn't support it. They must be using a third party arbiter
15:54 jnettlet[m]> the iMX8X is even higher powered
15:54 jnettlet[m]> the performance of the iMX8M is quite nice so far. But you are talking about a device up in the 6-8W range
15:54 bencoh> the question is "how does it behave when idling"
15:55 jnettlet[m]> definitely not even close to the same power numbers as the iMX6
15:55 bencoh> seriously? :/
15:55 jnettlet[m]> although I still need to test the latest kernel which does have some power savings improvements according to NXP
15:55 bencoh> and there I thought imx6 was really bad at idling
15:56 bencoh> (compared to imx7, imx6 is pretty bad, afai could tell)
15:56 bencoh> (when talking about idle/suspend)
15:57 jnettlet[m]> depends what you are doing. like I posted the iMX6 is idling with about 80-90mA power screen
15:57 jnettlet[m]> suspend I have an iMX6S on a HB-Pro with the power LED removed and my Suspend to RAM is 19mA
15:58 Ke> they actually said they couldn't use iMX 6 due to power use
15:58 bencoh> we reached 10~25mA idling here with no screen on imx7
15:58 jnettlet[m]> idle on that board is under half a watt
15:58 bencoh> (10~25mA @3.7V)
15:59 jnettlet[m]> with wifi and bt on?
15:59 bencoh> no, wifi/bt is much more needy here
16:00 bencoh> once the wifi driver is inserted (or once the wifi interface is up, don't remember), core/bus start working at a higher freq
16:00 jnettlet[m]> yeah with the wilink8 all my numbers are with wifi/bt enabled
16:00 bencoh> so it'll reach 60~80
16:02 jnettlet[m]> so actually right about where the iMX6S/DL is right now.
16:02 bencoh> if what you're saying about 8m is true, then I'm a bit disappointed
16:03 bencoh> the true difference between 6s/dl and 7/7d is the possibility to run at really low core/bus freq (but then you can't much of the peripherals, if any)
16:05 bencoh> (and the fact that they separated more clocks / clock sources from each other)
16:05 bencoh> (as far as I remember)
16:07 jnettlet[m]> well and no GPU
16:07 jnettlet[m]> just the PXP engine
16:09 bencoh> yeah
16:10 bencoh> right, we didn't use it anyway, so ... :)
16:13 jnettlet[m]> although I have been playing around with the TI configuration options. They have a power saving AP mode where you can limit the broadcast duty cycle. So 50% etc. I have't seen how much it shaves off the power consumption when idle
16:14 bencoh> TI?
16:22 jnettlet[m]> Texas Instruments
16:23 bencoh> yeah, I just didn't understand why you were referring to TI here ... which component is from TI?
16:24 bencoh> (the wifi module?)
16:33 jnettlet[m]> the Wifi/BT
16:33 jnettlet[m]> our Rev 1.5 som switched to the Wilink8
16:34 bencoh> ah
17:22 Ke> now I got wired internet back, perhaps I could try the rmk's tree again
17:25 Ke> definitely linux-4.16 (debian) does not allow 1G connection to work even with ethtool setting -s eth1 speed 1000 duplex full autoneg off
17:36 jnettlet[m]> Ke: yeah bootlin did a fairly good job breaking Armada support in the 4.16 release.
17:36 Ke> perhaps, has not worked for me ever
17:36 Ke> but only tested twice
17:38 jnettlet[m]> well rmk is still waiting for Bootlin to finish the patch series that they claim they have, so he doesn't have to keep rebasing his work.
17:38 jnettlet[m]> it has only taken 2 years to this point, what is another 2-3 releases
17:50 Ke> but only tested twice
17:50 Ke> sorry