IRC log of #cubox of Thu 09 May 2019. All times are in CEST < Back to index

16:33 dbf> Hello
16:35 dbf> Trying to boot a hummingboard pro with a imx6 dual som but without emmc memory seems there is no path in uboot to do that
16:40 jnettlet> dbf: which u-boot are you using?
16:41 dbf> 2018.01 imx6 git branch
16:42 jnettlet> okay, so that should be testing if emmc is present, and if it isn't it should set the some variant to be non-emmc
16:42 jnettlet> do you have a u-boot command prompt on a serial console?
16:43 dbf> yes seen it in the source, but got only black screen with old jessie image with 2015 uboot got picture and kernel errors about the emmc
16:44 dbf> maybe this configuration never exists, i think hb was always with a som with emmc
16:44 jnettlet> dbf: yes the old u-boot didn't have a way to detect if an emmc was present. I found a workaround for it and it is in the 2018.01 branches and mainline
16:45 jnettlet> do you need to use jessie? I would recommend using our stretch images
16:46 dbf> i would use a strech image but the stretch images dont work in this combination, only blackscreen no boot
16:46 jnettlet> dbf: give me a couple of minutes. I will put together that combination and test.
16:47 dbf> oh cool thanks :D
16:47 jnettlet> you have a 1.3 SOM with the Broadcom wireless?
16:47 dbf> yes
16:48 dbf> with one antenne output
16:48 dbf> must be the v1.3
16:49 dbf> oh my wrong is v1.5
16:49 jnettlet> it has the silver TI wireless on it?
16:50 dbf> some silver WL18MOD next to socket
16:51 jnettlet> yep. that is 1.5. We haven't sold a lot of those without eMMC
16:51 jnettlet> I think I modded one for testing though. Let me look in my cases
16:52 dbf> my fault there is a emmc 8g KLM8G IC is here
16:53 dbf> sometimes better look under heatsink before writing
16:53 jnettlet> dbf: okay then you do have an emmc
16:56 jnettlet> regardless I just remembered that most likely your problem is that by default the stretch image does not come with a bootloader installed. We started to have so many boot options that we made it a second step. I just checked and our documentation is not very clear about that. I will fix that over the weekend :\
16:57 jnettlet> regardless. If you have an sdhc with stretch flashed onto it, you just need to add u-boot
16:57 jnettlet> follow steps 5 and 6 on this page, of course changing the target device to whatever the sdhc card is on your host PC.
16:58 dbf> ok, in the image doesnt contain the bootloader anymore, i must flash SPL and uboot after it
16:58 jnettlet> We have realized this is a bit tedious and are working on automating our image generation.
16:59 dbf> i think i tried it yesterday and wondering about the different types of SPL and uboot files
17:00 dbf> but try it now one time
17:01 jnettlet> you can see they are named for the target device in
17:01 jnettlet> let me know how it goes, and I can get you a working image. I will take this into account when re-writing the documentation
17:03 dbf> so sdhc is for external sd i think
17:04 jnettlet> correct
17:06 dbf> nop, dont boot
17:25 dbf> tried everything from start : xz -dc sr-imx6-debian-stretch-cli-20180916.img.xz | dd of=/dev/sdd bs=4M conv=fsync
17:25 dbf> dd if=spl-imx6-sdhc.bin of=/dev/sdd bs=1k seek=1; sync
17:26 dbf> dd if=u-boot-imx6-sdhc.img of=/dev/sdd bs=1k seek=69; sync
17:26 dbf> but dont work
17:26 dbf> sdd is my sdcard
17:44 jnettlet> and you don't have a serial console. Only HDMI?
17:44 jnettlet> I will test
17:44 dbf> in the moment yes
17:45 jnettlet> okay. I have the hardware here
18:05 dbf> any success ??
18:05 jnettlet> dbf: odd I replicated everything here and it booted as expected. What is even more curious is that you aren't getting any HDMI output. That should be enabled whenever the second stage of u-boot is run
18:06 dbf> yes thats my thought too
18:06 jnettlet> but this device boots fine with the older image right?
18:06 jnettlet> and I assume it is fused to boot from SDHC
18:06 dbf> yes with a jessie image it boots
18:07 dbf> hmm it didnt fuse it
18:08 dbf> IMX6U5DVM10 is the dual core or ?
18:08 jnettlet> oh, then it may be falling back to recovery mode. We didn't have this functionality in the old u-boot yet so I believe it used to just try MMC
18:09 jnettlet> Let me try and build you a quick hack for SPL, and see if that works for you
18:23 jnettlet> dbf: hmmm I am replicating this but my patch isn't working. I will have to come back to this in a bit. I can get something working for you. Thanks for reporting the bug
18:23 dbf> no i have to thanks for the help