IRC log of #cubox of Wed 26 Jun 2019. All times are in CEST < Back to index

06:51 jnettlet> Exaga: finally back home. I have looked briefly at the new Pi-4. It seems like the same broadcom chip with bigger cores and slightly improved GPU.
06:52 jnettlet> They aren't really varying the capabilities of the platform, and dual mini-HDMI is just a problem waiting to happen. To keep that Pi price point they are really having to make sacrifices.
07:03 jnettlet> As for 4GB of memory. We haven't found many customers that require it. We don't aim to be a general desktop computer.
07:04 jnettlet> Of course we support it on boards like the ClearFog GT 8K, and new HoneyComb but there we are aiming for much high capabilities.
07:14 Exaga> jnettlet: good morning
07:15 Exaga> ignore me please I'm prejudice and biased towards solidrun
07:15 jnettlet> Exaga: morning. No problem, we value all our customers.
07:16 Exaga> i have preconceived opinions because rabeeh loves slackware and rpi trading won't even mention it by name!
07:16 jnettlet> Personally my bigger concern with the Pi series of computers are that they are more just becoming a huge e-waste generator.
07:16 Exaga> and if you think that's shallow, so be it but that's how it is
07:16 Exaga> jnettlet: you have not got enough hours in the day to discuss this with me lol
07:16 Exaga> hahahaha
07:16 Exaga> but yes i agree to some extent
07:17 jnettlet> It is great to have a device that is cheap and you can get it into peoples hands for education. However they need to keep selling and the revisions cause the old ones to just become a toss away.
07:17 Exaga
07:19 Exaga> the rpi has cornered the market
07:19 Exaga> let's face it
07:19 Exaga> they could produce a load of crap and it would sell
07:19 Exaga> i cite the rpi zero as a prime example
07:20 jnettlet> For cheap computers absolutely. However many of our customers have developed their product based on the Pi and then realized they couldn't really use it in production. They have no longevity guarantees, nothing in the industrial temperature range etc.
07:20 Exaga> costs $5 to buy the zero and $20-30 for all the cables etc
07:21 Exaga> jnettlet: cheap (and nasty). i remember in Feb 2012 when the rpi (1) was released, the technology was already 'out of date' so to speak, but anyway...
07:22 Exaga> we could be here all day :>
07:22 jnettlet> Exaga: well that is another story. I don't even want to start on my diatribe of how many OSS developer man hours were wasted on optimizing a basically dead chip architecture.
07:22 Exaga> have you asked rabeeh, atai, and/or kossay if they need a teab-boy yet?
07:23 Exaga> tea-boy*
07:23 jnettlet> I will bring it up in the next meeting.
07:23 Exaga> or a gopher, or a doorman, or a cauffeur
07:23 Exaga 07:23 * Exaga is a great driver!
07:23 Exaga> haha :D
07:23 jnettlet> Good to know
07:23 Exaga> i'm just joking with u :P
07:24 Exaga> as u are with me :>
07:24 Exaga> just been turned down for a linux administrator's job
07:24 Exaga> would have been nice but i think they gave it to someone in-house
07:25 Exaga> what i'm finding is, nobody likes it when SLackware is mentioned
07:25 jnettlet> Sorry to hear that. going up against internal employees is always difficult
07:25 Exaga> it's like some Indiana Jones ancient relic which noone understands
07:26 Exaga> jnettlet: it's life.
07:26 jnettlet> It was the first version of Linux I tried, way back when
07:26 Exaga> it's mostly Ubuntu and CentOS that companies run i'm finding
07:27 Exaga> yes it's the oldest currently maintained linux distro
07:27 Exaga> older than debian by only 2 months
07:27 Exaga> and doesn't run systemd <3
07:28 jnettlet> I think Ubuntu and CentOS / RHEL is pretty accurate.
07:29 Exaga> yes RHEL too
07:29 Exaga> and AWS :D
07:29 Exaga> so how was your trip? go anywhere nice?
07:35 Exaga> or was it business? :/
08:09 jnettlet> Exaga: sorry I got distracted by coffee
08:09 jnettlet> I was down in Israel working on the HoneyComb LX2K
08:09 jnettlet> among other things
08:11 Exaga> very cool :D
08:12 Exaga> i had a daydream about starting a kickstarter fund raiser to afford a honeycomb lol
10:22 Exaga> jnettlet: what are your concerns over the dual microHDMI ports on the rpi 4?
10:23 Exaga> i can see by design they are not secured to the circuit board as well as the old HDMI port
10:23 Exaga> i bet if you had an accident and were unlucky they'd break quite easy
10:51 jnettlet> Exaga: yeah they don't mount to the PCB as well. That and the cables tend to be bigger and heavier to support 4K resolutions. It won't take many plug / unplug events, or the board getting wiggled back and forth for them to get ripped off
10:52 jnettlet> due to space restrictions we will have one on the next HB Pulse...and it took a lot of review before we found one that we thought was even close to reliable, and you aren't using that connector on a $35 board
10:53 Exaga> agreed
16:33 EmilKarlson> jnettlet: do you have any word on the blobbiness of the new nxp supercomputers?
16:35 EmilKarlson> and whether solid run will ship then secure boot unfused?
16:35 jnettlet> Emil Karlson: currently 2. One is for the DDR4 initialization and calibration. The other is for the High speed Network fabric.
16:35 EmilKarlson> them
16:35 jnettlet> of course you can do whatever you want with the device.
16:35 jnettlet> This is NXP still, not Qualcom
16:36 EmilKarlson> thanks
16:36 jnettlet> They are releasing the reference manual as well
16:36 jnettlet> We had a call with the NXP team last week and made that a hard requirement
16:37 EmilKarlson> do you know, whether peopleare working on mcbin/a8080 dram ecc support?
16:37 jnettlet> FYI if you want to start poking around the BSP is published under the qoriq project on They just released a new BSP a couple of days ago
16:38 jnettlet> Emil Karlson: what is wrong with the ECC support? I have a 16GB stick running here
16:38 EmilKarlson> afaik ECC is not used, even if you have it
16:39 EmilKarlson> at least there were todo comments on mv-ddr iirc
16:39 jnettlet> The key is you need to have ECC unbuffered memory
16:39 jnettlet> registered ECC memory will not work
16:40 EmilKarlson> yes, I do, it works, but I dont know, whether it works
16:40 EmilKarlson> as in works normally, but I don't know whether ecc is utilized
16:44 EmilKarlson> mv_ddr4_mpr_pda_if.c: /* skip ecc supbhy; TODO: check to add support for ecc */
17:01 jnettlet> Emil Karlson: That is for reading the MPR register. I believe that todo is for enabling reading the ECC status bits from the memory.
17:12 jnettlet> although it does look like the ECC error interrrupts are not being handled anywhere