IRC log of #cubox of Sat 27 Jul 2019. All times are in CEST < Back to index

13:45 jnettlet> Exaga: sorry to hear about that. That is always one of those chicken and egg situations that I have never understood when hiring, but a lot of it has to do more with procedural and best practices vs technical ability.
13:45 jnettlet> I would always much rather find someone that is young and more enthusiastic and mold them to my companies procedures
13:46 jnettlet> Experience used to be more important with closed source software because it was expensive to have access to resources to learn those systems. With OSS and Linux that just isn't really an issue any longer.
13:48 Exaga> jnettlet: thanks. :>
13:49 Exaga> i think they need someone who knows their systems better than i
13:49 Exaga> and it's all centos/redhat
13:49 Exaga> and i very rarely use CTRL+Z because i'm mostly on command line
14:12 vpeter> CTRL-Z is for command line use right?
14:15 Exaga> vpeter: you tell me lol
14:15 Exaga> i never use it
14:15 Exaga> i thought it was for jobs on hold i nthe background on linux desktop
14:29 jnettlet> yeah ctrl+z suspends a running process
14:30 jnettlet> you can then use bg to have that process continue running in the background similar to if you started the command with & after it
14:30 vpeter> Control-Z suspends the most recent foreground process (the last process to interact with the tty) (unless that process takes steps to ignore suspension, like shells normally do). This will generally bring you back to your shell, from which you can generally enter the command bg to move the just-suspended process to the background (letting it continue to run) or fg to bring it back to the foreground.
14:31 vpeter> I'm not using it. Have bunch of terminal windows opened :)
14:31 vpeter> But I have a co-worker who used it a lot.
14:32 Exaga> jnettlet: interesting
14:32 Exaga> thanks vpeter i will work on it
14:33 Exaga> i use 'screen' and haven't ever used CTRL+Z for this
14:33 vpeter> Anyway, this should not be a reason for not getting a job :)
14:33 jnettlet> I use it all the time
14:33 vpeter> Tell us the use case.
14:33 Exaga> vpeter: between you, me, jnettlet and the rest of SolidRun, i think it was because of
14:34 Exaga> and that's corporate politics
14:34 Exaga> jnettlet: then i will bug you about CRTL+Z :D
14:35 Exaga> vpeter: the other point was that i could not explain to their satisfaction what an inode was
14:36 Exaga> i told them "it's a name for something that's always existed which i do not know the description of"
14:36 vpeter> Yes, I read.
14:36 Exaga> lol
14:36 vpeter> You should tell them something like that "I leave that to operating system" :)
14:37 Exaga> vpeter: as i said, there's politics involved and my guess is that they used the "not enough experience" to reject my application
14:37 Exaga> which is a good thing because i get to work on things like
14:38 vpeter> 2 your favorite things :)
14:38 Exaga> haha
14:38 Exaga> i just want to try and motivate people
14:39 Exaga> i'm not complaining here when i say that most linux users don't want to learn
14:39 Exaga> they want you to do it for them and save them from spending the time and effort learning it themselves
14:39 Exaga> well that's not going to make slackware aarch64 happen any faster
14:40 Exaga> so this is an attempt to consolidate some serious interest in aarch64
14:40 Exaga> for slackware
14:42 jnettlet> Exaga: If you are looking for corporate jobs I would definitely recommend you start playing around with CentOS. They have ARM and ARM64 variants that are well supported
14:42 Exaga> jnettlet: thank you. that's good advice
14:43 Exaga> i have a system at home specifically for that reason and purpose
14:43 Exaga> centos 7
14:43 jnettlet> Additionally We have actually invested in having work done to make their Cockpit Web administration less cloud centric and more embedded centric
14:43 Exaga> it's a x86 intel atom with 2GB DDR3 RAM
14:43 Exaga> 1.8GHz CPU i think
14:43 jnettlet> adding things like additional docker options, wifi setup, and openvpn integration
14:44 Exaga> yes the cloud is becoming annoying
14:44 Exaga> the "cloud"
14:46 Exaga> all these companies that run from the cloud scare me
14:46 Exaga> i'e heard some say "we're could based so we will always be here!"
14:47 Exaga> i like my data on MY storage device where i know where it is and only i can get my hands on it
14:48 jnettlet> well I am way into right now. Working on using it to better connect our various offices
14:48 Exaga> jnettlet: that's really cool. hope it goes well
18:35 Exaga> jnettlet: what's the difference between using screen and ctrl+z on the command line?
18:54 Exaga> i'm testing with it, and the job stops when it's not in the foreground
18:54 Exaga> when i put the job into the background my screen switches to it.
18:54 Exaga> so unless i'm looking at the job it doesn't run
18:55 Exaga> alternatively when i use 'screen' the job runs perfectly and i can detach and do other things
18:56 vpeter> With screen your jobs will keep running when terminal window closes. But bg jobs with ctr-z got killed.
18:56 Exaga> so... ctrl+Z is pretty useless?
18:57 vpeter> Probably not :-) jnettlet wrote that he uses it.
18:57 Exaga> maybe on desktop it's cool
18:57 vpeter> why desktop?
18:57 Exaga
18:58 vpeter> I asked him but he didn't reply :(
18:58 Exaga> busy guy. no rush
18:58 vpeter> Maybe he press ctrl-z and got in background :-)
19:34 Exaga> that'll depend on the shell