To be fair, this site now runs on a virtual private server. It used to run on a SheevaPlug, a small plug computer with a 1.2 GHz ARM processor, and 512MB RAM memory. Even with the virtual private server, it still runs on the minimum configuration, with just 256MB RAM memory. All settings described in this blog for optimisation on a low-end web server are still used on the virtual private server. The SheevaPlug is still in use at home as a NAS server. Besides the SheevaPlug, I also have a small CuBox as an XBMC media centre, running the GeeXboX distribution.
The virtual private server runs Debian wheezy. The following software is used:
- lighttpd (web server)
- WordPress (blog software)
- RoundCube (webmail)
The SheevaPlug still acts as a NAS, mail server, DLNA server, and music server. It also runs Debian wheezy, and
- TwonkyMedia (DLNA server)
- Squeezebox server (play music in Squeezebox Touch)
- Dovecot (imap server)

Last, the CuBox acts as a XBMC media centre, using
- XBMC using the GeeXboX distribution (nightly version)