
A CuBox is a small ARM computer build by SolidRun.  CuBox-iInformation about the CuBox and its successor CuBox -i are available on SolidRun’s web site, the forums, and the wiki.

However, a lot of things are discussed on the IRC channel. This channel is primarily aimed at developers, but a lot of useful information for end-users is also shared there. Because not every one might be following the the IRC channel all the time, I have set up a public archive of everything that goes on on the channel. This archive stretches back to July 2012.

The full archive can be viewed at There is a page for each day. Pages are grouper per month. All times are in Central European time (UTC+1, or UTC+2 during daylight savings time). You can use the search function to perform a search of the complete archive using a Google search.

There are also Android images available for CuBox-i.